Every Meal Pro Ballerina Scout Forsythe Eats in a Day | On Pointe | Glamour

Published 2021-03-18
Pro Ballerina Scout Forsythe eats freshly laid chicken eggs from her neighbors coup on her avocado toast every morning. In this episode of On Pointe, Scout breaks down each meal and snack she eats throughout her day. Scout shows off her meal prep skills for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and she shares a great hack for getting extra electrolytes from her water. From waking up and hydrating to training and cooking dinner, find out how a pro ballerina fuels her day.

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Every Meal Pro Ballerina Scout Forsythe Eats in a Day | On Pointe | Glamour

All Comments (21)
  • Her breakfast was quite on the lighter side and her lunch was literally a broth based soup. Even with her snacks it’s actually quite less food considering she’s a full time ballerina that’s already a lot of physical activity. Only her dinner was something close to a meal. Whatever works for her but please don’t think you are lazy or wrong if this doesn’t seem like enough food for you because it isn’t.
  • @QueerAndHere
    Ok, her schedule is INSANE, she’s so pretty and badass and her attitude towards food is healthy and educated and I LOVE HER
  • @musa2775
    For everyone wondering: Breakfast - Avocado 1/2 = 125 - Slice bread = 80 - Egg = 70 Snack - Apple = 80 Lunch - Veggie soup = 265 (estimate) - Cookie = 60 (estimate) Snack - Hippeas 100 Dinner - Salmon & Veg 525 (estimate) Dessert = 200 (estimate) Total = 1495 (Someone check my math. I added quick). Yes, that is incredibly low for a dancer.
  • @crisset
    Did she say "liter"? My metric heart is melting 😍
  • @camillenetto
    As a ballerina, even tough she is eating healthy, I feel like if I ate as little as her, I wouldn’t have the energy for classes and rehearsals.
  • @ReginaGg
    I love that she gives classic California joyful/surfer/tomboy vibes TOTALLY balanced with ultra feminine and beautiful ballerina vibes!!!! Yes glorious pirouette at the end!! 🥰👌🏽✨
  • @KitkatKate333
    Looking at her life makes me feel how good she must feel! So active and eating so well, stretching, sleeping a full night and drinking lots of water 😌 And it really shows in her demeanor! I am currently no where near this as an overworked student but I'm excited to get back to this one day
  • @rongomaisweeney
    Scout Forsythe? That is literally the most Badass name I’ve ever heard
  • @zixiong681
    her reaction to a good poached egg is my reaction to anything I cook well 😂
  • She seems like she has a really great relationship with food - eating healthy whole foods that fuel her body, but choosing things she truly enjoys, too.
  • @hamasaki000
    Just remember everybody has different nutritional needs, so it is never a good idea to copy somebody else’s diet. I saw many people saying this promotes under eating, so I would recommend focusing on the good relationship she seems to have with food, the good habit of cooking your own meal and how excited she seems about her healthy meals. These are good things to get inspired by and apply on one’s life. Again, do not copy the diet itself, because everybody has different needs. Stay safe, everybody <3
  • @ingridfrey6799
    Literally my favourite ballerina! Such a lovely personality, and extremely talented ballerina.
  • @adlibby6448
    I love watching anything to do with the production of ballet. It’s so intense and interesting.
  • @o-psophia5305
    Am I the only one who feels she does not eat that much food? With 7 hours of ballet a day I would genuinely have thought she would have had more food. For example she had only one piece of bread in the morning to accompany the egg and the avocado. It kind of stresses me out, I eat more than her and by no means am I so active O.o EDIT: Thanks for all the answers! I am not trying to criticize her diet (I really love her and follow her on several media plus I trust she does the rights choices for herself) but rather to understand it as I was genuinely surprised. I pay a lot of attention to my food and eat mostly vegetables, organic, non-processed etc. but still, I do eat more (I am french and its a bit cliché but for ex I eat a LOT more bread) without being particularly active and I am not overweight. Which is why I thought someone as active would need more food (I notably think of Natacha Océane's videos where she seems to eat more carbs and more sweets). Edit 2: ok I saw a dietician review where she confirmed this was not enough at all! I don't blame Scout but Glamour for posting such inconsiderate content and for not taking it down. This video made me feel bad about myself until I got the proper informations.
  • @violetedge83
    "If it's there and I need it, then I'm going to eat it" I love it 💜💜💜💜
  • I love her!!!!!! As a former ballerina 🩰 it feels so good to see my sisters of the craft out there helping others with awesome food ideas! I’d still be dancing if l didn’t hurt my hip and ankle. Please Scout keep making these videos!
  • @h0a4l
    If this is how she eats with 9 hours of physical activity...i see why I'm fat lmaooo