Conquer Your Fear -NLP Technique- Watch this woman loses her fear of public speaking in 12 minutes

Published 2014-12-10
In this short video gifted intuitive and NLP trainer Alain Jean-Baptiste changes this women's fear of public speaking within minutes. See how with humor he helps this participant change the way she perceives public speaking. Learn how Alain Jean-Baptiste helps this woman overcome her fear of public speaking. Watch as her anxiety and worry about doing public speaking vanishes away in less than 12 minutes. Using NLP techniques and intuitive abilities Alain Jean-Baptiste helps her gain more confidence and raise her self-esteem to enable her to vanquish her fear forever. She later started using her new skills at being able to talk in public for her career less than a month afterward.

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For more techniques and strategies on "How to Conquer the Fear of Public Speaking" go to my website:…

5 Steps to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

Step 1: Understand that you are experiencing a built-in biological reaction to fear.
Remember that fear is a useful tool to help you survive. Your mind and body will get a danger alert to help you remain safe. Your conscious mind is still in control so long as you acknowledge the fear and how you will use it.

Step 2: Acknowledge that you are experiencing auto-triggered biological responses that are intended to give you protective benefits
It’s normal to feel pressure and increased stress when you experience fear. Do not panic when you start to feel these symptoms of increased sweating, rapid heart rate, tightening of muscles or otherwise. Remind yourself that this is part of the protective mechanism of fear that can help you stay focused throughout your presentation.

Step 3: Assess your fear level to judge whether you can cope with the fear or if the fear is too high. If the fear is too high, be sure to check out the video below for hands-on methods that will help you reduce this level of fear.
Take a few deep breaths and honestly assess how afraid you really are. Focus on going through the conscious process of assessing the stakes involved to address any disproportions to your perception of danger involved.

Step 4: Understand what is happening in your mind.
Fear is a reaction to your perception of danger. If you are feeling an escalated fear of public speaking, understand that your conscious mind has the power to overcome this through self-development, coaching and practice. The worst thing you can do is give into the fear because that reinforces an on-going cycle. Instead, face your fear with preparedness and start with small presentations.

Step 5: Practice public speaking in a safe place with a group of supportive friends.
Practice makes perfect! The best way to face and overcome an escalated fear of public speaking and to deliver a more confident performance is to practice in a “laboratory”. This gives you the opportunity to practice giving presentations and lowers the stakes so you can practice managing that fear in a less threatening environment.

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All Comments (21)
  • @umazingg4954
    She was pretty confident from the beginning I feel..bcuz she volunteered to come upstage whereas a nervous person won't even come on the stage
  • @testingdpc
    I get nervous by just thinking of doing public speaking!
  • @marvin1574
    Theres a difference being in the crowd because you are equal in attention within the group..When shes in front she separates and now becomes the center of attention
  • the difference between me and her is when i'm in front, i get nervous and i start shaking a lot
  • @seanungaro493
    My fear is on another level I can’t even talk and I would choose death over going up front I don’t know what to do
  • @FaDeKraazy
    One really good point which I took from this video was that, we can do it. But it's just that we think we can't do it. I recently thought about how amazing it would be if I can practice presentations in a non judgemental area till I feel comfortable, but not feeling comfortable doesn't mean I can't do it. It's just us over thinking... we can physically and mentally do it but we just over think over things. And also, in the crowd we are not presenting in front of hundreds of ourselves who our constantly judging every mistake. just normal people, who would like to see you do well and don't really care much if you do mess up. I did absolutely terrible for 2 years in college when I presented. and I mean I nervously spoke, my voice shaked and everyone would just look at me and they would feel akward too I could tell. even now I feel a bit nervous but I can speak clearly. I can present amazingly, it's just my mind over thinking. whether my mind becomes more positive or even more negative it doesn't change the fact that, I already can do it.
  • @itzchelsea5090
    I love this video,I have a PowerPoint presentation this week and I'm freaking out so much this video helped me in a way that I'm slightly okey to present on Thursday here's hoping I can still get through it Wish me luck I'm seriously gonna need it
  • @kokalti
    He sounds like an interrogator. I would get more nervous from all the questioning.
  • ya...but the moderator helps her in the action, that's not the case with reality
  • @jaynick1223
    My main issue has always been peoples facial expressions. When it looks like people are disinterested (yawning, looking away, etc) it throws me off. Then I remember that I do that too and it helped me realize that although people don't always show it, they still may be engaged with you and that has helped me get better at public speaking in front of seemingly disinterested people.
  • @TheManChise
    Wow.. I need's the freaking eyes that get me..
  • Oh! This is a good video, I followed her body language just from tense to when she begun open up with her hands towards the end of the show, I am always like that when I have just begun to talk but it comes easy when I get in control of my body language. Amazing!
  • @sandysan3620
    My problem is I go bright red and start sweating profusely. I did presentation recently. I . Everyone was asking me am I was ok after and saying I was so embarrassed. I was depressed all week. Hate having this disorder
  • @kelaya3418
    Like this video.made me think in a different way. Took a public speaking class in college and we discuss the fear but not really ways to adress the fear except practice which is only a little part of the problem...
  • I think this man has the best remedy. This is really up front. Hes literally having a person come up and face it. All the other vids feel like bs advice. Just talk talk talk about this and that. Hey just do this and you ll magically not be nervous lol.
  • @delaphil
    I am afraid of public speaking but one thing I realize is that in the course of presenting I get used it or it becomes normalized.
  • @rakeshstha7
    I get nervous even talking to 2-3 strangers. How do I overcome?
  • @loneazhar6639
    I become afraid when i m before people . I m becoming nervous before them. when i m about to give the speech my colour changes to red and i become nervous and forget that what i have to say
  • I just get so nervous when I present to my classmates. I get nervous and anxious, my mouth gets dry, my voice becomes shaky, it's hard to breathe, I lose my breath and can't talk, I then wait like a couple of seconds to catch my breath then it even gets more akward and I become even more anxious.😢 Can anyone please help me!