A Pastor Has A Chilling Encounter With Jesus Himself, Who Delivers An Urgent Message!

Published 2023-05-24

All Comments (21)
  • I received this teaching from my wife and said to myself, "another long video you have to send me..." I listened to it in full and I'm sitting here in a living room, in someone else's house, (I work for myself painting) in silence, and I'm motionless. I don't know what to do. The kind of conviction that's upon me unbearable. My body and heart is aching and feels locked. I pray that I find the way to block out the world and everything in it and focus on Him! I don't want to spend eternity apart from God and His Kingdom!!! I hardly ever comment but felt compelled to cry out for forgiveness publicly. I don't know what else to say... I'm sorry
  • As a lukewarm Christian this sermon spoke to my soul. Im 19 years old and I grew up in church all of my life. Ever since 7th grade I have been dealing with a pornography addiction and it has been taking control of my life and it has took a toll on me. Im ready to get serious with the Lord and I have to bring my past and present transgressions to the Lord and ask him to make me whole again.
  • @peterbrusati8390
    In 1978 I was near death and the doctors offered me no hope. I had been ill for a year and a half and the only thing they could tell me was that I was getting worse. I cried out to God and told him He could have whatever was left of my life. Jesus saved me, healed me, filled me with the Holy Spirit, and transformed my life. I have been walking with Him for 46 years and I can tell you that this is a message that GOD is speaking!!! Many who regularly attend church are in for a terrifying eternal "wake up call" after it is too late. Wake up now! May God give us ears to hear what HE is saying!!!
  • @melodybryant7537
    That was deep. I was convicted. I've been praying and repenting. Asking God to restore me and illuminate to me areas where I need to repent. I also pray to die to my convictions and repent fast and stop ignoring the unctions of Holy Spirit. This world and these ungodly distractions are not worth it. I will live in Heaven and reign in the New Jerusalem in eternity. In Jesus Name!
  • I am one of the lukewarm Christians. This message has revitalize me. I drremt of the rapture last night and I was left behind. I started crying out to God last night. I'm renewing my vow. Please pray for me.
  • I feel so dirty and foolish to think that I was standing in holiness before God. Thank you for sharing this. I literally stumbled across this while scrolling and decided to give it a listen and I’m glad I did.
  • @thehylers1021
    I am saved, a child of God, loved, anointed to share Jesus with everyone I come in contact with. Perfect love has cast out fear! ❤🙏
  • @queenb5913
    I live in fear, I covet, I practice sexual immorality, I tell people what they need to do, and get mad when they don’t, yet I don’t do it myself. And I’m saved. God showed me all of this in myself, while I watched this man of God. I’m grateful for the chance that God has given me to get it right while I’m still here. I was prepared to share this video with people that I felt needed to hear it. But God said, “you are the one who needed to hear it.” My God today!!!!🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
  • @mrscrystalek
    May everyone who hears this message be healed and delivered instantly from anything that's not in Gods will for them..
  • @dear_mscaines
    Lord I pray over every being watching this and the creator of this channel. I pray that we all make the immediate move towards your word, your heart, seek your face, and honor you through praise, giving you the glory, but most importantly, strict obedience. Amen
  • @jeremiahj3565
    God is speaking through this man of God! His voice is causing me to repent and be obedient!❤
  • This has me rethinking my whole walk. My soul is anguished. Jesus forgive me.
  • If this video doesn't make you think about those hidden places in you, nothing will. This is an excellent testimony.
  • @ehughes44
    LORD I CONFESS, I RENOUNCE, I REPENT create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. Help me lay aside those things that are a weight against me, so that I may pursue You LORD who is my higher calling.
  • @deerod5490
    I am just going to love everyone and if any ill feelings come into my mind i will bite my tongue and start praying please lord come into my life and guide me
  • I felt so filthy from 50 years of sin. I cried for forgiveness. I have to change my life
  • That is scarier than any scary movie I have ever seen. This is one reason why I repent daily just incase I have done something wrong and and I did not know it. Pray daily Repent daily.
  • @shellymoore4588
    This is been pressing on my spirit for a long time. I couldn't put it into words myself....everytime I heard the people say, I can't wait for Jesus Yeshua to come back again. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs .." The People aren't ready especially the belivers"! I would get spirituality sick and felt conflicted I even felt this? NOW I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SHOW...IT HAS TOTALLY TAKEN THE WOOL AWAY FROM MANY EYES AND EXPOSED THE DEEP DARKNESS 🙏 THAT SHROWDS AS LIGHT.