Global IT outage affecting Microsoft after issue with CrowdStrike software update

Published 2024-07-19
A global IT outage is crippling Microsoft computer systems around the world. It all stemmed from a system update by the tech company CrowdStrike, and disrupted air travel, hospitals, and many other businesses.

All Comments (21)
  • @topdogrlg
    The dude that deployed was like "It worked locally I swear"
  • @jeshkam
    Have they tried turning it off and on again?
  • @la7era1u54
    This is why it's not a good idea to do automatic updates. Wait to see how stable they are before downloading
  • This is a lesson in having "all your eggs in one basket". Having so much on one system isnt the best idea is it?
  • @DRventura333
    As layman with no technical background, one would presume with any new "update" one would use it in a phased and with some test live systems before it is massly distributed. Would this not be possible with whatever this update was? Major systems seem to have been affected, critical systems like 911, medical databases, people's online bank account, airline ticketing system, people's home systems, etc,. This is very dangerous as who knows what else might be affected and further ramifications. There are already too many data breaches causing many Americans major financial issues/losses. Do Americans now need to be worried about IT companies causing issues with regular system updates?
  • @tumucharan
    one incident revealed how dependent the world is on MS , hope people start exploring options with Linux now
  • @leeanucha
    hope businesses learn from this and stop relying on windows
  • @Lacerated1DJ3
    "cheekily called" girl the BSoD has been around Looooong before you were born....if its not BSoD its not Windows baby
  • @KyudoKun
    It's baffling that this happened after Microsoft disbanded their woke DEI division. Clear someone with so much power and wealth is not really pleased with Microsoft's decision
  • @Reddy315
    “Their morals, their code; it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see- I'll show you. When the chips are down these, uh, civilized people? They'll eat each other alive. See I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve.” “Nobody panics when things go 'according to plan'. Even if 'the plan' is horrifying!” “Madness, as you know. It's like Gravity. All it takes is a little push.” Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight movie (2008)
  • @Fuzzycraft.f
    So what happend is that a driver (i think it speld right) script had a miss speld line of code (a driver is a Windows operating File that runs functions in your computer you can see THE driver some typer of taskmaneger) probably from an Windows update and that did your Windows system to couse a blue screen for dose who dont know what a blue screen is it is when your Windows system detects a issue/problem in your computer that couse a blue screen
  • @lmvcnn
    Ms operting system do * force updating to your laptop " as well as *force upload private files to cloud". Ms office word demmand payment from anyone who just want edit & update their resume. No thanks. We can live happyly without you.
  • @volvojohn9036
  • I would happy to say I have Macos, which is not effected, but I wish it would be as good and as stable as Windows. Now it is behind the AI implementation...
  • @alexleanh
    This is an unintentional error... Imagine if this is an intentional attack on global networks? By the way, both China and Russia are largely unaffected by this incident because they're both invested money in having their own system and networks. Think about that.
  • The problem is they put all their eggs into one basket, this is why the world should not rely on windows solely because there are Mac and Linux as well