Update- Day 21

Published 2008-06-21
I am so appreciative for the kindness shown to me by my YT friends. You people are AMAZING! I know some of you understand that I had just started playing in this jungle when my life took a sharp turn. That been said, I have NOT progressed in learning how to make a video (much less that scary word- EDIT!)....so here goes with what I can do. I am giving it a shot with my laptop this time (but still the webcam)Maybe someone can share with me why my last video was so wacked? Why was it the words were not coming out of my mouth when I was saying them?? Grr ...anyway...this was a very good day...a happy day...and I wanted to share.

All Comments (9)
  • @Perroquet51
    It's so good to see you again. I went through the same thing with my mom so I understand what you're saying. Seeing you happy makes me happy, also. Atree3 is marvellous and calling her a "magical lady" is such a good description.
  • @yescandles
    Thank you so much. You are very kind. It feels great knowing people are praying for her.
  • @souixana
    Such good news! Michael you are a wonderful son. I will continue to keep you and your mom close in my thoughts and prayers.
  • @yescandles
    That must have been difficult for you to deal with on so many levels....and joyous as well. we never know what life has in store for us.....we must live each day like it is our last.
  • @silverscreamgrl
    Nuh uh, that wasn't a little thing. She was clearly stating, "I wanna see that TV, don't you even think of turning me." LOL!!! VERY GOOD! I look forward to you and your mom vlogging together. That would be fantastic. Insofar as your video issues, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the lighting was very low. Sometimes when I don't turn the lights on in the room, the audio/video drags and is offkey. As soon as I download a program, I will be doing an editing instructional.
  • @megictx
    I know this is and old video and I do not know your current situatution. But I can relate to the small things giving great hapiness. My mother had alzheimer and one day when I was visiting her she calls out to me from thirty feet away "Hi Michael Glad to see you."When I got to her chair she did not know me from Adam.But the thrill was there. another Michael
  • @yescandles
    Thank you so much Susan. I discovered today they have a WiFi connection here at the hospital! Waa Hoo! Sure helps to pass the time during those long sleeping times. And thanks for the visual comment. I had just moved and purchased the house when this happened and have not finished with it(still have boxes in the garage)but I will get there. I thought last night that maybe the lighting would be better in that room, but not so much. There is so much to figure out about all this video stuff!