Scariest Hell Testimony EVER 2024

Published 2017-11-17
I was taken to hell .. I saw hell .. TERRIFYING HELL TESTIMONY 2022

All Comments (20)
  • in 1983 a friend of mine died in a car wreck he was pronounced dead after they cut his body out of the car and finally onto a stretcher covered over into the ambulance 45 minutes had passed he sat up under the sheet was in intensive care for a month several years later he told me the truth of it he had gone to hell and was in a room with no light total darkness and fear an heat , felt his way around that room many many many years , total heat fear loneliness darkness, some how in hell the time is different then earths . he witnessed to all who would listen to him the rest of his life, in fact he just died again for good this time , 3 weeks ago he died with the lord in his heart after a stroke and i kno hes now basking in the rays of the holy God
  • @JESUS.IS.GOD.777
    I am ex athiest. I used to mock christians and say it was all just a fairy tale to help people die in peace. Until i overdosed and stood before Jesus. His face is as bright as the sun. I couldnt see any details of his face but i could see his arms were held out like to hug me and they were a dark tan color, not white or black. When he held out his arms the light got brighter and i felt so much love and peace and raw power that i cant even find the right words to describe them. Jesus is God in the flesh. God is a trinity. All power the father has Jesus also has. He has existed with the father since before the earths creation.
  • @cotwhunter8789
    This hit me hard, I have a problem with an addiction and I need prayer, thank you Jesus!!
  • I was an atheist for many years, but after so many evidences that God is real I am closer to Him everyday. Thank you Jesus for your mercy!
  • The drugs, tobacco and losing faith at times and getting discouraged is hard for me.. please pray for me someone .. this testimony was much needed for me to hear. Thank you and god bless!!
  • Keep in mind the following story happened in less than 30 seconds. In the fall of 2015 we had just moved into a new house. We hadn’t lived there long when one night I had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV. I woke up only to find myself being strangled from behind and thrown face down into the couch cushions. Then my face was being pushed down into the couch cushions. I reached back to fight whoever was there and there was nobody there. I could feel hands and I could feel the weight of what would be the equivalent of a powerful human male. There was absolutely nobody there. Then I began to pray to Jesus. I said in Jesus name leave me alone and just like that whatever was doing that to me stopped. I stood up and looked around and nobody was there and the house was undisturbed. I immediately checked on my wife and kids and they were all fast asleep. If you think God doesn’t exist I beg you to give him a chance to come into your life. Praise Jesus.
  • @90sGasPrices
    As soon as I started watching these videos (3 days ago) I: - threw out all of my little 🧿 trinkets. -threw out every single piece of clothing and decoration with an offensive message on it (blasphemous band t shirts) - unfollowed every sexualized or depressing accounts on Instagram - haven’t listened to music in 3 days. - haven’t masturbated in 3 days. - prayed every morning, end of workday and night. I’m ready to delete all of my songs from Apple Music/spotify. Just going to redownload the few positive, non blasphemous songs that I have on there. I will also stop vaping/smoking cigarettes soon. I will be fasting this Easter and going to church this Sunday. Enough is enough. I’m cleansing my life of this evil that I’ve been ingesting for years.
  • @katiekidman9933
    I was holding my husband's hand when he passed away in Miami. He held up my hand with all of his strength and said "I Love you." And he left his body. I was sitting there watching his Soul leave the room. He flew up to the ceiling and his little light turned into two or three oblong light's. I just kept watching him go faster and faster until he vanished into thin air. May he R.I.P. .🙏🛡📿
  • @texas988
    I gave my life to Jesus in 1999 but was Lukewarm for 15 yrs I'm 45 now and I rededicated my life to Christ Yesterday!!! Thank u Heavenly Father for sending Jesus
  • @Lelandmendez_
    I smelled that same smell when I overdosed at a rave in Vegas.The smell was so bad it brought terror into my whole mind and body. I cried out to the Lord in low whispers from having no strength in me and I was instantly sober within a few minutes. I was overwhelmed with a peace I’ve never experienced in my life a peace that you can only experience in Heaven. The peace I felt surpassed any evil I experienced that night. It was like a tidal wave of peace wiped out all the intense evil I seen and smelled. I’ve never touched drugs since and have been serving the Lord for the past 7 years.
  • @ClaytonComstock
    I struggle with pornography and lusting, please pray for me. I have the word and I am forgiven, but I pray to be set free from the chain and to have a new heart and spirit and mind. I pray for all addictions, for all sadness for anyone who reads this. I DECLARE FOR THE CHAINS TO BE BROKEN IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. AMEN
  • My great grandma told me a story. She was 81 and was working still because she loved to work. She helped to care for an elderly lady we knew for yrs. At 1st she assisted a lady friend for yrs with this elderly lady and when she died my great grandma took over the job. She said 1 day she was in the kitchen looking about something to eat for this elderly lady and she turned around after seeing a flash, when she turned around mama said she had to cover her eyes because whomever was in front of her was glowing and she couldn't look directly at the being. She said there was gold falling on her clothes and it was blowing off this being onto her clothes. She said she started to brush the gold flakes off her clothes. She still couldn't look at the being but the being spoke and said to her "ONE YEAR" or "YOU HAVE ONE YEAR", I'm unsure which 1 she said. Mama took it as the lady she was taking care of has 1 yr to live but in actuality this lady died a couple months later and mama died 1 yr later which was 4yrs ago. She died the yr before COVID hit in July. She got to turn 82. I cried the most when she got sick but felt a sense of peace when she died because I remembered this story she told me. She was a Christian and had given her life to God after she had all her children out of wedlock. She chose Jesus Christ and he showed himself to her when she was younger by laying on a cloud looking down at her and she called her father to come see a man laying on the cloud and 2nd appearance was 81yrs old. He definitely exists. GOD, JESUS CHRIST AND HIS ANGELS EXISTS! My Grammy was a true testament of this! Please open ur heart and mind, there is no harm!
  • @hanikayy
    I have also seen hell and have my own testimony.. the smell. The heat.. the hate.. the death.. it’s all real.. Jesus is going to be here very soon. May you all be blessed and saved by Jesus christ.
  • I am D.O.N.E. Nothing has terrified me like this….any vice or bad habit I threw it in the fire . Thank you, Yeshua! Thank you, Mario !
  • I’ve watched hundreds of NDEs on Hell. Every single one recounts the same things: the horrific smell. The people there for lack of forgiveness. The endless torture and burning. The flesh growing back and being burnt off again just so you can be tortured again. The sheer hatred of the demons. Their stature and strength. The dryness of mouth and thirst. No sleep and no rest. Repent and give your life to Christ. It’s an emergency. You never know when you could die.
  • I CRIED to the Lord - in my DARKEST hour - and He RESCUED me. Psalm 120:1 ---------- You have visited me at night. Psalm 17:3
  • @joemacinnis1972
    If you're a backslider, repent! Jesus is calling us to come out from the filth of this world. Surrender to Gods will and be covered by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He loves us so much. Time is short. Praise the holy name of Jesus Christ forever 🙏
  • @KingJames1981
    I've been binging these videos for the past two days and the similiarities between these stories can't be coincidence. I'm talking about very specific details are being repeated, for example: Each sin has a specific torment, being burned and then skin growing back, the fake christians being hated the most, etc..Not only that, but either these people are the BEST actors in the world, or they saw that which they're telling us about. I've already concluded that there is a devil as I've worked on capitol hill and there are demons in our government. Look all around you, the evil runs deep. May this reach someone who's thinking about sinning..God bless you all!!