The Most Dangerous Moment In Church History and the Necessity of Deacons --Paul Washer #paulwasher

Published 2023-07-08

All Comments (21)
  • @nicknssud
    For reference to what Paul Washer is referring to, Acts 6:1-4 Now in these days when the disciples were increasing in number, a complaint by the Hellenists arose against the Hebrews because their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution. 2 And the twelve summoned the full number of the disciples and said, “It is not right that we should give up preaching the word of God to serve tables. 3 Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty. 4 But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.”
  • @benicio1967
    My mother was a very very young widow and I saw the help she desperately needed. By the time we were very little children she had us taking on the work of grown men. It was really tough growing up and the callous indifference of men all around us during that time has stayed with me throughout my life.
  • @914Undertow
    There's always a place for service to allow ministers to minister. Great declaration of The Word
  • @jamiewalter6803
    I pray for brother pauls health, family, kids, Father watch over this beautiful watchman.
  • @Eghvcr
    If the Holy Spirit speaks, it doesnt matter if it's a man, a woman, a child, a zebra, or a bush, God will speak through whomever God will speak through.
  • @lukehan451
    I am guilty 4 shunning my widowed mother all bc i felt self righteous as a follower of the lord. I am no 1! Plz pray 4 me 2 have compassion & 4giveness 4 my mother n 4 my enemies. I deserve 2 have miserably lose my family n ppl i love most. I deserve death i deserve hell. Dear lord 4give me & restore grace n me 2 b humble b4 my widowed mother n my family n enemies n the blood of ur son yesu cristo 🙏
  • James 1 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
  • @suzieparis6821
    I was widowed at 38.. no one... ever.. came to me or my children n asked if they could help.. not even my own family.. they treated us as if we had the plague.. still... 28 yrs later
  • The most dangerous moment in church history is when elders were disregarded and deacon boards began making spiritual decisions for the congregations to approve. Spiritually immature people selecting the next pastor of a church is supremely more dangerous to the church.
  • Use Gods church and care for His beloved Faithful✝️❤️ We must support our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ our lord and savior🙏🙌
  • @bernie10
    My mother was widowed when i was 7 and the oldest was 13 none of my father side stepped up to help but my mother side did..all though it wasn’t the best but they tried to help us ❤
  • @lizlane7278
    as a widow for 24 every one assumed that because I didn't have a husband to clean wash & cook for I was free to volunteer for every thing that a warm body was required. never once was I asked if I needed anything.
  • My wife has Cancer and she gets help. I suffered whiplash and a brain injury and lost my health, my wifes love, my childrens love, my wifes family canceled me and my career all gone. I wish God gave me a suitable Helper but she needs help also. I help where I can on my wifes terms. She tild me to NOT come home 3.5 years ago and I still love and miss her and the life I HAD but the New life I have is a difficult narrow path. I help people every day. Just NOT myself.
  • @luisalvarado6656
    I like how everyone one of y’all are criticizing him because it doesn’t meet your standards or how you see the Bible from the start he always set a side himself and allows the holy spirit and fasts not to show off but to truly consecrate put God first instead of talking or saying stuff as brothers and sisters in Christ were supposed to encourage one another and when I seen his preachings it tells more truth then anything this man had to risk it all for the lord he literally loves the lord he devotes himself non stop and not many people would do it and go to Peru and risk there life or see your dad die in ur arms yes we all have a testimony but he isn’t scared to speak the truth and the truth is in Gods word if you wanna understand slowly pray and meditate and ask the lord for the wisdom to understand and so far In the word he speaks he has been allowing the lord to use him to speak the lords truth ! And he has not been afraid and I praise the lord and give thanks to Him for using men like him to build actual men of God the lord has used him and u need a lot Of wisdom by the Holy Spirit to Understand the Bible specifically says you can’t learn it by your own you need the Holy Spirit to understand the lords word
  • This pastors voice is so calming and he is a true man of God . What a treasure
  • @koffeesaint1263
    I think somehwere in the full message he points out how deacons help With the physical needs so that elders can focus on the spiritual needs. We need that kind of team work. Wherever you are, deacons and elders, work together with Christ as the coach. We need you guys to work in a Godly order 🙏
  • @ninjaturtle1057
    What's amazing I was just reading about that in the book of Acts... I was thinking about the same thing how important it is for every member of the church to go out and evangelize
  • Amen. That is a simple problem but can cause trouble in the heart of the apostles or pastors. Truly we need pastors and deacons who are biblically qualified to this ministry 🙏🙏🙏