I feel like I'm fixin to fry rag

Published 2023-06-22
I grew up in the 50s and 60s. Worried about the draft during the Viet Nam war. Had a college deferment until 1971 when I had to go into the army. I used to play and sing "I feel like I'm fixin to die rag" by Country Joe and the Fish all the time because it concentrated my frustration at what we were doing in Viet Nam (they sang it at Woodstock, lots of versions on YouTube).

Since climate change has come along, I've felt a similar frustration at what we are not doing. I figured climate change deserved a similar song so I wrote "I feel like I'm fixin to fry rag." CC is a lot bigger problem than just burning too much fossil fuel. It's complicated and imminent and needs our immediate attention to avoid tipping points down the line. but it has to be approached in a way that does not continue to ravage nature and exploit the disadvantaged on Earth.

If you feel like this is a message that should be heard, please help make it a message that IS heard, far and wide! Sing it yourself, alone or with others. I'm such a lousy singer and lousy guitar player, I can make almost anyone sound good. But I figure there are others out there who can make a lot better version of this song. So, go for it, if you want to make a better version. I'd love to hear it.

Here are the words and chords I used:

Verse 1
[G] Well, [D7] world’s getting hotter in a real big hurry
[G] but heat’s a good thing so no need to worry
[D7] Storms are fast gettin out of control
[G] since we started burnin too much coal
[E7] highest carbon levels in a [A] million years
The kind of [D7] news deniers can [G] cheer

Chorus (sing after each verse):
And its [D7] 1, 2, 3 why are we [G] pumping oil?
who cares when we [D7] gotta have gas,
If Nature gets [G] kicked in the ass?
And its [D7] 5, 6, 7 dig those [G] coal mines deep,
[E7] Gotta pump those [A] oil wells dry,
Whoo[D7]pee, we’re all gonna [G] fry.

Verse 2
[G] Well, [D7] growin food is gonna be tough,
[G] In a hot/dry world there won’t be enough,
[D7] makin fertilizer uses lots-o oil
[G] does even more, helps kill the soil
[E7] Burning forests and [A] choppin down trees,
Is [D7] just what big Ag [G] needs,


Verse 3
[G] Well, [D7] Methane’s tipping point is ready to burst
[G] but don’t you worry, that’s not the worst
[D7] Melting glaciers are floodin the coasts,
[G] Makin poor nations suffer the most
[E7] suck out all that [A] goo from the past
and [D7] gotta do it really [G] fast


Verse 4
[G] Well, [D7] Capitalism needs more, more, more
[G] Profits and growth are the way we keep score
[D7] fossil fuel companies, got lies to tell
[G] as they change paradise into hell
[E7] dead sea zones are [A] lining the coasts,
but acid [D7] oceans suffer the [G] most


Verse 5
[G] Well, [D7] the mega rich are, gettin richer than sin,
[G] and then they do it all over again
[D7] Now 2 degrees, is not that high
[G] even if corral reefs have to die,
[E7] what about animals [A] what to do?
just [D] put them all in a [G] zoo.


Verse 6
[G] Well, [D7] Come politicians across the land,
[G] Fossil fuel companies need your help again,
[D7] Trash the truth to make big oil rich,
[G] Startin to look like the future’s a bitch,
[E7] Fossil fuels, are in [A] great demand,
About [D7] time for a brand new [G] scam.


Verse 7
[G] Well, [D7] scientists say the world’s too hot,
[G] Deniers claim that nope, it’s not
[D7] Stealing from the future is so, so greedy,
[G] But life’s too good and we’re all so needy
[E7] Sacrificin now is [A] way too tough,
Just [D7] pretend the future’s got [G] enough.


Verse 8
[G] when [D7] countries collapse, people try to leave
[G] more people flee than you can believe
[D7] stop the foreigners people start to shout
[G] maybe a wall will keep them all out,
[E7] just a hint of [A] what’s in store
What the [D7] hell, who’s keepin [G] score?


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