Poland's Alert STUNS Europe


コメント (21)
  • People can live without politicians but not without farmers and real food.
  • Understand right? The EU held onto Polish money, until they got the government that they wanted, who surrendered to the EU and capitulated to their policies. This is the EU Starmer wants the UK to rejoin.
  • @ancietman
    Mr EU Tusk won't be allowing any referendums in Poland.
  • @ibuguru
    Poland needs to grab the money it is owed in a big rush, then ditch EU. Take the money and RUN.
  • The EU should not dictate another country’s policy. Down with the elites.
  • We were lied to in 1973 when they said there was no problem joining the EEC because it was "just a trading bloc".
  • Country by country....there should be a European referrendum on EU membership. I'm sure that Ireland, Poland, Italy. Denmark, Holland, & Sweden would vote to leave.....maybe the French too. It's over Brussels...the people reject your communist dystopia....live with it
  • Yes, yes, yes! Poland, please remain Poland! Keep your sovereignty. Keep your farming. Keep everything Polish. Leave the EU. Condemn the UN.
  • @fredk9999
    We know what farmers produce. What do the EUrocrats produce?
  • @cplcabs
    The fact that a country in the EU can lose its voting and veto rights shows that the EU is not worth being in.