Titanfall 2 - Pilot Tier list

Published 2023-05-21
All the Pilots in titanfall have their own quirks and Here is me judging them from S to F Tier.

My takes are a little spicy but hang tight I swear I have a point

this vidoe was just chilling in my to upload folder for almost a year now so i spruced it up and hopefully it is still good enough to post so here it is i hope you enjoy

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All Comments (21)
  • Phase shouldnt be used as an escape, it should be used as a reposition. If you take major damage from an enemy behind you, then you can pop phase shift, run backwards for a bit and then kill the enemy in the back while they’re wondering why you havent appeared yet. They never expect it
  • @pilkers2
    It’s funny how the holo pilot ability is significantly more useful than Mirages decoys in Apex legends, despite the decoys being basically the same mechanic but with more things added to it
  • @Zenek7274
    I like Grapple for weird micromovements and big slingshots with double jump. Best peice of advice is just don't let yourself go in a straight line when being pulled. For that reason, I don't grapple without my double jump super often. I can understand why some people don't like it, as it takes a lot to learn and is a lot slower to start up than stim.
  • @thechads7900
    Bro the fact that this guyd maneged to get multiple executions in mid-aur in one video is fucking insane, im gen 9 and ive never done that once
  • @ColinCyborg
    As a pulse main, I tend to use the ability in tandem with my radar. The idea is to see where a group of enemies lie, and then be able to see each individual enemy in that specific location with the pulse blade. Also, there are a surprising amount of people that don't use map hack when in the game. It also compliments my electric smoke so I could throw that down and see where my enemies are through it.
  • For me grapple is my favourite ability to use when in a 1v1 situation because when used for short grapples, the grapple essentially becomes a dash ability so you can Neo circles around the enemy team. Also slingshotting is just superior sorry not sorry
  • I use pulse due to eye problems im pretty bad at spotting enemys they blend in for me so having that spot every few seconds is so helpful for me
  • @VeraVemaVena
    I'm a Pulse Blade main who isn't good enough to consistently get kills with the blade itself, and I use it simply for the awareness it provides. Being able to see how many pilots are in the area and where they are allows you to get an advantageous position with ease. Whether it be just waiting around the corner and firing at them the instant they appear, or sneaking your way to an angle they're not expecting and gun them down while they're looking elsewhere. Also, I'm blind as a bat. Even with Titanfall generously highlighting enemy pilots, I still struggle to see and track them. Being able to just throw down the pulse blade and look at the radar makes things easier for me.
  • @dankblissey6162
    I just love grapple, makes the game into a military shooter version of attack on titan and its just the most fun ability imo. Dunno about its effectiveness but in titanfall im all about what feels the most fun to use
  • @Sketchy_Airlines
    A-wall is so funny to watch make people mad, I just run around with a g2 and a wall, place it down, and watch these dudes run straight at me, before they get melee'd and scream in chat about how "broken" A-wall is. sure, it's annoying if your camping, but if you're just going to run straight at the person it's kinda your fault for dying.
  • @rick-wo9wj
    actually a wall is a B since it's a misunderstood class, u should play it as ppl doesn't expect u will be using it, as example: u could use it when there's sweaty players with cars or smgs or shotguns that are just being annoying, grab a wall and once u engage them just deploy ur shield in their face and they will not be able to kill u, just run or outmanuver you. other situation is that if u r being engage deploy ur shield and u will win the fight. a a wall is great in those situations when the enemy forces are just too sweaty and u need a tactical advantage. at least i use it like that and works a bunch so :p. besides i use to counter tryhards and kraber nerds so yea, good gadget.
  • @kapitanD
    A in a-wall stands for agressive in my book. I just use a mozambique, and put the cover up when I see somebody - for amplification. Very fun
  • @cooldog8580
    I feel like A-Wall can be amazing if you just use it for hit and run or keepimg yourself safe whne turning a corner, or just quickly blitzing enemies. You just got jumped by one or multiple enemy pilots and NEED to kill them quick? Slap down A-Wall and turn them into a red paste, then hit the dash to wherever you gotta be so badly. Don't feel confident approaching a certain sightline? Slap down A-Wall and slide behind it to see if its safe, then proceed as needed. Need to deal big damage to an enemy titan fast? Slap A-Wall in a doorway and laser down the titan with a charge rifle. Its so much more than a camping tool and I wish more people understood that.
  • @domidoodoo
    Wow Holo Pilot not being the lowest tier? That’s a miracle!
  • For me grapple is high A - low S. You can reach speeds like with stim or grav star but more often plus you can access many more places (to spitfire camp on high ground for example)
  • As a Cloak Pilot main, I use that one skill that hides your jump kit’s boost fire from titans. (Please forgive me for forgetting the specifics of it) It makes you pretty much unseeable, and therefore leaves you feeling some nice accomplishment due to now having hundreds of titan kills. I think the Cloak gives up it’s potential to join in on the pilot tactical cat fight in order to take on titans, it’s definitely got pros and cons cause of that. BUT, for sure a great pilot class to use in Frontier Defense, especially when doing nuke rodeos.
  • @sivel7493
    You take grenades with Cloak, it lets you get maximum of 3 kills before your cloak goes out and it's bloody amazing. It's a combo made in heaven. It's definitely not JUST a titan-terror. Of course you need to be wall-running and position yourself properly cuz the cloak's still visible for the most parts but when you're above enemies cooking up a grenade while cloaked, it's usually not an issue.
  • @papahemmy8587
    Invis may not be the most powerful pilot, but my goodness the satisfaction from running up to someone and blowing them up a satchel never gets old.
  • @user-bw1gk9sd6u
    Personally I like to use a-wall with the smr. The speed and ease with which it melts titans is disgusting and it activates my neurones. Then again, I just like the smr in general.
  • @Anakinvoorhees
    I hate when I know it’s a hologram but my brain still makes me shoot it anyway