New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History - UnchartedX

Published 2022-03-01
UnchartedX is a youtube channel that explores anomalies in ancient history and examines possible forms of high technology. Ben, the creator of UnchartedX, is an explorer, film-maker and student of lost ancient civilizations. I've had the great honor to explore some of these incredible sites with Ben. To learn more about the UnchartedX content and tours, check out these links below.

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All Comments (21)
  • @AfterSkool
    This presentation took a tremendous amount of work. I am thankful to Ben for the collaboration. If this topic sparks your curiosity, check out his channel If you enjoyed this video and want to help create more, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. Thank you Also, I'd love to hear what you think of this subject matter. I read all comments.
  • @hanuman3527
    Remember, we went from riding horses and using sail powered ships to space shuttles and personal computers in only 100 years. It could have happened before.
  • Maybe the real ancient aliens were the civilizations we made along the way
  • Did I just get tricked into watching some very well made educational content with a WH40K thumbnail? Well done sir.
  • @geraintwd
    I love how the title card of this video looks like someone googled the word "heresy", clicked "images" and the first thing that came up was Horus Lupercal in his black, Chaos-tainted Terminator armour, so, having no idea what that was or how it relates to "heresy", they just went "f**k it" and drew a cartoon of it with marker pens anyway. Either that, or the artist deserves mad props for squeezing a 40K reference into this video.
  • @tomkeffer8690
    Being a retired Archaeologist, I am more than slightly interested in the history of mankind. I have always marveled at the ingenuity of past civilizations. I worked on Mayan sites in Balize and numerous sites in the western states and Alaska. I have always been tested by what I was taught and the realities of what I observed in person. Academics continue to classify objects or structures that they don't understand as "religious" abstract artifacts or refuse to credit those lost civilizations as what they really were, very intelligent, very intellectual society's. I believe we are in for some amazing discoveries as time and investigations continue. We in the field of Anthropology/Archeology need to keep our minds open to what we have thought to be "impossible" when it comes to the origins and capabilities of ancient man. Keep looking, keep questioning, and never stop believing how truly amazing mankind has been through the ages!
  • “We put a metre on electrons and sell them” that hit hard
  • @Nefylym
    Good work young man. Thank you for such a thought provoking subject. I've been sitting in my amateur historian chair for years now trying to chip away at what came before... before the Sumerians, before the Indo-Europeans, before the Minoans... and so on. I am stoked to see the establishment taking a similar view now. What happened during our last Ice Age? What have we forgotten? How much truth of history still echoes in our most ancient myths? I look forward to us all finding out together in the near future!
  • @crhu319
    By the 9th century, the people living in Rome could not remember who and how the great buildings had been made. That alone should tell us how quickly we lose awareness of the past.
  • It’s always interesting to me how those who studied ancient history aren’t willing to consider new ideas when everything they learned was really just a theory and not facts set in stone. Very thought provoking!
  • @stephenmccagg
    Great presentation! I've wondered for years now if the "myths" of Atlantis (outside of its Greek origin), Lemuria, and other lost civilizations are simply distant remembrances of the last great Earth spanning civilization, not to be found in our history books but in our collective consciousness.
  • @813lem
    Thank you Ben. Ive been watching you, Brian, Randall, Graham, Andrew,Micheal, John Anthony and any one i come across, presenting new, honest, open minded views, opinions, research and facts, for many years. I have learned more than any school could hope to teach. Thank you so much for taking the time and making the effort to teach us and to point us in the direction of learning the truth. This subject is truly a passion of mine. I find it very exciting, im always looking for more new information and Im so grateful i live in this age of discovery.
  • Horus Lupercal is not the example you are looking for to represent a fanatical adherence to establishment dogma, lol. That drawing caught me off guard.
  • It’s amazing when you awaken to the intentional rewriting of history. You can see it occurring in real time with the conflict in Europe and the giant psychological operation of the past two years.
  • @bumfie
    I'd highly recommend his Channel . its always good to ask questions + think + not take things for granted
  • @animalhouse7375
    What a brilliant presentation! So clear, concise and the illustrations and images make it the best explanation of human history that I have ever seen/heard.
  • Your description of the sea level rise really struck home for me, I live on the Marshall Islands a group of coral atolls. Around every island at a depth of about 400 ft there's a small shelf of land before dropping off to over 1000 feet. The natives here always referred to it as the ancient shoreline, never paid much attention to it until now. Hmmmm I wonder.
  • the more we go over these topics, the more advanced these ancient civilizations seem
  • @DLR369_
    The Mongols comment in the background and was so off beat yet so funny.
  • @johnmcgraw3568
    Ben did a great job. Also along these lines there is a researcher named Jason Brashears who spent many years researching out of print books and tying old and ancient calenders together. I've been looking at his work and then Ben pops up in my feed. It's a good day.