Dale Goodwin: Mad Max Survival (Lone Wolf vs Gangs), UBI | The Nikos Show #243

Published 2024-06-28
Dale is a businessman, prepper, survivalist and author. He runs the Bugout Location and Survivalist Prepper sites and Survivalist Prepper podcast which I was a guest on a few months ago.


Website(s): survivalistprepper.net/, thebugoutlocation.net/

0:00 Intro
0:30 Lone wolf vs tribe survival in a Mad Max world
11:20 Gangs have an immediate advantage in Mad Max
18:52 Yeah, or not enough calories around us to survive without complicated infrastructure and energy
29:33 putin
43:30 UBI
55:10 How do the people living paycheque to paycheque get started prepping

Apple Podcasts: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-nikos-show/id124…
Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/2dBlXuaLe1IHkXqG2whQNC
Website: show.nikoskatsikanis.com/

All Comments (13)
  • Ive said it for 10 years now...we are in the Mad Max days, and Im that old man wearing the steel helmet with the ribbons and medals. I know Im screwed.
  • @TheWtfnonamez
    Wise words about community. Where I was during lockdown, things went a bit crazy with supply chains and robberies because people were out of work. I was pretty insular, but my neighbour started cooking out on the fire escape, and I got close to my other neighbour. The Iranians ended being my unpaid security guards, watching my apartment, and my other neighbour was getting my any food supplies I couldnt get locally. I would help them out any way I could as I had access to other supplies. Three apartments working together was worth more than the sum of their parts.
  • @TruAfroR1can
    I really enjoyed the film: New Order. Then there’s real history lessons from a documentary: Hellstorm. Will correct your thinking
  • @smity25ca
    Read “The Last Canadian” great book 👍
  • @TennGrizz
    50% wont make it 90 days , another 25% wont make 6 months , another 15% will make the first 2 cuts but not a year.
  • Actually 99% of people wouldn’t make it, because once you lose medical staff anything such as a simple wound could cause infections, and pharmacies would have no supplies, and not to mention nuclear plants would go critical usa has over 390 of them or so last I checked, imagine a world with radioactivity from not having people to maintain cooling properly. I could go on, but I think you need to address the facts more thoroughly, respect 🫡 for the video though have a blessed day everyone.
  • @BuddyH69
    If you haven’t found your group by now you’re screwed. I chose poorly and most I know think prepping is food and guns. Not one of them could walk a mile with a backpack on
  • @silversax5697
    “90% won’t survive”. The most overused title in prepping. It’s to the point when I see this title I automatically assume if they are using this title they have nothing to offer, they just want fear views. Waste of time