DOES DEFENCE SUCK IN #thefirstdescendant (See comment for more info)

Published 2024-07-27

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All Comments (21)
  • @ryechew
    If, set bonuses didnt exist, id still have like 30-45K defense. Also specific stats on components roll on weekly rolls appearantly (which is od) also means the stats are up to change in the future. In the part where im talking about the shield i am doing both hp conversation and increased shield. If you pick one. The increased shield is better
  • What I love about Ryechews are two things 1, that he's not saying the "trust me bro" or just showing one clip to show he's right, but is willing to put in the extra effort to show, explain and do deep dive into the math to back it up. 2, And this might be the big plus in his character what I've seen in multiple vids. He's willing to admit when he'd made a mistake or that his previous vids aren't up-to-date anymore, corrects it, and makes an vid giving a brief explanation why and how things had changed in previous vids compared to new ones
  • @pillagius
    Formulating a build is fairly simple to me, since its similar to Warframe. But I do lack some understanding on what to aim for in certain aspects, so your vids help to fill in those gaps, without having to test everything myself - Thanks!
  • @Staggeringking_
    I can piece together a good build when I know what everything does so build guides are meh to me, but that's why your videos are so useful, cus you explore the deeper mechanics that let me know how to make a good build in the first place, thanks man, much respect 👍
  • @Omronekoro
    The phrase "damage takeable" is generally referred to as "Effective HP' in common game interactions. Just an fyi.
  • @christianhellem
    Thanks for another good video. I can share the results of running infiltration in kingston for 001 , 200x2 times over the last couple of days. I did it mostly to get an feeling if i can trust the announced droprates. 200 times with sharen un stealth, 200 times with sharen going berserk to not get the additional awards. I chose this location to get the low carbon stuff, plus probably an ultimate lepic part in the process, whilst chosing to spend some hrs on it anyway. Results. 200 times infiltrating stealth. 79 pieces of 001 . It says 20% for doing it and 5-20% for infiltrating. I got 17 sensory dep(hp) modules, which has a 10% chance. So it dropped 8.5% of the times, which is well within reason. 200 times going rambo got me 43 001, and 22 sensory dep. Almost exacly 20% drop for the 001, and also the module is well within reasonable fluct.. So to sum it up it looks like the droprates are as they say. One takeaway is that the 5-20% droprate is much closer to 20.. than to 5... Also I only got the stabalizers when doing stealth... but that also makes sense... because even though the chance is still small when doing it stealth... its relatively huge compared to doing it rambomode... Last thing... i got an avarege of 13.7 low carbon activators... pr run.. You need 55 to make 1 energy activator... so if this is true for most ppl, it means we end up with .1 low carbon short, when doing 4 runs.. we need to do 5. 😂 I know its random, but knowing them i almost feel like its designed that way.
  • @Katastra_
    2:39 the base HP/Defense/Shield values are incorrect on Aux Power, Sensor, and Memory, each has one stat that is lower. Aux Power has lower base shield, Sensor has lower base defense, and Memory has lower base HP. Only the Processor doesn't have one of it's base stats lower than the others.
  • @viixaan
    I didn't think I would be eating breakfast being enlightened by your breakdown. Good stuff man!
  • @DaShikuXI
    Having two DEF lines on your Memory unit gives you 8-9k total DEF (depending on your rolls). You add the ~2k innate DEF of your descendant to that, and you get roughly 10-11k DEF. Paired up with Iron Defense or Spear and Shield, you sit at around 19-20k DEF, which is a really nice amount to have for the average descendant. I think it's very much worthwhile to have double defense on Memory, because you just get so much out of it since almost every build already runs one of the purple defense mods for extra damage.
  • people see diminishing returns and assume it's always bad to go over a certain amount. They want a simple one size fits all, they don't care to take the time to find the optimal number for a specific build. I think that is okay, but people are infact spreading misinformation saying that hp is always better and defense is almost useless. It's nice to see yet another nuanced take from someone who seems to enjoy going more in-depth with advice rather than saying just run this and not to think about it. I really appreciate that as I often do my own testing and come up with similar ideas though different opinions sometimes. You're def the best TFD content creator I've seen so far FOR ME. Literally your least valuable video for me has been more valuable than any other creator's video (not to talk badly on other creators of course, your stuff is just what I am looking for <3)
  • @PapaAwiz
    Finally. Of course Rye ends up being the voice of reason. Ajax main here. Desired power fantasy was one where I could just stand in, around, shrug off &/or not feel any damage. My current set running body enhancement sees me running around with 18k hp, almost 5k shield, 71k defense AND auto immunity for an additional 10% DR. When I tell you that I never get downed by ANYTHING, I mean it, lmao. Past few days seeing more & more channels telling people they don't need any defense whatsoever & JUST hp has been super triggering. Especially when most of my hard intercepts, I spend JUST as much time having to pick up all the pugs as I do actively fighting the boss. I'm ALWAYS the rez guy because I'm ALWAYS the only one surviving everything.
