Published 2024-02-03
Brush Sauce Academy Art School - Newsletter & Freebies / Mentorship Info: www.brushsauceacademy.com/
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All Comments (21)
  • @bobc4d
    happy birthday. 40? gawd I don't even remember 40. I turn 67 in a few weeks and am just beginning my art journet.
  • @nacostaart
    Wow. I find myself in a very similar situation. I'm 24, went to college for graphic design, don't do it anymore, live at home, working a day job and trying to make art my job while I feel like all my peers have surpassed me. This video was very reassuring and comforting to alleviate some stresses and insecurities and I know I just have to stay strong and positive and keep studying and making things.
  • @Daemonpool65
    Happy 40th birthday sir Tyler. Your art journey has been inspirational and may it continue for decades to come.
  • @TaniaRouserArt
    I wouldn’t trade my today’s experience for some big early on success. I’m much more confident and happy as a person knowing that I can go through an incredible amount of sh** hitting the fan and learn from that experience and become a better person in the end, grateful for what I have and ready to learn. It also helps me in my family life. So, thank you for the video. I don’t know you personally but it feels like we just had a conversation sitting in a backyard watching stars move. Art on, whoever is reading this. Don’t give up. There’s always something better on the other side of this phase.
  • @DigitalArtcast
    Happy 40th buddy, as always amazing advice! I turn 40 next year in 2025, Scary honestly but time is an illusion we all witness, doing what you love is a life worth living
  • @Anonymous-ix7ms
    What a wholesome video, especially in the end when we see photos of you when you were younger and struggling to find your way in the world. It makes us feel there is hope for us for a bright future in the creative field.
  • @Dazedpedler32
    beautiful drawing, your story really resonated with me, I'm barely 19 years old and I'm starting to venture into digital art as a freelancer, your videos help me a lot and it's simply encouraging to hear your story, a little late but happy birthday Tyler!
  • @carpetfire3060
    Happy 40th Tyler ! Thanks so much for being a great teacher and an awesome artist !
  • @RamyAmr.m
    Tyler you have no idea how helpful it was to hear your story. Thanks a lot for sharing! Keep the spirit alive.
  • @maniushka
    I'm in a similar situation. I'll come back here in 16 years and update you if I succeeded by my 40th birthday.
  • @janaverge
    Your story really resonated with me and I am very surprised to have the same thoughts as I have in each of your videos. I'm 22 and have been working as an artist for 4 years. At the age of 18 I enrolled as a graphic designer and a couple of months later I got a job as an artist in a studio. In my first year I dropped out of university because I chose to gain practical experience and, of course, having my own income was a plus. I drew more intuitively and now, 4 years later, I really feel the lack of new knowledge to implement my ideas. All this time I also thought that I had more skills than I actually did, because I was the youngest employee in the company and was a lead for older artists. This gave me a false sense that I had enough knowledge and did not take the time to educate myself. I was also afraid to apply for fitback and thought that now I’ll learn on my own and then I won’t be ashamed, but in the end this didn’t happen. Now I’ve completed my first course with a mentor and it’s just like a breath of fresh air! My eyes were opened to many things. Your videos are very helpful, thanks for sharing your thoughts! --- Ваша история очень отозвалась у меня в душе и я очень удивлена таким же мыслям, как у меня в каждом вашем видео. Мне 22 работаю художником 4 года. В 18 лет поступила на графического дизайнера и через пару месяцев устроилась художником в студию, на первом курсе отлислилась из университета, так как выбрала получать практический опыт и конечно же наличие своего дохода было плюсом. Рисовала больше интуитивно и сейчас, спустя 4 года, сильно очущаю нехватку новых знаний для воплощения своих идей. Все это время тоже думала , что у меня больше скилов , чем на самом деле, ведь я самый молодой сотрудник в компании и была лидом у более старших художников. Это дало мне ложное чувство, что у меня достаточно знаний и не уделяла время самообразованию. Тоже боялась обращаться за фитбеком и думала, что сейчас сама подучусь и потом будет не стыдно, но в итоге этого не произошло. Сейчас прошла свой первый курс с ментором и это просто как глоток свежего воздуха! Открылись глаза на многие вещи. Ваши видео очень полезны, спасибо за то, что делитесь своими мыслями!
  • @mrs-kb4327
    I know i'm a little late to the party but Happy 40th birthday Sir, i just want to say i'v been learning alot from your videos and really appreciate your amazing work and advice, for me i am turning 20 this month and i've got a whole journey ahead of me and you're making it way less overwhelming and scary for me so thanks alot! !
  • @johnperez1795
    Thank you for this, I was always around people that did work only for money and felt a career like this wouldn’t work even though I love art. Obviously still keep whats putting bread on the table but this brings more confidence to actually go for my dreams🙏🏽
  • @DanielAngArt
    This is invaluable, thank you for sharing your journey and reminding us all to be patient, but continuing to work and control what you can 😎
  • @Uta-gz7jm
    Happy 40th birthday dude, what a journey and thank you for everything you have done and given during all this time , I've learn so much thing from you that help me till today and I'm really appreciate it, I wish all the best world could give for you, for your family, and everyone around you, happy birthday dude
  • @T.E.L4urence
    Hello, Tyler. I've always been a lurker but I decided today was finally the time to comment on your video and say thank you. I always listen to your content while I'm working on my art and I have to say, you've been incredibly inspirational to my art journey by not only providing wisdom, but also hope whenever I'm in a rut. This video especially demonstrates that many artists, including myself, go through the same hurdles and it's important to keep our head up and push on. In many ways, you and other prominent art youtubers have become my surrogate mentors, which is something I felt lacking since there aren't many artists in my personal life. So once again, thank you for making these videos and I look forward to more to come.
  • @zinzolin14
    Thanks Tyler for sharing your experience! Hearing your tale is very reassuring and inspiring, especially as somebody who's well into adulthood still looking for their start in the industry. I'm happy to hear you've been through and done so much, and you're still going for more! I wanna wish you the very best, especially on collabing with your wife! Let's do our best to thrive as creators ☺
  • @doppelvishop2887
    You re always an inspiration Tyler,, with great art but humble, glad we can learn from you.