I Love Commencement Speeches

Published 2023-05-12
Every now and then I find myself falling down some sort of YouTube rabbit hole. Marble racing tournaments, Doug DeMuro car showcases, microphone reviews, all that good stuff. And my most recent obsession has been commencement speeches. There are so many good ones, and I felt like talking about what I think makes them so special. Enjoy!







0:00 I Love Commencement Speeches
3:17 This Speaker Will Bring You To Tears
5:11 Living Without Regret
13:45 Finding Your Voice

Outro song: Timeflies - “Time of Your Life”

All Comments (21)
  • @GregJCramer
    The absolute nerve on this guy to think it's even a possibility I don't remember this scarring encounter... I think it's time for us to use the Paul brothers as our inspiration and solve this in the ring
  • @HeftyDan
    The grumpy older brother story and the fact he feels bad about it still pretty much solidified that Scott is the most pure of heart person in the world.
  • @private755
    The fact that’s his biggest regret in life is the most wholesome thing I’ve come across in quite some time
  • @dakotalee6990
    Being an older sibling is hard, man. You have so much influence over someone that you don’t fully understand because you’re also a kid who is learning how to care about other people, and decisions are often made without full appreciation for how they affect someone who looks up to you more than they really should. It’s the fact that you learn and grow that really matters.
  • “Once a wildcat….always a wildcat” will never not be iconic 😌
  • Can’t believe they didn’t choose you for the speech, you could have saved a lot of back pain with that performance
  • @marios3202
    Scott is the first example of a "comedian" who had like a really good childhood, super supportive parents, a tight knit family, and is still really funny.
  • @bruvonjones
    I literally JUST auditioned to speak at graduation, Scott. This was great timing. Wish me luck y’all. UPDATE I GOT IT! This never happens to me. For once I’m not strugglin!
  • @uncreativelex
    as a younger sibling, who isn't very close with my eldest brother for many reasons, the fact that you still think about and care so much about that instance with your brother is so touching genuinely it's very wholesome and heartfelt for you to care that much
  • @YaBoyHam
    Scott, your little bit about regret and being mean to your brother hit me hard as hell. I lost my little sister to an overdose 2 years ago, and you hit the nail on the head. I wish I could go back and change all the shitty older brother things I would do. If anyone is reading this, live in the moment, and be kind. You never know when you won't get the chance to do it again ❤
  • I don’t ever comment on videos, like, ever, but I wanted to share my Covid-era graduation story. This is a really long story, so I’m so sorry ahead of time! First, a little context: I come from a family that was very much not a “college family.” My dad never graduated high school, and my mom dropped out of community college to be a mom full time. My brother went to a university and graduated and became the only member of our family to get a college degree. It was sort of a running joke between my sister and I that our parents put him through it and then just went “okay, one graduate’s enough.” But it never really seemed like I would go to college, anyway. I had to drop out of high school to help take care of my mom when she got sick, so I didn’t get a high school grad ceremony. I later got my GED, but you don’t exactly get a ceremony for that. Later on, I started a band and toured the country for about a few years before I finally decided I wanted to go to college and do something more with my life. So I went to community college from 2014-2018 and built up credits part time. But in 2018, I wanted to finally commit to the bit, so to speak, so I applied to CSUN… got accepted… and got put on a two-year plan to get my Bachelors in Journalism. Because I was a transfer, I didn’t get to participate in the community college graduation ceremony. My final semester began at the start of 2020. I don’t really need to explain that once again, I didn’t get to walk due to my very fun timing. But there’s a silver lining to all of this. Because you see, around the time I decided to start college, I started dating a very lovely woman who was very aware of how symbolically, I just wanted to walk at one of these ceremonies. So one day, a few months after I didn’t get a ceremony, she starts acting really weird. She’s normally a very talkative person, but she’s incredibly quiet, despondent, and honestly