Burnout: Symptoms & Strategies

Published 2021-03-01
Burnout syndrome is a highly prevalent issue among employees and students with persisting work stress. With recent changes to work routines due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this has become an even more pressing issue as many people are struggling to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This video aims to provide information on how to recognize symptoms and how to prevent or cope with burnout syndrome.

This video was made by McMaster University students: Nora Fatayerji, Gary Grewal, and Holly Crandon in collaboration with the McMaster Demystifying Medicine Program.

Subscribe to the McMaster Demystifying Medicine YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/DemystifyingMedicine

This video is provided for general and educational information only. Please consult your health care provider for Information about your health.

Copyright McMaster University 2021.

#DemystifyingMedicine, #MentalHealth


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Bretland, R. J., & Thorsteinsson, E. B. (2015). Reducing workplace burnout: the relative benefits of cardiovascular and resistance exercise. PeerJ, 3, e891. doi.org/10.7717/peerj.891

Drummond D. (2016). Part I: Burnout Basics - Symptoms, Effects, Prevalence and the Five Main Causes. Missouri medicine, 113(4), 252–255.

Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World Psychiatry, 15(2), 103–111. doi.org/10.1002/wps.20311

Zhang Y, Wang C, Pan W, Zheng J, Gao J, Huang X, Cai S, Zhai Y, Latour JM and Zhu C (2020a). Stress, Burnout, and Coping Strategies of Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Epidemic in Wuhan and Shanghai, China. Front. Psychiatry 11:565520. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.565520

Zhang, H., Tang, L., Ye, Z., Zou, P., Shao, J., Wu, M., Zhang, Q., Qiao, G., & Mu, S. (2020b). The role of social support and emotional exhaustion in the association between work-family conflict and anxiety symptoms among female medical staff: a moderated mediation model. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 266. doi.org/10.1186/s12888-020-02673-2

