Is a Relationship with a Narcissist Possible?

Published 2024-03-04

All Comments (21)
  • @linda.christie
    "Feels like a simple no would have saved some time." ROFLMAO!!
  • The answer is a BIG FAT NO unless you want to feel like a piece of property. Every interaction with a narcissist is a transaction and nothing more.
  • When it comes to any constructive feedback, narcissists will often react poorly, getting defensive or even combative. They just can’t handle criticism because they think they‘re never wrong. It’s like trying to talk to a brick wall, where you can’t reason with them.
  • @TheBaumcm
    I differentiate selfish and self centered. Self centered, is on its face, neutral because eating when others could be hungry might be self centered. Selfish is eating someone else’s food because you’re too lazy to go to the store. I’ve stopped using the word narcissist because too many people make a snap judgment and think you are exaggerating. Now, rage filled, selfish, delusional, vindictive, oversensitive, chaotic, demeaning, extreme, and others are how I describe those people so that those around me will actually hear it.
  • @texaslovelylady
    No! Once you have determined that is in fact what you are dealing with. They have no interest in self improvement, or accountability, or intimacy because they can not love. It's best to leave, secretly and quickly as possible. Unfortunately sometimes police don't help, so if your life is in danger leave change looks and stay low working from home for awhile. Change phone and number, email etc. No social media.
  • @MysterChaser
    1.5 minutes of a perfect description! Nailed it! 👍
  • @colleenbrown3366
    I walked away from a 15 year friendship 20 years ago. I know it was hurtful to her and she proved so by spreading a salacious and wholly false rumor about me in an effort to ruin my reputation. Her efforts worked with some people but not all. I see posts critiquing those who "Ghost" others who do as I had done and I appreciate their viewpoint. But...any discussion or conversation with her would have been futile. I regret nothing.
  • It's depressing realizing that this is just my marriage is and that it will never change. Being disabled I am stuck. I can't even afford a government subsidized apartment. Why are they like this?!
  • @specialk4762
    Better to be by yourself..get a furbaby for company, keep yourself busy, practice self care ✌️💜😎
  • A good concise answer would be: "Possible? Yes. Advisable? NO." But sometimes you have to take the long way around to show the questioner exactly why the question is bad.
  • @obeliapark9860
    I REALLY wish I'd known all that before marrying my first husband...... would have saved me 10yrs of GRIEF WITH THST MANIAC 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 Happily that was 21yrs ago ahhhhhhhhhh blisssssssssss
  • @Findinside321
    Thank you Jimmy. I feel so tired, so neglected, so disconnected. Over two years. Even for people with low or instabil self worth such a relationship is so damaging. Maybe you also feel like...your completely over but can't leave because there is that unbreakable hope inside you, that's naive wish if you try and give more and keep on beginning at your side its gonna change. It will never change if the other one is not able to recognize, to see, to feel more or beyond than their self protecting narcissistic ego. And it hurts. So much that I can't feel the true message in side me and no love.
  • @chickadee1607
    Narcissism has a definition and diagnostic criteria. There is no "personal definition" of a narcissist. Someone can be a bad and selfish partner without also being a narcissist.
  • @jennap173
    A video on how most people aren't narcissists, but have some narcissistic tendencies would be interesting! Especially on how to deal with these tendencies in yourself and your partner. It seems to me that there are a lot of situations that aren't so black and white
  • @denises753
    I do think that, while narcissistic abusers are a real issue that many people face, I do feel like the word is often thrown around frivolously. I've personally experienced being accused of narcissism for speaking up for myself in situations in which both parties have contributed to making a poor situation. I don't have an issue admitting when I'm wrong, but I do take issue with being held accountable for a situation in its entirety when I was not the only one to cause it. I think that's a self-defense mechanism of mine; that I "distribute blame" because I've often experienced being scapegoated. Not a healthy habit, but I'm not sure how I can break it, and trust someone to own up to their own mistakes and having hurt me, when I take responsibility for what I did wrong. Do narcissists use accusation of narcissism to deflect blame in general? That's certainly been my experience with both friends and romantic partners.
  • @88Oleksiy
    The problem in narcissistic relationships is not that the other person does not respect us or does not honoring our boundaries, the problem is that we do not respect ourselves no honor our boundaries
  • @TB-jg2oq
    I need this same series on work relationships with narcissists. How to navigate interactions when you need to interact to get work done. As a people pleaser it eats away at my soul. I realize now I was definitely duped by the charm phase early on.
  • You can have a relationship with a narcissist if they are willing to work on themselves. Like you can have npd but if you actually listen to what your partner has to say and try to accommodate to them you could make it work
  • @NikkiGRocks4Ever
    Thank you Jimmy. That is a great explanation of a narcissist in a short time.