PUBG Was Amazing (and How it Got Bad)

Published 2023-11-26
grrr pubg grr fortnite grr

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0:00 Intro
0:42 PUBG is Slow
2:36 what does "heterogeneous" mean
4:10 Erangel and all the things i have to say about it
6:14 school.
10:04 Miramar and the content desert
12:11 Sanhok and its consequences
14:57 after the pirhanas leave
17:59 conclusions
18:48 Nebula spot
20:13 Patreon

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All Comments (21)
  • @pchris
    That’s such an interesting problem. As a game developer you could be receiving all this very loud feedback making it very clear what your focus should be, but if you follow it, you kill your game. Really shows that you need to hold on to your creative intentions and filter feedback through your own lens. Taking feedback is a skill.
  • @denzo3882
    Now I feel honored to have experienced PUBG at it's prime.
  • @HardCoreStefanO
    I really miss that 'quiet and slow time' of PUBG. Just having fun conversations with the boys while looting and stuff and then intensify once battle erupted. It was fun while it lasted.
  • @daniel4412
    Am I the only one who commonly has dreams about PUBG? Haven't played it in 4+ years, but every once in a while I still have a dream that revolves around the map Erangel.
  • @RadiusCulling
    the tension the game managed to build was unmatched. the immediate switch from comfort to complete terror that happens halfway through the match is intense, and you're just forced to sit with that emotion making minutes feel like hours. that paranoia is what gets you genuinely engaged. eventually the tension is masterfully released by a kill that overwhelms you with glee, or a death that is so frustrating it motivates you to play another match, and you really never know which one is going to happen. devs need to embrace making the player uncomfortable, thats what made the game fun in the first place.
  • @reach268
    Couldn't agree more. I miss those early days, the big slow maps, me and my friends dropping outside the hotspots and enjoying that slow building tension towards combat, joking, chatting, becoming increasingly paranoid. It was a magical experience which I deeply miss.
  • @Theodon23
    it's 2017, you just realized people cant see you if you're sitting in a bush Life is good, you have no enemies 😢
  • @Ziro_kun
    Still grindin this in 2024 and still enjoyin itt
  • @looppp
    PUBG holds such a special place in my heart. The music, the ambiance, the pacing, and the stress of the silence is something so unique
  • I think most multiplayer games are at their best when they are relatively new and nobody knows what the hell they are doing yet. I also have fond memories of early PUBG with my friends, and I really appreciated the more quiet moments of running and driving, where we could just hang out and chat (until we heard gun shots somewhere in the distance). I think we stopped playing even before Sanhok, but based on this video, I believe it was the right call, sadly enough.
  • @madlad5964
    I dont see enough people pointing this out, but this is a whole ass documentary, and a well written, edited, narrated and thought out one too. I dont remember watching something this professional and entertaining thats also gaming related in a while. Great job man, truly amazing piece
  • @HONEmusicINT
    Me and my friends picked up PUBG yesterday for the first time in 5 years, we had an absolute blast tbh and plan to play more now
  • @acc4670
    This helped me understand why my husband enjoyed PUBG so much back in the day. Not my preferred genre but the way you explain the experience, I get it. Some games just have/had "it". He doesn't play anymore, communities change.
  • @int3r4ct
    As someone who was once a very good PUBG player, it was fantastic back in its day. I have fond memories playing with friends and just having fun. Idk if my friends and I just grew out of it or if the new maps just weren’t as good or the changes were bad or what, but eventually we all just slowly stopped playing and moved on to other games. I’ve basically just stopped playing BRs altogether, the closest thing I’ll play these days is Tarkov.
  • @diddyz7
    me and a buddy of mine still play this game to this day, but we are both already mechanically skilled, so gunfights were never an issue. We could jump into a game and 7/10 win school, but we didn't go there. We prefered and still do this, where we try to find an isolated spot, loot of what we want, and play the edge more or less the entire game, enjoying the few gunfights we get in. I have had 20 kill games that were boring, but also had 1 kill games that were awesome because of this. We also change the playstyle depending on the map, we still want to land secluded to have time to loot and enjoy the game, but we play Erangel, Miramar and the other large maps very slowly and methodically, but we play Sanhok and the other small ones semi-fast paced with smgs and dmrs. I think this helps us keep the game fresh to us so that we don't get too bored of playing the same way every time, but have the oppurtinity to switch it up.
  • @Maelthorn1337
    Great video! I'm also astonished that you put the sponsored section at the end. Because you decided to preserve the flow of your video by doing that, I watched the sponsored segment which I would skip for almost all other channels.
  • @briantobread
    I started playing PUBG in 2017 before they had vault mechanics. Battle Royales felt so new and unique. I played days worth with a buddy of mine who has since passed. I have plenty of memories with my friend having a blast diving into Pochinki. It was great being able to play this game at its peak. It will be missed. And RIP to my buddy.
  • @Mochaaaauwu
    I've never seen a video that perfectly described how I feel about pubg, what drew me to it in the first place and what killed it for me. God damn good video
  • @maxi7521
    Great Video, played PUBG on day one and also stoppe around Sanhok release. I never understood why i didnt like it anymore but your video really showed me the Reason, and got me some good Nostalgia for the good ol' days, ty
  • @sshk1653
    Also the weird skins 😑 was death of pubg