Discipline Priest Is In Trouble

Published 2024-07-10
Discipline Priest has received light changes in the War Within Beta and needs some serious changes to succeed in the new expansion! In this video we dive into the latest changes for the War Within healers and War Within Beta covering Discipline Priest and what it might mean for the future of the spec.

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00:00 State of Disc
01:04 Disc in Dungeons
09:55 Disc in Raid
13:35 Potential Solutions
16:06 Oracle Impressions

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All Comments (21)
  • @CB38096
    Disc would be way more popular if atonement lasted longer. The gameplay can be overly stressful trying to manage atonement before the right mechanics
  • @CleverRat
    Your thumbnail game is actually S Tier.
  • @MumpiTV
    Would love to see rapture become "instantly apply a power word shield to your entire group at 40% increased effectiveness" and THEN get the bonus no cooldown on PWS for X time So you can use it instantly as opposed to 6 globals pre-emptively.
  • @dojoisdead
    Oh it feels so good to have so many problems with our specs and trees and get no changes every beta build.
  • @TopicxWoW
    The Thumbnail of this video deserves its own video of just staring at the thumbnail and commenting on it.
  • @bigbigu8671
    Attonement should go back to being a passive or upgrade the duration of it :/
  • @eikonic
    Thoughtful of Blizzard to hold back the huge, game-changing, Disc changes they’ve been working on until next week’s build so you could release your video. Heartwarming stuff.
  • disc is still plagued with too many gcds that do nothing. atonement application simply isnt fun.
  • @ralecgos3631
    Disc Priest Atonment is a tedious mini-game-- remove the mechanic or extend the durations. Spamming Smite for CDR on Penance and Shadowfiend/Mindbender is boring and not creative design. Shadow Covenant was fine being its own spell. Making Shadow Covenant into Shadowfiend/Mindbender makes us feel like a pseudo-pet class, fiend/bender should have kept its identity as a mana button. The holy magic side is terribly undertuned and forgotten, we're forced into the shadow magic "ramp" side of the tree as our only viable option. Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis shields are laughably weak. PW: Shield feels like a glorified Atonement spreader, using it for blocking damage is negligible. I miss when Disc Priest was more of a sustain healer and shields (not asking for OP shields here) actually felt like they did something. Priest in general has extremely limited utility and CC in comparison to every other class. Why is our most powerful CC a melee range fear (Psychic Scream)? Why is Void Tendrils also melee and so weak it's hardly ever taken, with a long cooldown as well? Shackle Undead is useless now-- this isn't WotLK with undead everywhere. Mass Dispel was made a longer CD unfairly due to dungeon design. Our base dispel only dispels Magic and Diseases. Shining Force was taken from us for "reasons" only to be given to Shaman in the PvE talent "Traveling Storms". Make it make sense. Priest mobility is some of the worst in the game with nothing to show for it except Body and Soul (sensory overload on your PW: Shields with sparkles and a loud sound effect) or Angelic Feathers which are so forgotten about and hard to see we just use them in a macro that places them directly under our feet.
  • @Rylos277
    My biggest issue with disc is just how healing feels in general with every healer being a raid burst healer. If healing is tuned down so that's our jam again I'll suffer through the bad talent tree for seasons to come
  • I was REALLY looking forward to rolling Voidweaver Disc in TWW. It was all I could think about I was salivating over the flavor and the on paper spell interactions. But then I was looking into other people testing it and it just fell flat. The flavor and ideas are there, I am very hopeful they will work on tuning for this tree soon. There's other classes who needed a revamp are being worked on, but there is still time for the devs to take a look at the priest class tree. I still really wished that when they moved Mindgames to a PVP talent, they would just make the capstone on the shadow side of the class be Silence. Just Silence as a 45s cooldown and no blanket like other caster kicks. Then in the Shadow tree where Silence was an option, you replace it was a talent to make Silence a 24s cooldown and give it the blanket effect like Counterspell or Wind Shear. Sidenote, I will also NEVER forgive Blizz for removing Shining Force!!!! Such a good knockback!! Bring Shining Force back and add a talent node to make the effect a knock up, like Thunderstorm has!!!! Those two class tree changes would make priest feel so much more complete as a healer, especially in Mythic+. Luckily, Holy Archon is there and also does look cool. I like playing Halo over Divine Star as Holy, so even in dungeons it will be more fun for me than RNG Juggling Oracle. But being a Priest healer main in TWW just makes my group feel like I'm a Make a Wish case. We just need a little something something to feel better. A kick, a better stop than Fear or Holy Incap, just something with more substance.
  • @FoliumSakura
    i so WISHHHHHH priest had a kick, one of the biggest complaints I had in s2/s3 when i was playing alot of disc
  • @SamCastaneda87
    Honestly, spot-on with describing the issues.. For Disc to be somewhat competitive in M+ it needs better sustained healing, a kick and at least 1 more reliable stop.. It would still be behind other healers that have stronger CC and better dispel profile for S1 but it would at least have something to help out the group.
  • @ds8867
    ye ill go to pres evoker. The tierset change is so nice
  • @Doozer72
    What is the mini halo yellow circle coming out of all healers (not just priests) in all the beta footage?
  • @New.lol1
    Ofc its in trouble since their rework because we are forced to play a pet build, we can't play TE now if we play voidweaver.. the 4part is horrible, Its shows how blizzard dont understand the gameplay of disc
  • @kthomas107t
    Yeah I was moving towards restoring shaman lol totemic looks fun
  • @Blinkch
    so glad I'm rerolling to hpal. just cant take it anymore to hope every season that disc will be good. so I rather just have 1 heal spec that way I dont have to worry about being able to play my favorite out of 2 possible specs.