Arrested Libyans posed potential threat to SA - Gopal

Published 2024-07-29
Prof. Nirmala Gopal from KwaZulu-Natal University's Criminology and
Forensic Studies department says it's important to ask how the 95
Libyans arrived in South Africa and got involved in military training
activities without authorities being aware of them.

Gopal says there was a potential threat to the country's security.

She says it's important to ask why it's so easy for foreign nationals
to come to South Africa and get involved in illegal activities.

Tune into Newzroom Afrika DStv channel 405 for more.

All Comments (21)
  • @rajpapa3574
    All these people in the anc are a total disgrace. Like ramafailure says he does not know how the dollars ended up in his sofa. Another anc failure.
  • @eenigheid3186
    The Professor is asking some very good questions. Only problem is who will provide accurate answers.
  • @johnlouw6449
    They knew about it. They will told not to do anything about it. The can is open. The cover ups will start. 😮
  • @AshrafSavahl
    Who is the owner of this "camp"! Nee got, democracy se gat man!
  • Why didn’t our intelligence act on this? What is the use of our domestic intelligence??? If such happens.
  • Rule of Law -Professor you so Right.....but Anyone is Welcome in My and Your Country.... Ask the EFF they bring en transport people from Anywhere to S.A.....
  • @leevan-N
    I am worried that they surrendered too easily, making suspicions that there is more than one camp
  • @HelenLessle
    Because there is no LAW in SA - therefore they can undermine SA 🤣🤣🤣
  • @jn8922
    Why would you ask a professor for their input? Ask actual employees of security/intelligence in our country. These lecturers are out of touch with reality and live in the theoretical world. Academia and the real world are two different things. What information can she offer except an uninformed opinion any one of us can speculate on. At least ask an actual immigration attorney.
  • The Anc corrupt caders know about this , because most of them had this kind of trainings as Mkhondo wesizwe (MK) in Angola ,Tanzania ,etc
  • Dan Corder names the owner of the farm, a Bardo Buys, and says he was giving them some training. The plot thickens.
  • @user-tu9vl7gs4m
    When you apply for a study visa are you not suppose to show the letter of acceptance from that school you are going to carry your studies? Imagine what would be the situation if we found AWB?
  • @CrazyAi166
    We as Citizens can run the safety and security together,but no every1 sees race, tribalism,while we getting F together.and they watch us .
  • @aykay9328
    ANC were busy fighting for their stomachs, derelicted their duties that is putting food on their tables, they deserve the 40 %, they shouldn't be surprised. It is for this cause they are where they are.
  • @markbennett4167
    Who from the govt met them at the airport, with military busses???
  • South Africa is vulnerable to a lot of nasty and painful things. No one is safe. Only rich politician are safe and the painful part is, ordinary people will catch the fire if anything goes wrong. If terrorists attack occur or civil wars arise it will be heart breaking
  • @jiwwo1799
    We as SAfricans don't feel safe in our country...i wish to know What is Julius Malema going to say.
  • @johngoosen1962
    How is it this difficult to see the correlation between the Isreal iCC incident and SA training Libyans?