Sir Roger Scruton on Lady Gaga

Published 2019-01-26
Sir Scruton commenting on Lady Gaga's Poker Face. He mentions it is one note and repetitive. However, Gaga would probably defend it by saying it (her whole act) is supposed to be 'gagagaga', as a poker face in musical terms might be perceived as being monotone.
The fact is, what Scruton is saying, can be applied to the whole dumbing down of culture. Analogous and exemplified by his well earned knighthood, and Lady Gaga just claiming the title...
Taken from The Hildebrand Legacy lecture "Beauty in A World of Ugliness" -    • Roger Scruton: Beauty in a World of U...  

The Jordan Peterson tag is just in the hope that the many watching his videos will graduate onto Roger Scruton's teaching.

All Comments (21)
  • That moment you realise, Sir Roger Scruton knows the name of a metal band that you've never heard of.
  • @antielite5379
    This is so profound - “to get there you’ve got to go through this thing which frightens them, and that thing is silence’. Man isn’t that the truth
  • “Proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you have always known.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune
  • @bluesque9687
    The first time i heard Sir Roger Scruton, i was an immediate convert because he strikes down the thick and tenacious cobwebs of our age with a machete and shows us beauty again. Rest in Peace, Sir Roger Scruton. We miss you and we treasure your work.
  • @hausacat
    In the longevity stakes. The money is obviously on Bach.
  • @LukeFaulkner
    I know which I’d prefer in a nightclub. Bach. BMV 889 is my jam.
  • @p3r1n1
    I always respected Sir Scrutton, but when he dropped Spiral Architect into the conversation, he ascended to my inner pantheon
  • Y'all don't get it, Lady Gaga is in on the's the ideal of post modernism. She's just playing the part. That's corporate music industry, period.
  • @warlordy
    Completely stunned that he knows Spiral Architect!
  • @lsjt8924
    Ahh, I only came here to say I wish good luck to that poor teacher, and I simply love Sir Roger Scruton. 💕
  • @arius1
    I could listen to Bach all day long but I wouldn't sleep with him.
  • @Santos.Sarmento
    This happens in several areas. Movies for example, with children's heroes, without a story, only visual effects. Books replaced by video games, with a poor flat narrative, elaborate cuisine replaced by fast food, or worse, packaged snacks. Comparing Bach with Lady Gaga in music is like comparing a Rolls Royce with a bicycle when it comes to transportation or champagne with Coke. My great-uncle who was a conductor always said, "A song is not good if it can not be whistled!"
  • @hugomaritz692
    the test of time is one of the best ways to judge this. shallow art amuses for a moment.
  • @sprezzatura8755
    It is unfortunate today that pop music seems so banal and simplistic. Not so long ago young people had the Beatles and many other terrific bands that captured raw youthful energy, while still having real and durable musical value. It's worth acknowledging that the latest brain studies reveal that the judgement portion of the human brain is not fully developed until about the age of 26. So we do need to cut young people some slack in their general taste. But God help you if you still find Lady Gaga compelling in middle age.
  • @markfennell1167
    Trying to compare the quality of one art piece to another can be very difficult. However some artists do have a greater level of sophistication than others. The beach boys and the Bee Gees for example we’re both pop artists in a sense but their musical arrangements could be very complex
  • @PooyaRadbon
    He is so right. With such people who can not (by themselves) understand what music is good, what is better and what is bad and worse for us (our mind, our soul) one has to speak like a child! with children language and hope they can understand...alas, I believe even this way won't work. Since they have no understanding but just superfluous feelings they will either insult you or fight back or in the best case do not show their anger so they will hate you! I usually do not argue with anyone about these things for have had enough of enemies of this kind. Childish world :(
  • @MovieRiotHD
    How can you get in trouble for this? What's wrong with the US and UK?
  • @stumbling
    Did you know that the word, "scrutonize", was named after Sir Roger Scruton? I know this because I just made it up. Sadly, "scrutinize", is not named after him.
  • @bluegent7
    Having higher standards than your surroundings brings forth condemnation. It's an interesting phenomena. Example: - "Coitus before marriage increases risk of divorce statistically." - "So, you think you're better than the rest of us, eh?"