Enlisted Complete Beginner's Guide For 2024

Published 2023-12-27

All Comments (21)
  • Downloading Enlisted was the best thing I did this year. I was a bit skeptical at first, with bots around and such, but damn it is so much fun. The pace is incredible. The maps are large and packed with soldiers and vehicles, and they feel like a real battle. It's so unlike other shooters, and so much better. This is the game I wanted to play as a child. And I'm glad it is real and available right now.
  • @makarov718
    as a player who can consistently get top of the score board ill leave some of my own tips to keep in mind while playing 1- Play engineer, a team of effective engineers will generally win games compared to those that don't, building rallies, ammo boxes and fortifications will also give you a lot of XP making your grind easier 2- as the community constantly suggest be that player that builds rally's, rally's speed up your deployment time and help you and your team attack/defend the objective and will give you a lot of XP so it is worth doing so 3- Learn the map flow, this will come with experience but knowing where enemies usually come from will give you a big advantage to those who don't especially when using vehicles, static weapons, mines, and radio artillery 4- LEVEL UP YOUR SQUADS!! games can be thrown by teams just not using effective squads such as using 5/9 rifle squad with bolt actions in a tier 5 game or running tier 5 infantry equipment but bringing a tier 1 tank, once you have a squad max leveled change it to a new squad, doing this early will help you in the late game 5- Press V (default key bind) to mark targets especially tanks as this will allow your air and tank players to eliminate these threats 6- mortars are highly underutilized, these can squad wipe enemies, lay smoke, and even 1 shot tanks 7- don't fly planes until you learn the map flow, nothing is more useless than a pilot shooting grass looking forward to see you all in the battlefield o7 user name- howieroark
  • @bbcmotd
    Tip no.1: Sniping bots from a window at the edge of the map doesn't win games => makes your grind slower. Building rally points and playing on the objective wins games.
  • @callumyates2158
    Been playing enlisted for about half a year now but always good to check to make sure I’m doing the best I can. especially after the merge.
  • @AlucardPina
    2024 pro 3 tips 1 eng in all squads 2 pres M to se the mini map 3 buil rallys
  • @lupey995
    Hey Quadro I just wanted to say thanks for the newer tutorial. I played Enlisted when it first came out and am now coming back to it after a long break. I felt overwhelmed but this refresher course has helped me greatly again thank you, stay safe in the battlefield!
  • @ish..
    I haven’t played this in almost two years. But, I’ve been feeling the urge to get back into it. Probably need to watch this to catch up to speed on any new mechanics etc. Thanks bro!
  • @SteelBrandon
    Really great video by the way. Been playing for a long time.
  • @diablo6192007
    Very helpful for beginners and returning players. 👏 Thank you
  • @d0ngus
    Hey Quadro! I started a about a month before the merge; had a lot of the battlepass done, and ended up getting the 2500+300 gold, bought the battlepass + 90 days of premium; with the boost [ along with all the lovely info from you and Maj. MacD B) ] am FLYING through tier 1 for all the factions, hoping to have t3 knocked out with every nation before my prem expires (and was hoping to get germany to V but 'join any team' usually throws me on USSR/Japan, as expected) and know I wouldnt stand a chance w/o your help! Might need to join the discord to finally start running with other good commanders ;p
  • @zman14
    Omg, I had to come here because of the major update, I stopped playing for a while and came back and was surprised, thank you
  • @kelbels98765
    Cant wait to try it!!I did she this one on advertizement and thought it was cool but when i heard that you could play on the d day landings you know i got to have it!!!
  • @FrontsLeader
    A detailed guide about AI controls would be nice.
  • Before the merge I grinded all factions to the first MG squad and got my allies and axis in Normandy to lvl 20+ since the merge ive had so much silver and alot of weapons unlocked giving me alot of freedom i overall enjoy the change.
  • @LobsterDado
    thank you for the new guide, there aren't many for this year so far
  • @unf0r7unat36
    simple and easy, thanks! i just started playing this guide will make it so much easier :)
  • @whiplash8277
    Just the hi points...nice. Thanks, Quad. Fun as usual.