Alex Albon on Max Verstappen’s Secret Technique

Published 2023-12-29

All Comments (21)
  • @basberger5921
    Rarely seen someone so open and honest about his own performance. I do hope he gets a chance to redeem himself at Red Bull.
  • @reversal
    Wow, Alex really explains things in a fascinating way, easy to understand and follow. I’d love for him to be an F1 analyst when he retires.
  • @DC-SA1
    Albon is the modern embodiment of the Gentleman Racer.. what an admirable athlete and human being in general ❤
  • Alex shows the kind of maturity and reflective capacity of an athlete at the top of his game, and explains it with immaculate articulation and lucidity. Inspiring
  • @mavadelo
    Glad Alex found a home and is doing well with Williams. Nice to hear the view from him on his RBR stint.
  • I like Alex, truth matters to him. He understands the difference between “my truth”and the truth.
  • @channelwhywhywhy
    Alex has always been open and honest. Best thing that happened to him was leaving Redbull and being allowed to find himself and his real potential. Redbull is the Max show now, and for good reason, they have the car + driver + team combo perfectly balanced. Any other driver in that team is going to struggle unless you find one that has the same unique skills as Alex mentioned about Max in this clip.
  • @deerfootnz
    This is reminiscent of Irvines comments re driving in the same team as schumacher. Once he arrived at the fiorano test track to take over testing from Schumacher who had been driving at or near the lap record only to find that the car was undriveable. It turned out a suspension arm was broken and Schumi had been driving "around" it.
  • @gernsey7362
    great interview, Alex seems like a genuinely good dude that was thrust into the most difficult seat in F1. To hear him talk so openly about a difficult time for him, very refreshing, and also very eloquent.
  • @njgrplr2007
    I run into a lot of Max haters who claim Perez gets a lesser car. Hopefully, they listen to Albon explain that other drivers just can't extract the same level of performance.
  • @rosicl2867
    Max likes a very hyper-sensitive, responsive car, which most drivers can't handle because it's easier to make mistakes with. A fast car is always a responsive car and that's why Redbull likes Max, because they can setup a fast responsive car knowing Max can drive it.
  • @LokiBeckonswow
    alex describes max's style so well, it's great to hear him speak about this, more pls
  • @PhilVerheyen
    So the toxicity of his career at Redbull was more about the press and the fans 😢
  • @PbPomper
    Alex has such an amazing personality. And he's a very underrated driver as well.
  • Hes so well spoken, so well behaved, so honest..a delight to listen him..great guy...
  • @karremania
    I really think his career wouldve gone different if he wasnt 'tapped off' by Hamilton, those races he was really on high pace.
  • @patrickr4762
    What Alex is describing about the mental aspects of the game is what Rosberg was saying on how he defeated Lewis on 2016. Nico said you should always be on top of everything mentally and managing the good and bad. not letting it affect your performance. It took Nico his 200% effort to do that and retired. Alex is describing how it affects you from one small thing til it snowballs to a big one. The mental toughness to be a champ in F1 is mad.