The 4 Types of Indigos!

Published 2017-02-10
#Indigochild #highlysensitiveperson #lightworker

Spiritual Coach Candace van Dell talks about the 4 types of Indigos! Yes we are all here to change the system and heal the world BUT there are also some differences that we carry! We are stronger together!! Below are the links to check out.


12 week online healing program
Healing Emotional Wounds & Toxic relationship dynamics
*Private facebook group
*Live talks with me each week!!

*inner work
*toxic relationship dynamics
*self love issues
*inner critic
*attachment issues
*becoming whole
*heal your life
- Live q&a's
- private facebook community
- video lessons
- healing techniques
- guided meditations
- writing exercises
- journaling

SOUL SNACK 20 (5 minute meditations)

THE INNER WORK (group coaching)
If one on one coaching is not in your budget, join one of my amazing groups
We meet every week and we dive deep! Can't wait to see you there!

TRUTH ROOM TRIBE (Monthly Membership)
Join my tribe of like minded people who are going through this journey together.
- Weekly Live Q&A’s (mega support system)
- Guided meditations
- Spiritual tools and lessons
- Exclusive video’s (not on youtube)
- Community discussions between members
- Discounts on courses etc.
- Holistic focus on all areas of life
- Astrological guidance
- Self awareness, healing narc abuse, codependency, attachment trauma, love addiction, highly sensitive people, emotional wounds, inner child work, shadow work, and so much more!

For more info Email my assistant at [email protected]

Follow Candace on Social Media:
snapchat: Candacevandell

Coaching consultations, Newsletter, FREE sample of book and workshops:

NEW SELF LOVE MASTER CLASS (owning your indigo nature)

SOUL LAB eCOURSE (Return to the True Authentic Self & step into higher purpose)

Spiritual Fitness Workbook


Love you all!


All Comments (21)
  • @MrKratomman
    I don't like being put into a box. ------> every Indigo ever.
  • @MsFutureguy
    I have worked for about 50 years in architecture, remodel and construction. The whole industry is a JOKE... I want to disrupt it all and create a real estate industry that is nature based, with no rents, house payments, or utility bills.
  • @miss_mars931
    even as a very young child I knew I didn't fit in, I asked big questions all the time about the world and life, I didn't understand why we were ok but there were people starving and why we couldn't just give them some of our food, homes, supplies. I always hated the idea of money and war. I couldn't and still can't stand authority and materialistic bullshit or people who can't see anything beyond what they can physically see and touch, people who can't see the world around them for what it is. I even believed in karma and reincarnation before it was really ever explained to me. I believe in something but no specific religion as I think organised religion is a way to control people. I've always been arty, expressive, emotional and fascinated by the secrets of life, death the universe and have had strange recurring Dreams my whole life. Does anyone feel like this? I never speak about how I truly feel because I know there id no use some people just can't understand.
  • @juliejcoats2460
    You missed one .. "The Humanitarian" The Healer, The Peace Keeper, The Emphatic's, The Shamans,
  • @lisaia7877
    catalyst artist type. thin, short, but never fit in and always unintentionally making a mark on people even though Im terrible at socializing.
  • @TigerPaint92
    the Catalyst is mostly me. I've been trying to understand why I dont enjoy going out and why all of these jobs I've had have created anger and frustration with management. people seem to have problems with me on a social level in the workplace. Really trying to get this understood piece by piece, its been a challenge. I dont consider myself an angry person, much more somebody that is assertive and doesnt like to submit to authority, but simply an employee that enjoys working alongside with.
  • @squakrock
    “Catalyst most rare” Comment section- “I’m a catalyst “ “me too” “yeah”
  • can i just say i am SO glad i found your channel? I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and was going to turn to meds. but then i found your positive interpretation - INDIGO! i’m an artist & conceptualist Indigo
  • @bkaye4
    instead of 4 types i think they're traits...i seem to have a bit of all four traits
  • @Mpe898
    I’m an artist and catalyst. I love acting and want to act for a living but at the same time I’m quiet and can feel awkward and not fit in . but when I get to act I feel high and it’s the best feeling in the world for me .
  • @janjelles
    I was told that I am a HSP when I was a little kid, but I’d sort of forgotten or didn’t think too much of it. When I realised that thís is the source of my unhappiness and that there is so much to gain from it I cried of relief. Thank you so much for helping me get out of my depression and to start truly developing myself ❤️❤️❤️
  • I'm definitely a Conceptual-Artist , a perfect mix of the two! I always wonder what category I would fall under weather that be , "starseed" or "indigo" etc.etc. I finally feel completely sure of myself and my spirituality and have found that im so proud to be an Indigo and I wouldn't want it any other way! ♡♡♡ ⭑💫۞🌿✧👽𓂀⭑
  • I am a bit of a conceptualist and a catalyst. I didn't even know that there were 4 types; such an amazing video!
  • @blaze18206
    I'm an artist catalyst, I love to create and find it easy to master anything I focus my attention on. also find it frustrating to be around low vibrational people, labeled anti social and get talked about frequently. but it is a fun experience and sometimes surprising to see how much power is in me. still standing strong and with that warrior spirit. thank you for taking the time to make these videos you have helped me and so many others.
  • @moejaime2654
    I think I am the type of indigo that doen't want to be here anymore !!
  • @00ddub
    Thanks for all the videos Candace, I'm really enjoying your work and, myself having degrees in both philosophy and psychology, I am especially impressed with how clearly you're able to articulate these often very complex and obscure subjects and concepts. Bravo! Personally I think I'm a little bit of a mix of types, but definitely "mostly" a catalyst as I love to (and can't help) stirring the pot. I like to get people out of their mental/emotional comfort zones in hopes that they'll broaden their perspectives a little. Anyway, thanks again for your videos and I look forward to watching more of them.
  • @clarem4930
    Another great video, thank you. I was definitely a humanist in my younger days, and I am still very social but I find myself withdrawing from society more and more since really awakening spiritually. I have less and less in common with people stuck in their dense frequency. x
  • @beam8250
    I'm 💯% humanist! Love this breakdown of indigo personalities. Thanks so much!
  • @aliciamilne2302
    I love that you said paradigm! Indigos are the “paradigm shifters” !❤