All Comments (21)
  • Am I the only person who seems to feel like this every other week? The weekend just isn’t enough for me. Im tired.
  • @23respectme
    In case someone needs to read this: Burn outs can happen to anyone. In any situation or stage of life. I'm a stay at home mom currently going through it.
  • @Seagull780
    I was worried I might have a burnout but I'm already too tired to do anything at uni and I'm unable to drag myself out of bed in the morning so I guess I'm safe
  • Throughout my entire school life I've been trying to figure out what this weird feeling is and i never thought that it might be burnout
  • @rachitpatel3189
    I'm a 20 year old college student and I'm suffering from burnout from last 6 months. I think the most effective cure of burnout is 'time'. Just do what feels like doable otherwise relax and stay still with patience practicing the preventions. And the cause of burnout to me was studying for prolonged hours during night for several weeks.
  • @janeofhearts14
    4:13 Option B does not always work. A lot of companies dismiss burnout as something a little time off can fix. In addition even if your manager helps you prioritize your projects, ultimately he won’t be able to control the influx of workload and overall business needs. If employees feel burned out, there is clearly something wrong with senior leadership and how the company is being run. Thus, in some cases quitting your job would be the best option. Listen to your body and your intuition. You know what is best for YOU!
  • @jeffwelty980
    That moment when you can't get enough sleep because sleeping detracts from time in the day and when you try sleeping you're not able to because you feel you're wasting time
  • @sheilan6959
    I chose Option B. I was fired for it 2 weeks later. The manager said I had insulted her and made it as if I was mentally unstable just because I said I had mental and physical burnout from the job. Truth is Option A is the best option, we need a timeout. Or a career change.
  • @vivienchen7645
    my burn out started in 9th grade and truly started impacting me in 10th grade where i cry myself to sleep at least 3 times a week and would randomly have emotional breakdowns, it was getting better until this year (freshmen in college) I'm starting to have random emotional breakdowns again and feel so unmotivated with all of my work and i miss the girl i used to be, on top of my work, breezing through school, and confident with my ability to match my expectations...
  • @ericneo2
    This is a case where the text book theory doesn't match real life. Tried B and ended up worked into a hospital bed and suffering empathy fatigue. A year later nothing had changed and my workload had just kept increasing to the point where I was doing the work of 4 people who had left and my own. As others have said if you are experiencing burnout there is something wrong with leadership and how the company is being run. Choose A and get out, because once you lose you health or end up in hospital bed, recovery becomes significantly harder.
  • @PepperJoy09
    It’s a little bit hard to have a discussion with your manager/boss when you are the manager. Me: looks in mirror points at self
  • @monicawalls8184
    Well my boss keeps telling us she's there to support us But she's not, which is why I'm my performance has been bad and I'm burnt out So I opened up to her about being burnt out and her response was to watch puppy videos And today she puts me on a probationary plan where I get fired if I don't pass it So that was her response to me struggling 🥰🤡💜🤩🌸
  • @bloopiee03
    I've never really had burnout. But now i'm a senior in high school and feel it. So badly. I'm exhausted. I'm having extreme burnout to the point where on weekends, i can't enjoy it and during the week I'm still burnt out. I relax on the weekends but it isn't going away. The stress of applying for college, turning stuff in, keeping my grades up, being the weird loner kid no one talks too adds to the stress. I've made all As and Bs this year so far but a huge thing is seeing people at school with friends but no matter how hard I try i just can't make friends. I get ignored. I can't complain because i'm not being bullied but it still hurts. I'm exhausted. i can't go to therapy because my family and I just can't afford it. I'm thinking of trying stress meds. I just need a long, long break. I feel so bad.
  • @Theevilrhino
    Middle of my second full year in the workforce and I feel incredibly burnt out. I find no enjoyment at work anymore, and find myself increasingly irritable, frustrated, tired with work and at the end of the day when I am lying bed feel incredibly alone, anxious, tired and sad. I sit alone at night and talk under my breath as if I am explaining how I feel to someone, whether it’s a friend or therapist, but I couldn’t think of bringing this all up to someone for the fear of burdening them with my problems. I feel that I have been a “high achiever” my entire life, with the only professional feedback I have ever received being that I should “ask for help” instead of trying to solve every client issue/question myself, although I feel that when I do actually ask a question it’s just pushed aside. I want to just stop caring so fucking much but I physically cannot let myself slide, I need to be a “high achiever”. I don’t feel the same joy that I used to, whether it’s with my work, or the things I used to do outside of work. Simply at a loss. As I write this comment I laugh at where I am in my life, up in the middle of the night writing aimlessly on a fucking YouTube video all while feeling helpless and miserable.
  • @starlight76h25
    This year was hard enough, and next year will be worse. I feel as if I don’t have the strength to go through anything else, I’m too tired
  • @stezve1913
    as a Catholic, I managed some months ago to recover from one severe burnout by a deep life of prayer and meditation. I did let God inspire me deep into my heart what I should do, and I was able to recover. I know it does not sound very "scientific", but it worked. I pray for everyone who is going through the same sorrowful experience to be cured as well as I was.
  • @finestcomplex
    I've been working and studying for the last 5 years non-stop. No vacations, lost people and nothing exciting is happening in my life. I feel so mentally drained that I have no desire to do anything for myself. I want to quit my job and build my identity as I have no hobbies and no longer know what I'm working for. This is a terrible feeling.
  • @ladybird491
    I have been at my job briefly and already got burn out cause I am doing the work for 3 people and don't even get breaks just two min to put a bit of food in my my work. I am an essential worker on a fast treadmill for hours. All I can do is stay near the bed cause I am super exhausted. People don't know just how over worked us essential workers are right now.
  • It all explained what i am feeling. I kept on asking myself why my productivity has been low, why i get to work late, feel sick every morning and every night after weekends, and why i feel so empty, it is not just the work load, and i think im on it for years and now i just couldn't take it any longer.
  • I'm about to finish med school very soon and it's incredible stressful. I've never believed that I'd be at this point, but I've been reaching complete exhaustion. I know that the next two months will be very hard but there is only so much I can do about that. Daily physical exercises, socialising with loved ones and meditation surround my studying whenever I can. I also have plans to go to a festival and do a roadtrip straight after I'm done with my state exam. Sometimes that's literally the only thing that keeps me going. Whatever is going on in your life at the moment, it's important to know: communication is key, you CAN do it -> everything is possible. Lastly it will end: the world always is dynamic and things will change for the better. Just believe in that. You got this 💪