  • @psyjinx
    Small thing, but I absolutely prefer the chill music while you're talking.
  • @jandraelune1
    With Gley, she has no shield or MP, so all those modules that rip away shield or MP, or only take effect at 0. Those are all just positives for her.
  • @blackyvertigo
    I believe the term you were looking for is “effective health” which is a term used in online games to specify your actual health when mitigations are taken into consideration.
  • @gothfalcon
    I'm really glad I found you for this kind of information. I wonder when someone will figure out formulas to figure out effective hit points for all stat ranges so that we can figure our our builds even better. It wouldn't even need to be that detailed, just show based on max rolls on each possible external component and base stats for each descendant to give an idea what to aim for
  • @Casevaiandando
    would love too see a video on every character with their best modules for bossing/mobbing + best reactors and components, and if needed, weapons choice too. love ur videos man !
  • @hjue44
    I have my own excel file with many tables on builds, tests and other thing. These videos helped develop a set understanding of the game and enabled me to make my own builds
  • @NeightrixPrime
    Worth noting, if you're not running a set, some of the set pieces get higher values, such as the annihilation memory getting 646 HP instead of 484.
  • @Vaisukin
    Love these videos and i find your thought process similar to how i think which makes the information you give very easy to understand. I was wondering do you plan on going over elemental damage and elemental procs anytime soon? No one seems to understand how it works and some people are even claiming it’s a “bug” that elemental damage doesn’t apply to weak point, but applies to crit damage,but i’m pretty sure that’s intended, as elemental damage is already very strong, people just don’t know when to build for it.I did all the testing for elemental modules and how to maximize elemental damage along with hitting 200k procs, in which i can confirm that elemental damage is not bugged at all, rather it’s simply broken but people don’t know what to look for when building it. summary of how to build for elemental damage; Elemental builds are for weapons with high firearm attack( snipers, scout rifles, rocket launchers) and the way modules interact is a compound effect. Simple example if you have a weapon like a sniper with 100k firearm attack base, put toxic enhancement on(adds 30% toxic attack), then your weapon does 100k dmg and 30k toxic. Now if you add a module that increases toxic attack like toxic gunbarrel, it increases toxic attack by 90%, so your weapon is now 100k dmg and 57k toxic. Your elemental proc will be based off of 57k toxic, which will lead to a strong dot. Crit also applies, meaning if you crit x2 and apply a 114k toxic proc, your damage will be based off 114k.Now let’s say you used a sub machine gun with 10k base firearm attack, same modules, you will get 5.7k, which not only is lower, but now we have to talk about attribute effect rate. AL guns apart from rocket launchers, scout rifles, snipers, have very low attribution rates, so your chance of getting a proc is very low anyways, along with gaining more value from not building elemental based, as weak point damage isn’t calculated. Rocket launchers become the best option for elemental builds as they tend to have high crit chance, high crit multipliers, are not weak point oriented, have high attribution rate effects, and tend to have high base power too, Guardian r4 for example having base power beat only by the piercing light. But why build elemental/ crit sniper over weak point/crit sniper? 1 shotting colossus frenzy parts. parts such as the pyromaniac tube during frenzy mode do not take weak point damage, however they do take extra damage respective to their element weakness, alongside being able to get crit, meaning building an elemental sniper rifle you can break boss parts during immunity phase extremely easy. What about the second reason? Elemental procs if landed can easily net out more damage from a single bullet than a weak point crit build. I’m going to stop there i could go on forever but i think anyone reading all of this will get the general premise of elemental damage now. I want to spread this information and expand upon it because this makes even harder colossus a joke, as you can bypass immunity phases with ease, which as more content comes out like gluttonous, this will be good for the community to be able to take on any challenge with ease.