Carl H: The Most Hated Man on Reddit

Published 2020-04-25
Everyone remembers being told as a kid to be careful online and to never trust someone behind a computer screen, that statement seemed to be an eerie foreshadowing for one man in particular. Carl Herold was well known on Reddit for a time and was praised by many as being a gifted programmer who taught his skills to fellow redditors on his page. But what nobody knew was the dark and depraved life Carl kept hidden from the outside and online world. A secret that would lead to his downfall and secure his place as the most hated man on Reddit.

Music (in order)

When the Dead Outnumber the Living - Lionel Cohen

Crime Investigation - Jason Donnelly

Demon Dollhouse - Bruce Zimmerman

Unsettled Quiet - Bruce Zimmerman

Halo - Michael Vignola

Sweet Memory - Bobby Cole

All Comments (21)
  • @AidenRKrone
    One thing we can take away from this is that the common idea of what a child abuser is—an overweight, balding, mustached, creepy, elderly man—is not always accurate.
  • @DualProd
    “hmm, I wonder what he did” “oh, maybe he scammed people... maybe he DDosed people...” “ oh “
  • "Carl was found hanged in his cell" Man, prisoners are really good at making shit look like a suicide
  • @Pickled_Poet
    While it is true you never truly know someone on the internet, you could say the same about people you encounter day-to-day. Carl wasn't caught by his local community, but rather the FBI. This shows that he was probably just as friendly and caring outside of his home too; at work, at the store, with his friends, etc. People put on masks all the time to hide their identity
  • Went from “ah did he scam people? Or did he abuse his girlfriend or what?” To “ oh “
  • @yang9214
    Sexually abusing YOUR OWN SON? Absolutely horrendous.
  • @trollinsky6700
    Most hated man on Reddit “Meh ok, probably trolled some kids or something” ”Oh damn alright”
  • @neckpeck2738
    what fascinates me is the way he managed to maintain the image of a perfectly nice every-day guy, a smart and talented programmer, even a good samaritan sharing his knowledge with others for free. meanwhile he's keeping his own son imprisoned, exploiting him in every possible way, and committing the most vile and abusive acts anyone could do to another person, a child on top of that. what an insane double life.
  • @cyruscheng499
    I thought this video was about the man who deleted his child’s Minecraft world
  • @pink2211
    He did this to his own kid. Disgusting.
  • @colk5373
    “Him being busy with personal things, maybe he’s sick, maybe he just wants to take a break from life” Doesn’t seem too bad “In a case of a man charged with producing and distributing cp” that just went from 0 to 100 real fast
  • Not as important but the poor kid would avoid programming like the plague because of the PTSD, despite probably being smart enough for it. For some reason this makes me sad.
  • “It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and 5 minutes to ruin it.” - Warren Buffet
  • @fahimfaisal7571
    "How does a video from a seemingly unknown channel get recommended to me" is not my question. My question is, " why is this channel not popular yet?"
  • Poor kid. I wouldn't wish that kind of abuse on my worst enemy. Nobody should have to go through this at such a young age.
  • What’s scarier is that there’s worse people out there that we don’t even know about
  • @pivinne5536
    as a survivor of CSA myself, I'm sure the child will be able to live a relatively normal and peaceful life, knowing that his abusers are dead or behind bars. Hope he got the therapy he needed.
  • @bmodoesstuff
    Excuse me, his own son? That’s even worse than I imagined.
  • @PhilLesh69
    There was a similar story (minus the reddit stuff) about a girl whose mother and father ran a "photography" or " child modeling" website that was basically nothing more than thinly veiled pornography and exploitation. I think the reason you don't hear anything about this guy's son after this is because there are groups who help these children start new lives as far away from and as disconnected from that past as possible.
  • "Hated? He probably said morbidly obese instead of heckin chonker." "Hol' up-"