very snappy. I kept asking her what was wrong and she wouldn’t say anything. Eventually, she tells me she needs to head to her job at the pizzeria to pick up something. I’m like “wtf do you need from the pizzeria” and she starts crying. And I’m like okay holy shit I’m sorry, we can go. At this point, I’m feeling very weird. What is going on and why is my girlfriend crying out of nowhere? Why won’t she tell me what’s wrong? And we pull up to the pizzeria, and we park. finally, she taps me on the shoulder, looks at me, and says “I’m really sorry I’ve been acting weird. I am very very bad at lying. And I’ve been keeping a secret from you for a few days now.” And I’m like “oh. I see. What’s the secret?” So she gets out of the car, motions for me to follow, opens the door to the pizzeria… She’s set up an entire graduation ceremony just for me. Balloons, a congratulations banner, typical graduation music on the jukebox, a few of my friends masked up and hanging at a distance, and she even got my brother, his wife, and my sister on Zoom set up on a tablet at the front. She walks back up to me with a bag - that has a graduation gown in it. So I know this was a VERY long comment, but tldr: my Covid-era graduation ceremony was thrown for me by my now-fiancée in one of the kindest gestures anybody has ever done for me.
  • @faireroux8802
    The fact that Scott feels “haunted” by the grumpy brother story after all this time, even though realistically it was a tiny forgettable moment, makes me feel SO much better about how I remember and feel about things
  • @mr.moviemafia
    Scott, I’m literally in line at my graduation right now waiting to walk the stage. How did you know?! Thank you for this video, it’s a great tribute to me! Edit: I probably should’ve chosen my wording better. This notification was the very last thing I saw before my class came out from behind the stage to go to our seats (before the ceremony began). The moment was definitely taken in! I’m gonna miss school but I graduated magna cum laude and I’m excited to start this new chapter of my life. Your responses were very funny, thank you!
  • @NeidenHalffur
    Graduation speeches are always so epic in movies but in reality is just a kid saying random things 😂
  • @Mia-wg9cj
    My art teacher would always say that art is just a copy of every art we have ever like, and he would say that that’s ok. It always made me feel good about liking other peoples art and trying to create things of my own in different styles. Great video Scott.
  • @soupbowl222
    I started crying once I learned Scott has been missing since he tried to expose the lip balm industry. They can't keep getting away with this
  • @imeanidkyet
    In my school we had a giant zoom call for the whole class, where we like went through the graduation procedure but in a 2 hour call, we got 11 seconds to show our diploma when they called our name, and that was it that was my graduation mid 2020
  • @_Cotton
    I cant believe graduating-Scott knew he would do a Helix brand deal in the future, and so he recorded it at his ACTUAL graduation speech
  • @kakeonastik39
    “You can fail at what you don’t want. So you might as well take a chance at doing what you love.” This hit so hard for me; it’s exactly my life rn. I had a job I didn’t like at a company that treated its employees like shit, and I ended up getting fired. As much as it sucked, it also forced me to pursue what I actually want to do - design. And on the note of being a designer, that Conan quote is perfect. That’s exactly how design works. Nothing is designed in a vacuum, it’s like you said, how people are as individuals, everything they make, and everything they do is learned and influenced by their experience. This is why things like sci-fi monsters always resemble at 1 animal that exists, why people say “this is just another Minecraft knockoff,” or why they’ll accuse content creators of copying each other. I’m glad you highlighted it and I hope people keep this as a take away - “copying” is how it works. We’re just iterations of what came before and that’s awesome. Don’t look at what people are doing the same, celebrate the new things that different people bring to the table.
  • @gonzohiccups
    It is never too late to apologize for even the "smallest" of things no matter how late, Scott. Even if he doesn't remember, it will still mean something that you did. On another note, this video hit me at a time when I really needed it. I'm 30, so long since graduated, but facing a lot right now and facing a lot of fears and still learning who I am. I love the way you always balance humor and earnestness.