Chat with journalist Art Levine on UAP, legislation, political extremism, David Grusch & grifters

Published 2023-11-15
Art Levine's articles in the Washington Spectator:

Spaceship of Fools:

UFO Tales and Witness Credibility Falling Apart After Congressional Hearings:

The 2017 NYT article by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, "Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program":

Jensine Andresen's book Hyperconflation:

Her book Hyperconvergence: Religion, Politics, and UFOs:

Article by Douglas Dean Johnson on the Trinity story, "Crash Story: The Trinity UFO Crash Hoax":

My article about Grusch:

Jeff Knox's Twitter/X profile:

#UFOs #UAP #aliens #DavidGrusch #ArtLevine

All Comments (9)
  • @Paul_G73
    There are no serious researchers who take Skondras seriously. I have no several concerns about the "investigative" portion of Art Levine's work because he heavily relies on well-known UFO critical thinkers and incredible sources, including Micheal Shermer, Mick West, Robert Sheaffer, and Kal Korff. Instead of UFO extremist clowns like Andre Skondras. Who thinks every encounter is aliens. I am of the opinion that Art Levine did well to conduct background checks on those individuals. Michael Shermer is the founder of Sceptic Magazine, which is essentially a sceptical publication. Connection for the CSICOP school of thinking. Shermer has incredible knowledge regarding UFOs. Despite being referred to a visual specialist and noted sceptic, Mick West is actually an analysis with great knowledge. Unlike egotistical UFO extremist Skondras. Who tries to "convert" a few people and believes he is infallible. Robert Sheaffer is also a phenomenal sceptic. And exposed people like Travis Walton the fake. Fact is, he is a well-known sceptic unlike stupid believer Skondras and his ridiculous remarks. Then there is Kal Korff, just a great man and one of the original roswell investigators. And a great intelligent analyst. However, Skondras seriously attacks him, and it's depressing with this UFO extremist. He is a well-known con man, Andre Skondras. I dealt with him in 2023 when fake Roswell UFO promoter Philip Mantle put up a silly UFO photograph. Find Kal has a new girlfriend and moved on. Skondras keeps bringing his ex Melissa Dawn Harris up. For reasons unknown? Find Skondras has even attacked and smeared Kal on YouTube, and frankly, it's creepy. Michael Horn and Andre Skondras are both lunatics and UFO extremists. And Korff's UFOlitics is rather impressive.
  • @RicksterGbot
    Andre Skondras is a UFO Extremist like Jeremy Corbell. ❤ great video Luis Cayetano 👌
  • @dindjarin7185
    Andre Skondras needs to check to a mental hospital before he gets worse. 😂
  • @FakerSkondras
    Skondras is desperate for validation. He’s a beggar in this comment section.
  • @aclockorange
    Hey, look, it's con artist Kal Korff's buddy Art Levine ;)