Why I left California for Warsaw, Poland.

Published 2021-09-18
A question I get asked frequently is “why would you ever want to leave California for Poland?” It’s a sincere question, I don’t blame people for asking.

Why on earth would anyone ever want to leave utopic California, for…of all places…Poland?

Well, there are many reasons. And in this video, I present some of them!

All Comments (21)
  • @SandraHof
    I moved from California to Kraków Poland 8 1 /2 years ago. I love my city and the country of Poland. Everything you said is very true. I am 66 years old and live on a fixed income. I have a much better quality life here than I could in the States. I feel very safe here as well. I have come to have great respect for Poland and her people.
  • Well, i'm just a simple Hungarian...., and you already know the rest of it.
  • @kraicek1169
    To chyba najbardziej pozytywny film o współczesnej Polsce na całym YT
  • @yaro_wa
    I’m Ukrainian, but studied in Poland. Last 6 years I live in USA, but I miss Poland so much. There are definitely a lot of things which was better in Poland than US. And I know, that in last 6 years Poland changed a lot for better. I don’t have polish language anymore on my keyboard, but I just want to say big DZIEKUJE to polish people for all the help provided to Ukraine during the war! We will never forget that.
  • @katiekatie3958
    I love Poland and polish people! Brothers! Greetings from Slovakia!
  • @BK42Cycles
    I'm a Brazilian/Italian who moved to Poland a few years ago to be able to pursue my career and dreams. No regrets! I felt at home from the very first day! Each time, I visit a new city in Poland I fall in love again! Great video - Bravo Dominik!
  • @truthseeker9692
    I've been to 50 countries. 30 in Europe alone. Poland is amazing af. This country is growing like crazy. I've been to Gdansk, Zakopane, Warsaw, and 5 more cities. I'm definitely coming back soon.
  • @Nnnmmmkkk
    As a Pole, I wasn’t aware of the amazing stats you’ve mentioned. Thank you so much for making me ‘re—realize’ my country’s potential. Happy Holidays!
  • @rustyspace900
    This did open my eyes a little bit about what Poland is nowadays. Didn't realize it had developed so quickly, just like our southern sister, Estonia. Best wishes from Finland :)
  • @paxvera5199
    Thank you. As Canadian living in Poland for the last 5 years, I feel the same way as you do.
  • @RamazanAy
    I'm a software engineer and I moved to Poland in 2017. To be honest, I was thinking to use Poland as a jump place to move to Western countries like Netherlands or UK. But then despite all of challenges that I had in Poland such language barrier, 50 shades of Grey wheather and so on, I kinda love living in there. I live in Kraków (it is a magnificent city) and I fell in love the atmosphere of this city. Not only city but the opportunities in tech market is another reason to stay here. Last but not the least, the cost of living is amazing when you work in IT companies. Finally, this year I started to learn Polish as I enjoy being here. Your video proved how a smart decision it was to live in Poland. Dziękuję bardzo dla video. --Polska biało czerwoni --
  • I moved permanently to Poland 6 years ago after many years of visiting and studying here. But my reasons were not primarily economic, but spiritual. The reason the crime rates etc are low in Poland, is because, even in spite of the cruelty of past wars and occupations, basic human decency is a staple characteristic of the average Pole. I hope that never changes. I would never live anywhere else.
  • @MrPowerLine1116
    Po polsku być może zrozumie mnie mniej ludzi ale co tam, pomijając to ze ten materiał jest wybitny, zauważyłem w nim jedna rzecz, wręcz niebywałą kiedy słucham telewizji czy czytam internet, osoba w filmie wypowiada się o Polsce „NASZ kraj” nie „ten kraj” Tylko „Nasz”, i moim zdaniem to Jest najpiękniejsze w tym filmie, jako pracownik branży it, bardzo dziękuje za ten materiał !
  • @kaka12z22
    Living in Poland is inexpensive if you come with a dollar or have a western salary, but for everyday Pole is expensive.
  • @thejackal9834
    I want to move to Warsaw within the next couple of years, a lot of my friends think I'm insane as they have little understanding of Poland and are fooled by many misconceptions and stereotypes. Thank you for making this video.
  • @Akrus15
    As a Russian German who grew up with a lot of Polish people (neighbors, my best friend, classmates) I cant say how happy i‘m for Poland that it evolved like that. Polish people truly deserve this and I could really see myself living in Poland one day, because im really unhappy with how the situation is going with Germany…
  • I'm a Brit who moved to Poland a few years ago to be able to pursue my main passion, dance. While continuing my career in banking, an industry which is also thriving here.
  • @LoveMyPoland
    Very, very impressive, Dominik! It's great to have Americans of your caliber living here happily! 😊
    I left the bay area in 2005 and started a company in Warsaw. My high school friend came to visit me and he now lives here as well. We should start a club 😊