The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

Published 2024-07-23
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The U.S. Presidential Election: Nov. 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing you there on Earth for quite some time now, and we do know that you like to get riled up over your politics, your candidates, and your governments. And we also know that a lot of eyes are on the United States and their presidential election in November. You can support whichever candidate you want to support, and you can know that we, The Arcturian Council, support all of you. We support all of humanity and we do not take sides.

And so, while you decide which candidate is your choice to be the next president of the United States, do so without taking a side. You can lend your energetic support and your ballot to the candidate that you prefer without pushing against the other candidate or the other political party. It is possible to do this, and if you are someone who is getting involved in the politics of the United States, then you would do well to take our advice.

Understand that no one wins when two sides are pushing against each other with a tremendous force. It is only through working together, only through unity consciousness, that everyone wins. And so, we advise you not to focus on defeating anyone, whether it is a political person or the dark cabal. Instead, we invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race.

And yes, extra-terrestrial contact will play a part in that. It will get you to see yourselves as Earthlings first and foremost, and of from there you can see yourselves as Source Energy Beings first and foremost, and you will continue to evolve and ascend as you do so. That is what the e.t.s you will be encountering will want to teach you. They won’t just be handing over advanced technologies and med beds. They will be helping you to see yourselves as a unified whole and as Source Energy Beings. And you can start to do that right now, and you don’t have to let any election or any politician divide you.

You can rise above that level of consciousness, and you can come into the knowing of who you really are by doing just that, by rising above the hate and the pushing against, the resistance and the judgment that is such a part of the politics in the United States and in most places across your world. You are the ones who are meant to be the wayshowers and to rise above it all, and we implore you to do so during the times when the energies are at their most heightened. Now is one of those times, of course.

We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

All Comments (21)
  • Bloke has an ideal intro. "hi, im gonna channel" Opposed to others that ramble for 30 minutes.
  • We are going through a tough time here in Kenya as well in terms of politics and I remember thinking I wish I had the opportunity to ask the Arcturians how to act when I feel like contributing because alot of youths died in protests against the government and I thought I wish I could ask you how you deal with this! I'm so happy the Arcturians answered my call for support on this and thanks Daniel for your graceful contribution 🙏🏾
  • @mwb7029
    You're absolutely correct. I do not want to hear how bad the other person is. I want to hear how the candidate has something for everyone if elected and this way we can find common goals and feel more united. No hate. Tell me what you're going to do to make our lives better and the world at peace. Period.
  • @amymaher2127
    Trying to decipher between good vs evil when “both sides” have been involved with evil has been the struggle for me. I just have to trust that the universe has our backs for the good of humanity as we try to navigate thru it 🙏🏻🌟♥️
  • @letralou4244
    Daniel and Arturians, a different topic: here in Perú there's been a few earthquakes, as normal, but the director of the institute of geophysicts has announced publicly on radio and TV that a huge, at least level 8.8, earthquake is expected on an area of 350km along the central coast of Peru anytime soon... followed by a huge tsunami. Problem is, over 70% of buildinģs don't have building regulations approval, and millions of people are at risk. We need help, we need pure loving vibrations sent this way, please.
  • "We invite you to promote love, peace, harmony, unity, a coming together of all peoples from all across the planet. That is what you are doing there on Earth, whether it looks that way or not. You are giving this idea of us-versus-them one last go round before you come together as one unified human race". 🌎💕🕊 🙏🥰😘
  • Yep we all need to acknowledge who we truly are and act accordingly. When we do this, we, as all humanity on earth, will see more and more peace, harmony and prosperity for each and every one of us. We must stop hating and killing one another. We are truly being of LOVE.
  • @SprockEr11
    Loved the message. I agree. We need unity.
  • @sky_blue113
    Thank you so much Daniel and the 9D Arcturian Council!!!🙏🌈💜👽🌼🌿
  • We’re all so fortunate to have you bringing forth so much wisdom and love to humanity almost every day for free. We all need to support this beautiful effort as much as we can. Thank you thank you!
  • Hallelujah! Thank you for this message. Greetings from South Africa, where, as a result of the last election results we are entering into a coalition government, as many governments have done across the planet and I reckon it is high time the same process took place in the USA. Every corporate government is bound to the U.S. Federal Reserve which is why we all look at what is going on in U.S. government. Lets work together in unity and to boot with these divide and conquer, winner takes all crapshit.
  • Благо дарю Дэниель За всех искренне желающих помочь в эти беспрецедентные времена
  • Thank you for this offering…such a Joy to have the encouragement for each of us to be an independent thinker in the current USA presidential process. 🌟♥️🌈
  • @LightisLaw
    I made a post about this today. I said one of my goals is to put unity back into community.
  • @BluDawg
    I’m here from Brian , love your channeling , Thank You 🩵
  • @meeshas3294
    Remain in love and unity ❤ Beautiful msg this morning! After I finished listening, I was taken to a video that Brian Scott posted and he's talking about you 🩵
  • @larabrekken
    Resistance creates a psychic-like tie that creates more resistance. We have to consider the underlying energy of our thoughts and feelings. Is it founded in love or fear? We must be the change in our thoughts, words, and deeds. The candidates are reflections of our consciousness. As we rise, they, too, will rise. ❤✨
  • Thank you Daniel and Arcturian Council!! Much love and gratitude to all!❤😍🙏