FlatList is killing the performance of your app

Published 2022-08-26
Lists are one of the most common components in React Native, but the FlatList has always been kinda slow and buggy when dealing with large lists. FlashList comes to solve this problem as a Fast & Performant React Native List.

In this video, we will compare the performance of the FlatList vs FlashList and see if it indeed improves the performance by x5 as it claims.

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Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only!! All views, opinions, technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, technology choices of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.

#VadimSavin #notjustdev #reactnative

All Comments (21)
  • @notjustdev
    📚 Enroll NOW in The Full-Stack Mobile Developer course and don’t miss out on your chance to become a 6-figure dev in 2023! Check out what our successful students are saying about their experience: academy.notjust.dev/
  • Just tested this on our app and it’s so much better! We have components in a Flatlist with remote images and where the standard FlatList mounts all of them triggering the requests, FlashList actually mounts components as you scroll so almost no network requests on mount! Then I could see the network requests come in as I scroll all with essentially the same API. Great video!
  • @mystik5551
    Awesome, been searching for something better. Will definitely try it
  • @GreatVolcano
    It's a cool video. Can you do more videos for optimize RN apps?
  • Great! I really like this video. It's useful for beginer as me.
  • @rudeadyet1992
    Thanks for the Cool video! BTW the new architecture would drastically improve such issues. Have you guys thought of experimenting the new RN "Bridgeless" architecture in the near future?
  • hey I have made reavt native with firestore that is too slow can you tell what to use to make it fast?
  • @surbhitrao
    Can you also compare recyclerlistview vs FlashList? That will be an intresting watch
  • @davidlintin
    Hey nice video. However your thumbnail shows a SectionList. Is there a FlashSectionList?
  • @hungtran7681
    I tried and got this error: Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "AutoLayoutView" was not found in the UIManager.How can i fix that? thanks
  • Thanks for the video bro... but i have a really important question. Is there anyway we can display react native/component over other apps just like Facebook messenger?
  • @edena276
    Is that component stable enough to use on all sort of devices either new or old and iOS or Android ?