Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie

Published 2012-12-23
Here, we present the full version of the popular documentary film "Thunderbolts of the Gods," which helped to introduce the world to the Electric Universe in 2006.

High-res version available from Mikamar Publishing:

For a version in Polish see    • PIORUNY BOGÓW -  Thunderbolts of the ...  ; otherwise there are several subtitles available

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All Comments (21)
  • @r1ch4rdw4gn3r
    Rest In Peace Wal Thornhill 😢 thank you for all your contributions to the EU Theory! 🙏🏻
  • I appreciate the appreciation for the intellect of our ancestors. They were obviously intelligent. They laid foundations and survived and we are here because they made it - in often difficult circumstances. They observed and experimented with the world they lived in at the time. The heavens have definitely changed over tens of thousands of years. I'm so glad someone has acknowleged it.
  • @sanskritx
    One of the best docs on cosmology....challenges the conventional model reasonably convincingly!...more importantly makes you question all that's been taught as fact in school & college...! That's why this is so invaluable!...everyone should see this!
  • @curlywolfone
    I watched this movie and was enthralled with it, I’m amazed at how I can watch this movie all the way through and can barely watch others movies, keeping my attention on them for not even three minutes. Keep making these movies fellas, they’re great!
  • @hijoselva
    The lips of wisdom will remain closed to the ears unable to comprehend.
  • @eartrail
    "IF YOU WISH TO UNDERSTAND THE UNIVERSE, Think of Energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola Testa.
  • @SC4RP
    Thank you for a thoughtful, beautiful, fascinating, explanation of the universe. I have a high school education. I am now 71 and college is now my hobby. When my ex was going to college, I use to sneak into classes. My mother had as close to a logical explanation as I have yet found. She told me “You know how when a child learns how to talk their first words were Mama and Dada. Your first words were Why and How.” I will never understand how a person can waist their time playing computer games when there is so, so much to see and learn on the net. Thank You Again PS if you have a mailing list put me on it.
  • WHATTTTT 😳😳😳😳 so we are all part of this enormously large thingy😳
  • I have seen this a few times, and friends, fellow students and kids coming up, take the time to be thankful that Dave, Wal, Susan, and all the rest of the thunderbolts folks are doing this, your getting a free and better education then your getting in schools, and someday your kids will say thank you to you for paying attention and standing up for truth.
  • @vonierpeter1
    Great now i have to play Eddy Grant electric avenue. Prob be in my head all day.
  • @Enl1thened1
    There are still millions maybe trillions, of people in this world think the planet is flat, still! I recently spoke to one, he wanted me locked up for showing him this film, I kid you not! By coming here and enjoying this knowledge YOU are outstanding, a top 1% human, think about that!!
  • @kdavis4910
    I've done a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that you guys were the first to start bringing this out via YouTube channel. It makes sense to me now why another Channel has taken this theory and decided to call it something else to try to make it their own. Lol. It's because you beat them to the punch. That channel cares about views a lot so they post everyday. A very short post and has huge subs because of it.
  • @ageorgeschroder
    I've spent a couple hundred hours now reading Thunderbolts Project books, watching Space News and the other videos, readingThunderblog posts, verifying information, etc and while I've only scratched the surface of this information, I have decided to lend whatever support I can to this project because, in my view, these explanations and explorations of these vitally important matters are eminently reasonable, whereas what i have been taught about things has been confusing and often downright silly... As I boy in the canyons of the Sierra Nevada, it was clear to me that the rivers did not "make" the canyons as I was taught... They just used them because they had the appropriate depth for water to run downhill. In the South Yuba River canyon, for example, the rocks are water worn about thirty feet up from the river and everything above that shows no sign of river erosion. So the river did the bottom thirty feet and something else did the hundreds of feet above that. The only gripe I have with this work is that I often find the music used in the main videos distracting. All in all, thank you folks ever so much...
  • @Korupshenv1
    Extremely amazing and insightful.  You guys are ahead of your time. Keep pushing forward, and challenge everything conventional.
  • @DStrayCat69
    Excellent video :-) I loved every minute of it. I even recognized some people in the conference... Dr. Bruce Lipton and Rupert Sheldrake among others... The subject matter was very clear and concise... to the point. I think it did very well in describing what EU Theory is all about... Well done - both thumbs up :-)
  • @Thundralight
    There also seems to be a memory of dragons in out ancient past that are just blown off as myths. The Korbin bible speaks of an ancient event that occurred in the sky
  • @azeers1975
    Thank you, Mr. Thornhill! You are now a part of the electrical afterlife. I'll be joining you soon 💜
  • @mystic4997
    Very imformative my queston is If the universe is based on electricty Than why am I paying an electric bill each month?
  • Nicholas Klein quote, which is perfectly appropriate for the work of the Electric Universe proponents "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you.”