Is your French better than theirs ? Reacting to celebs speaking French 🇫🇷

Published 2022-10-18
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Dans cette vidéo, j’analyse le français de Emma Watson, Bradley Cooper, Shakira, Johnny Depp et même Timothée Chalamet !
Ils parlent tous très bien mais font quelques petites erreur qu’on va corriger dans cette vidéo !

In this video, I’m analyzing the French of you favorite stars : Emma Watson, Bradley Cooper, Shakira, Johnny Depp et même Timothée Chalamet!
They all speak really well but they make a few mistakes that we’re going to correct together in this video!

0:00 Introduction
01:00 Emma Watson
03:20 Bradley Cooper
05:42 Shakira
09:10 Johnny Depp
11:07 Timothée Chalamet
14:32 S

All Comments (21)
  • @leacohen9314
    Je suis française, je sais pas pourquoi YouTube m'a proposé cette vidéo mais... wow j'ai tellement d'admiration pour les gens qui apprennent notre langue. C'est tellement mignon aussi. Je trouve que tu expliques super bien. Notamment pour la faute de Shakira sur le verbe "recevoir", tu as très bien expliqué, je n'aurais jamais compris que c'est parce que c'était un verbe irrégulier. C'est super de savoir expliquer comme tu le fais, tes élèves ont de la chance, et tu m'as tellement capitvée que j'ai regardé la vidéo en entier et j'ai laissé un commentaire 😂👏👏
  • @shezgill
    I haven't heard this much French since 2008. I'm surprised I still understood about 80% of the words and 85% of the context of this video. It's probably because you speak slow enough to easily hear every word. Thank you! I feel a bit more motivated to refresh my French, even though I will never use it.
  • When I went to France, I did the same thing timothee did where I switched to English for words I didn't know. People understood 😄
  • @dougdina
    If I can be honest, I find it extraordinary that anyone can speak multiple languages. I am struggling so much right now. I moved to France from the US 11 months ago. I am 62 and I only know English. So, when I see these people COMPREHENDING and speaking so well, it is extraordinary… to me. I hope that I will comprehend oral after 3 years but that seems unlikely. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and helping the rest of us.
  • @Rubystein
    I'm definitely going to recommend your videos to my French students - you speak so clearly and more slowly than one would normally, so this is perfect
  • @cindyn3642
    Je suis française mais j'ai tout regardé, c'est normal ? 😂😂 Très bonnes explications je pense que c'est très clair 😊
  • Je suis Américain et je suis très fier de notre Secrétaire d'Etat (chef de la diplomatie américaine) Antony Blinken qui parle français si bien, presque parfaitement en fait. Il a fait ses études en France je crois. Bien qu'il ne soit ni vedette de cinéma ni chanteur je trouve que cela vaudrait la peine d'analyser son français dans une prochaine vidéo.
  • @loveestel
    I’m a student who is trying to learn french and all I can say is that these videos are REALLY HELPFUL!! For grammar rules and just hearing more french. Merci beaucoup!!
  • @carjohnsxn
    I may not be able to actually speak French even after 6 years of "learning" it at school, but at least I can say I somewhat understood most of the video without subtitles
  • @Hadrianus01
    Tes explications sont vraiment claires ! Merci beaucoup 🙂
  • @morganehamon
    Je suis française mais tes vidéos et ta bienveillance me relaxe énormément haha C’est vraiment top ce que tu fais, bravo!
  • @donkeycraft5
    Je suis belge, j'ai kiffe la vidéo. Ça m'a été proposé dans mes recommandations, je sais pas pourquoi j'ai commencé à regarder. Vachement intéressant, si je pouvais avoir quelqu'un comme toi pour le coréen ce serait insane. Continue dans cette voie, on ressent la passion et la patience.
  • Je suis espagnol et j'ai deux passions, la musique classique et la culture française. Ton français est excelent, très clair et j'aime beaucoup tes explications. Dommage que j'ai mis du temps à te trouver. Merci
  • @GalGavish
    I stumbled across your video by accident and I really enjoyed it. I studied French in school many years ago but forgot most of it and I was shocked that I understood almost everything you said without reading the subtitles. THANK YOU for speaking so clearly and making it so easy to understand you. You’re amazing!
  • La unica forma de aprender un frances de elite es tener una profesora como usted que ayude a los estudiantes a evitar errores desde el principio .Felicitaciones por su trabajo y saludos desde GUATEMALA .
  • @yzwariij
    Wow! This was not at all what I expected. This was very informative and captivating. Even educational in a very relaxed and friendly way. You do it excellently while speaking slowly and clearly, and talking about the grammar thoroughly but concise. You have a familiar and trusting appearance, which made this very easy to watch - and it even made me wanting to pick up my French again. ☺ Merci beacoup !
  • This was really fun and interesting, Elisa. I hope you make it a regular thing. And who knows? If I watch you enough, I might be brave enough to comment in French. 😎
  • @lucya8916
    I would really appreciate a video about how to talk to someone learning your native language and the good advice to help each other.
  • @beachplumb
    I've never understood judging others over foreign language skills. I'm impressed by anybody who can make themselves understood in a language they didn't grow up speaking - whether it's flawless or "broken". At least they're making an effort.
  • Jodie Foster?!? Her French is so perfect that she's the only non French native actress I know able to play a French native! She usually dubbes herself in the French version of her American movies and also played French persons in French movies.