A Step by Step Process for the Evaluation and Treatment for Meningiomas

Published 2023-03-03

All Comments (14)
  • This Webiner was excellent thank you I decided on surgery to remove my 2.5 cm meningioma it was symptomatic it was a very successful outcome it cleared all my symptoms which were intolerable bar one which I can live with feel I made the right decision. Thank u
  • @maryanbova8435
    Dr Chang, Thankyou for putting this webinar together. Very comprehensive and pragmatic information- recently diagnosed with a Meningioma after I/O worsening migraines. Await neuro review. Your info has assisted with questions to ask, considerations and very reassuring. Keep up your great work.
  • @Mperry3579
    These webinars have been very helpful. Thank you!
  • @gingergoodner9363
    Thank you for this content. I’m having my 6 month follow up MRI day after tomorrow. My headaches have gotten progressively more often and severe over the past few years. The next one of concern is near my optic nerve. I feel prepared with much more in depth questions when I get my results. It was a little overwhelming but I just have to put on my big girl panties and make some decisions. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain this!!!
  • @bojigirl5672
    It’s not just thinking about putting up headaches at their current pain level. Mine progressed and there is no way to predict how painful they will get. Mine got very bad over 2 years and accelerated in strength.
  • @lcokerrn1
    Hi! Thank you for this information. I am waiting for my appointment with the neurosurgeon for my newly diagnosed 45mm wide by 16mm thickness frontal/ temporal meningioma with a 5mm midline shift. My question is should I stop my strength training completely or can I continue or continue with light strength training? My appointment is 2 weeks away.
  • My husband is 82 years old has cognic decline symptoms,walking problems,balance problems,and has lost some use in his left arm,he has a right frontal lobe menigioma
  • @user-oe1dw7gh4q
    How about at the top of the brain one being a solid mass and the other being a mas of small tumors.
  • @ilikeitcleen8875
    I have been having numerous falls, so i was sent in for an MRI to rule out anything in my head as the cause. It turns out I have a .5 centimeter meningioma on my frontal vertex. I started medication for depression, anxiety, and mood disorders almost two years ago, because i thought it was my only option. My vision has been a little wonky for the past couple months, and I'm on medication for vertigo. When i went to my primary she said that we'll monitor it for 6 months and then do another scan. I asked if it could be the cause of all these things and I was told no. I'm curious as to why i had the MRI? What were they looking for? I'm so confused. I would rather take care of it now rather than later. What if it kills me before the 6 months is up. Also, my primary is not the one who ordered the MRI.
  • @user-nz8qp7hc7u
    I’ve just had a second mri scan and waiting to see the doctor, I’m suffering with headaches And a few other symptoms, the doctor doesn’t want to remove the tuma because it looks settled, just with I could have it removed… regards helen