The Last of Us Part I - Before You Buy

Published 2022-09-03

All Comments (21)
  • @joeymag593
    The visuals look brilliant and I’m excited to play through it again, but I can’t justify paying $70 for a “remake” that is mostly a graphical overhaul.
  • @reed1645
    It looks cool. I'll definitely check it out when it drops to 30 in a couple of months. Charging 70 for this is kind of insane.
  • @EngineFD223
    Loved this game and excited to eventually replay it on my PS5. I do think that Sony did a disservice making this game a full $70. Pretty sure it should have been $39.99 or $49.99, maybe even a bundle with Part 1 and Part 2 for $70 (Kind of like what they did with Spider-Man and Miles Morales)
  • @corzinc
    This game blew my mind when I first played it, the story, the graphics, the anxiety it gave me. This has to go down as one of the all time best games.
  • @Dexcelo
    Regardless of how stunning they can make it look, the Last of Us on the very last days of the PS3's life cycle was outstanding and nothing can ever compare to how it hit the first time playing it
  • @swarley_games
    Everyone should make sure to turn on the dialogue vibrations in the settings because it’s not automatically on. You can feel the pitch, volume, and frequency of all the voices, and it makes it so much better.
  • I love the TLoU and playing through this story on Part 1 feels partly like a new game. The video mentioned that speedrunners will notice a lot more when it comes to the mechanics of the game, and that is 100% true. Im finding myself relearning routes and levels because the AI, targeting, and level design has had enough done to it to force me to relearn. I play solely on grounded and lemme tell ya Pittsburgh was hell, and it was so much more fun. As a die hard TLoU fan the $70 didn't bother me too much, but not snagging a physical firefly edition did lol
  • @skmed83
    Just the UI changes where it matches #TLOU2's will help make the experience more streamlined. It was weird going back to the Remaster after playing Part 2. The multi-colored button cues for the QTE's seemed a bit out of place for the games overall mood and atmosphere. The white minimalism definitely feels better...
    A remake at the same price as a NEW game with NEW gameplay and NEW stories. I respect that it deserves a remake, but the price is a slap to the face
  • I’m also a little disappointed that they did not integrate the combat a little more from 2. That was among the best changes they made to part 2, I realize that Joel wouldn’t be able to do some things Ellie could but yeah, a dodge button would’ve been cool. Either way I will check it out when it hits PC
  • I wish I didn’t play the remastered version earlier this year for the first time. But I’m glad I was able to get this game with a Black Friday discount sale. I really enjoy my second play through of this game. This version of the game is a must play.
  • @Lion_Rican
    Played it a million times and blast through it. I can repeat word by word cutscenes before the characters even say their lines. Jumped right on grounded and finished it too. Thank you Naughty Dog for bringing back my favorite game of all time refined and better!
  • @Antisxy
    I just can’t see them justify $70 for a solid remake/remaster man.
  • The one thing I noticed after playing the original and remastered so many times is they changed out all the metal trash cans with the big plastic ones you see today along with some environmental changes with different furniture. Other than that it’s basically the same game with better graphics and some fancy window dressing like new menu interfaces and some more detailed workbench animations. I got to play it for free because my friend let me borrow it the day he got it and I gotta say it’s super awesome jumping back in to a game I’m so fond of and seeing it look like this. Not worth 70 bucks but it is the best way to experience this game for the first time that’s for sure. Edit: for all the pressed people in the comment section the person I borrowed the game from literally lives with me and works long hours. Can’t believe with all the shit going on in the world the thing you don’t believe is somebody letting a family member play their game while they work😂
  • @McKeinMull
    You know I had never played through it myself, I watched my cousin play it back when it first released and thought it was awesome. Now all these years later, I went out and bought myself a PS3 copy of the game, and I gotta say I've been binging my way through the campaign. Fantastic game!
  • @TheLoPresti
    I’m someone who’s playing it for the first time. I know I’m late to the party but I seem to of missed it when it first came out. I just finished the bills town chapter and I love it so far. The graphics look pretty modern and haptic feedback is awesome on my PS five. The story and characters are great but I already knew that from what I’ve heard before. The only issues I’ve seen so far are minor graphic Pop ins and sometimes the companion AI isn’t that great. Minor issues aside I highly recommend. I understand for those who already bought it twice in some cases the $70 price tag is a bit much but since it’s the first time buyer for me I felt the price is worth it. To each their own
  • @skxtch7211
    1 of my fav games of all time, didn't feel like it needed a remake after the remaster but still looks amazing
  • @ryanmoore5237
    One complaint I had with the original and even the remastered was that I always felt Joel looked too young for his age in the apocalypse….but here you can see the gray hairs, the wrinkles, you can see the stress in his face. He looks brooding, he looks worried…he looks like he’s waiting for a monster to pop out around the corner
  • @Dangitjef
    The visuals look fantastic here but would’ve been nice if the game was at least $49.99 starting out. I know PS5 games are more so being introduced at $70 but again, this game has initially been released twice before already, regardless of being more of a remake here. And thank you, Jake for this breakdown! I don’t have a PS5 yet but hoping to get one in the next year so I can experience this one again with a refreshed twist 🙏
  • @hoodnigga4047
    You forgot when they talk the remote goes with it like you can feel them talking on the remote the feed back is amazing