MIRROR MODE (NO DAMAGE) - Confronting Yourself Mario Mix (Good Future)

Published 2022-08-30

All Comments (21)
  • @nurfgal
    Could I have the Voices and Inst please?
  • @magmosi4447
    Bad Ending = Mirror Mode Good Ending = Super Star Rush
  • at 2:39 I like to imagine that the reason his voice isn't the "Illusion" voice like in the original, is because PS135 is so full of rage at Mario converting Luigi and Peach to his side that instead of trying to get under his skin with the Illusion, he just keeps trying to swing at him with his original moves, but just stylized
  • I think that after the ending of the original song, Mario just so happened to have at least one extra life before encountering PS135, and that when he died, PS135 was surprised to see Mario's soul disappear when Mario respawned back at Mario's house. Mario then decided to not hold anything back and headed back to the forest to confront PS135 directly and save his friends. You can tell that Mario is serious when you notice that the lines are swapped: Mario singing PS135's lines and vice versa. It shows that Mario is the true superstar here and that he is not letting PS135 have the win this time around by turning the tables against him. If PS135 can drain Mario's health in the original song, then that health drain will get weaker with every soul Mario saves, to the point of there being no health drain at all with all of the souls saved. Meanwhile, Mario's note healing gets stronger with every soul saved thanks to his friends helping him after being rescued. The friends themselves when they're souls? Their singing here shows them breaking out of PS135's grasp thanks to Mario's determination. At the end of this version of the song, PS135 is defeated for good. Mario still sings the Super Mario World game over leitmotif, though it takes on a different light. It's not PS135 showing that Mario's game is over by using his soul here. It's Mario telling PS135 that HIS game is over forever. At the very end, with his back turned, Mario gives a peace sign to the player, thanking them for their help even when they were losing the first time around, and saying that he'll "see them next time," implying that there will still be many more adventures for Mario in the future, all without the horrors that PS135 brought. It may take some time to recover, but in the end, Mario beat the Mirror Mode, and gave him and his friends the Good Future they wanted.
  • @AJLord
    This time, Mario brought some spare 1-Ups.
  • @RealFirmament
    I just realized that PS135's eye loses it's pupil in the end of this version, since he's actually beaten. Nice attention to detail, dude.
  • PS135: You TRAITORS! Luigi: Dude! We never wanted to be part of your band in the first place! Toadstool: Yeah! You killed us and made us your slaves! Yoshi: Yoshi no like eyeball man! Mario better! Oogtar: Oogtar says F**K YOU!
  • @Jeffrey18O
    A darkness fell over the mushroom kingdom all hope is seen to be lost But yet there is hope as our hero take his finally stand against the monster Everyone hopes and dreams are now resting in our hero's hands As true super star has finally arrived
  • @sendbleach
    Mario: Goddamnit luigi,you forgot your 1-up again,luckily,ive got a few left over for you guys PS135: dude....how the fuck did you do that....*THOSE WERE MY SOULS YOU REDHEAD!*
  • @drearysol
    Ending 3/4 One up (Saved everyone) Get no misses during Mirror mode until after Yoshi and Oogtar with 35 Coins. Ending 1/4 Game Over (don't save anyone) Miss atleast once against each soul. Ending 2/4 Extinction (fail to save yoshi and oogtar) Miss during yoshi and oogtars part Ending 4/4 Broken family (Fail to save luigi/peach) Miss before luigi arrives. Ending ?/4 Faint (don't have 35 coins before mario's last solo) Gain 34 or less coins before mario's last solo.
  • I just realized their places swapped I.E. Mario sings PS135's parts and PS135 sing Mario's parts I think
  • @lobruh9039
    I like how Oogtar is nowhere to be seen after he is supposedly saved
  • Imagine this as an alternative ending, like if you don’t miss any notes during the first verses the characters PS135 sends out to rap against you, you can save them and fight back.
  • 3:36 Don't know if this is intentional, but the tone of PS135's voice changes. They actually sound scared.
  • @suly5836
    Ah yes the canon ending to this song.