Whiny grift artist now cares about localizations 🤣🐍

Published 2024-06-05

All Comments (6)
  • What has this world & the internet have become... Why is everybody & everything going downhill & toxic?
  • Tbh I think when these people complain we should turn a blind eye. Not support localization. Just say "But you wanted this".
  • 9:11 this tweet right here is what pisses me off about this people. They'll have pictures of actual trans people(Zombie Land Saga Lily) and have other irrelevant characters next to them. Like Garnet from Steven Universe is a fusion of gay aliens, not trans ailens.
  • @hyperturbofox17
    They may be a good artist but in reality they are a piece of trash as a person. This game should be E10+ or T rated, I'll don't get why Odyssey is E10+ but this is game is E for Everyone for no reasons.