How Different Are Doom 64's Demons?

Published 2022-10-02
Other than their looks, obviously.

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00:00 Intro
00:13 Zombieman
01:12 Shotgunner
01:55 Chaingunner
02:01 Imp
02:56 Nightmare Imp
03:34 Pinky
04:31 Spectre
04:48 Lost Soul
06:16 Cacodemon
07:07 Hell Knight
07:52 Baron of Hell
08:04 Arachnotron
09:17 Pain Elemental
10:35 Revenant
11:06 Mancubus
11:53 Arch-vile
11:59 Spider Mastermind
12:05 Cyberdemon
12:59 Cinematic Cyberdemon
13:49 Player Bot
14:48 Explosive Barrel
15:24 Mother Demon
17:36 Outro

All Comments (21)
  • The cool thing is that there is an in game explanation that the demons are so different. The mother demon used the radiation and altered the demons because they failed before. She wanted to win and took the extra mile. But still lost.
  • @wyrmboi6172
    No Revenants, no chaingunners, and no archviles? Doom 64 is like an anti-Plutonia
  • @DeepWeeb
    I like how the loss of every other enemy cut due cartridge limitations is treated as a tragedy (even the Arch-vile), except for the Spider Mastermind
  • And if you noticed about the Pain Elementals from Doom 64, they have a mullet. Some Doom players see it as a homage to John Romero.
  • @niconutz898
    Ahhh the monthly dose of Decino narrated doom nerdiness :_deciWut::_deciGrin:
  • @lhfirex
    Doom64 barrel is like in Doom 2 and feels no pain. Both of them have huge guts! I think that makes them infinitely tougher than the cyberdemon, too, if my math is right about their pain chances.
  • Due to the fact that the rockets fire from the cyberdemon’s launcher, they move downward a bit, meaning the splash damage is even more deadly since it can hit the floor even if you dodge the rocket.
  • @Damian_1989
    What i love about D64 is how satisfyingly BEEFY the weapons sound when you fire them, with the chaingun being my personal favorite
  • If we dropped the pain elemental we could've had the chaingunner in DOOM 64, never forget
  • @tonyf3431
    the 64 Megabytes joke was just as funny every single time
  • @AimlessAvian
    The random screams just get me laughing heavily. You certainly don’t overuse it and when it’s very faint, I have to replay to make sure I heard it correctly. “She will let out a blood curtling scream” *AAAaAaAaaAaaAAA!!*
  • This version of doom has to be my favorite. It has a much different atmosphere then the other dooms and the ambient music is very creepy too, especially those crying babies… God I love doom.
  • @ImRandomDude
    Not sure if this is nostalgia speaking, but there is something with these old skool 3D models. Nice to look at, not overly detailed but just right, yet capturing the essence of the creature. Pleasing to the eye
  • @clearspira
    I will never forget the first time I tried to chainsaw a Doom 64 Pain Elemental and having it blow up in my face like a rocket. Combine that with double the Lost Soul spam and just thank whatever God you believe in that these are not in Plutonia.
  • I guess the chaingunners, revenants, and archviles all got used up in plutonia and none were left for this game.
  • @DergSol
    The Pain Elemental was creepy at first, but now I can’t stop wondering if it can speak in Stereo
  • @Hydronisa
    "He's just standing there. MENACINGLY!!"
  • @OrangMario
    Lets be honest, no one's gonna miss the chaingunner in DooM64.
  • A shame some of the enemies were left out of 64, but well, it's understandable, technical limitations back then. And besides, sometimes less is more.