Creative Assembly and Total War are in REAL Danger

What will happen to CA? Will they survive and thrive once more, or are we seeing the sunset of a company we'd never thought would go under? Given the news of the latest downsizing at CA, which follows the firings from late last year, it's fair to say that it has not been a good 6 months for the company. Despite this latest news however, SEGA assures us that Creative Assembly are still working on Total War projects and unannounced titles, meaning the company seems to be safe for now. Regardless, this type of news is never fun, and despite the Total War games being what might be the closest thing to our minds, we must not forget about how difficult this is for the devs at CA who have or currently experience difficult and uncertain times.

I'd love nothing more than for Total War and Creative Assembly to bounce back better than ever, but it will definitely require quite a lot, again, especially after the horrible showcase that was CA's 2023. But what do you think? Does this spell the long-term doom for CA, or will everything be fine? Let me know in the comments, and make sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel :)

#totalwar #creativeassembly #ca #sega

コメント (21)
  • Surprisingly, it turns out that neglecting your flagship, well-selling series while dumping $100 million dollars into a fire (Hyenas) has negative repercussions.
  • @Molonlabe07
    Make medieval 3, print money. It's that easy CA, give us what we want.
  • @rhino3330
    Honestly, they have not failed but REFUSED to meet players' expectations, focusing on other matters that seemed more important at the time and now it's starting to show, plain and simple. They've made the games THEY wanted to make and the way THEY wanted to make them. And oh surprise, players are pissed every 2 weeks about something the devs have done. Without the modding community, total war would have a third of their customers, no more.
  • @lathamtk
    I'm personally happy that CA's leash is getting shorter. They've been EXTREMELY tone deaf over the past few years greenlighting and developing trash like Hyenas and Sagas titles like Pharaoh (who even asked for this?). I think Sega breathing down their necks could have a positive effect on them. Put some fear of God into them, since they blatantly don't listen to their clientele anymore. They have a few golden eggs they're sitting on like Medieval series, Rome series, Shogun series, the new Three Kingdoms, Game Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy & (very VERY hopefully) Warhammer 40K, but they just refuse to use these golden eggs. They occupy a very pecular niche in the gaming industry that is between 4x strategy games and RTS tactical battlers. Their arrogance has led them down the wrong path and its high time someone reminded them of their position in the grand scheme of things. Maybe they could score some projects with other big IPs like Tolkien's Middle-Earth or WarCraft? Hell, even if the hyped died down, G.R.R. Martin's Westeros? Focus on what you're good at. That's it.
  • @CsStoker
    Funny how Medieval 2 was made with a fraction of the whole team that CA's TW has right now
  • @ddjay1363
    A company that spunks £70 Million ! on a game that wasn't even released can't really be trusted to deliver on any promises.
  • @1992zorro
    this guy talked about almost 10 minutes without saying anything
  • At this point i wouldn't even trust them to do Medival 3. If they die so be it, perfect example of what happens when you outright ignore your core player base. It's even worse that they are blaming the engine, everybody knew it was cooked around 3k/WH2, why didn't they start on a knew engine then rather than leaving it. Absolutely ridiculous.
  • @alexeyman7301
    Dont underestimate the idea of a power vacuum forming after CA dissolves. The reason competitors can't enter the space is the sheer amount of IP required to compete w/ CA. If CA dies, those employees likely leave, the IP becomes less protected/guarded and a space opens up for this type of game to be filled by another player.
  • @Jolsn
    Honestly, I'm at a point where I don't really care anymore. Either they make a good game that people like, or they don't. Won't really affect me either way. I do wish the company that made these all time strategy classics would continue making banger games, but let's be real here: These are different people under the same name. Either they start getting things right, or they can go under and deservedly so.
  • In the current state that CA is, they should not rush to make a Medieval 3 or any new Total War game, because it would be a total fail. Also, whatever they do, they need a brand new engine.
  • @stuff4035
    Can someone explain something to me, if this engine sucks at melee, and it was made for empire and napoleon, make a gunpowder game, not empire 2- we're trying to be cheap her. But some gunpowder game with a small focus while CA makes a new engine. Game could be anything from pike and shot to victorian age.
  • @berserker4940
    CA management have let their capitalist psychopathy show too much for over a decade. I hope they go under and a new developer makes games on the same concept of tactical real time battles with turn based strategic map. We're long past the point of reform. Revolution is needed.
  • @ElZorro85
    Maybe, just maybe, CA should consider making the games the community asks for. I know it's absurd and a strange idea, but listening to what your fans want could be a solution.
  • Return of the captain opition instead of forcing General interaction, split armies and complex empire management. All I want
  • @Taskicore
    It's honestly impressive how they managed to destroy one of their most profitable cash cows over the last few years.
  • @Alatriste90
    I would argue that its been so many years of waiting the expectation would be impossible for them to achieve at the moment. If anything it would possibly finish the franchise