Embarrassing Things That Were Hard at Nearly 400 lbs. | My Gastric Bypass Journey

Published 2022-08-17
I talk a lot these days about how different my life is after losing 175 lbs., but because I didn't have this channel and I didn't record my life before this process, I think it sometimes gets lost on others just how much I sometimes struggled to do regular, every day activities. I've put together 10 (embarrassing) things that were hard for me to do when I was almost 400 lbs. to share a glimpse into what my life was like before I decided to have surgery.

I had RNY Gastric Bypass on December 1, 2020 at Mexico Bariatric Center in Tijuana Mexico with Dr. Rodriguez Lopez.

If you're interested in the footage I took on the trip and in the hospital, you can watch my Travel & Surgery Vlog here:    • Weight Loss Surgery in Mexico - Trave...  

My video detailing my entire experience at Mexico Bariatric Center can be seen here:    • Weight Loss Surgery at Mexico Bariatr...  

* This video is for general information and to share my experience only; it is not intended to offer medical advice. Always consult your physician and surgical team for medical information. *

Logo Design Credit: www.inkymaw.wordpress.com/

Instagram: @1fatbeet
Email: [email protected]

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
2:16 Sizing up chairs
3:21 Feeling like strangers were judging me
5:22 Walking and talking at the same time
6:26 Keeping up with people
9:32 Cashiers judging me for food choices
11:44 Using the handicap bathroom stall
12:37 Difficulties wiping
14:19 Cleaning in the shower and shaving
15:57 Tampons and Nuvaring
18:20 So sweaty!
19:54 Outro

All Comments (21)
  • @jaywagner6084
    I can definitely relate to to everything minus the female stuff.. I’ve broke chairs in crowded restaurants, always ordered a extra Big Mac, I started my weight loss journey back on April 19 2022, at 459 lbs started walking daily , was going to Mexico for surgery but found a place in Texas that was only 3 grand more .. so I weighed in for surgery at 393 on 7/26/22 today I’m down to 350.. and I’m exercising daily beginning to feel human again .. been watching you for my entire journey, your videos have inspired me thank you..
  • Especially if you've been severely teased and bullied most of your life. I'm now 225 lbs.less than my heaviest & working on the last 40 lbs. Being an overweight child caused severe PTSD due to mean humans
  • @00shyden
    I actually came out of a handicapped stall and there was a lady in a wheelchair waiting. She gave me the stink eye 😂. Add to the list -clipping toenails.
  • I was very thin for half my life and due to many medical conditions, am now 300#. I’m treated totally different as a bigger person. Surgery in 10 weeks. I get everything you said. ❤
  • Thanks so much for being brave enough to share all of these. I can relate to all of them, plus additional ones like getting painful yeast rashes in those sweaty skin folds, walking down stairs cautiously to ensure I didn’t fall or have an ankle go out, trying so hard not to show how out of breath I was while walking downtown to a business lunch, plus serious anxiety over fitting into booths, airplane or stadium seats. The pain of squishing myself into places I didn’t fit, it still haunts me! I was sleeved on 5/2 and have gone from 321 to 248. I’m struggling with some body dysmorphia but am noticing that so many things are getting easier. I’m so so grateful to start feeling human again. Thank you again for being so open and honest, you’ve been a great source of inspiration and commiseration and I really enjoy your videos.
  • @bigdogpray
    My highest weight was 495 pounds. I can completely relate to most of your problems Having to use handicap bathrooms pushing my arm against the stall.I had to stop wearing shoes for a couple of years and just wearing crocs that I could slip into stopped wearing socks because they were almost impossible to put on couldn't fit in a booth didn't trust most chairs broke several chairs and stools at workIt was a nightmare. Last 2021 Thanksgiving I weighed 465. 2021 December I was down to 445. August of this year I was down to 408 and had a gastric sleeve. 3 months out I'm done to 340. Almost all of the old problems are already none I still have at least a 140 pounds to go before I get where I want to be but life is a lot easier already. I really appreciate your honesty
  • I could have said these exact same things! I had sleeve surgery and am down 60 pounds! Thanks for making me feel normal about the embarrassing things and giving me something to look forward to as well!!
  • I hated the struggle to wipe myself. It was so bad torward the end, I had Zero Flexiblty, it hurt. I dont remember fearing sitting in most chairs but I remember thinking that the plastic ones arent strong enough for me to move while sitting in them. Life is so different at 170 pounds then that at 270 pounds
  • I can't thank you enough for your bravery in baring your soul. This is stuff I've been dealing with for years now. Wiping in any public place is difficult for me. I'm good at home where I can hike my leg up on the bathtub ledge to gain access... but if I'm not at home, it's tricky! I'm betting there's a lot of people who are having these problems, but no one wants to be the first person to say it out loud. Good for you for saying these things so that the rest of us can borrow your bravery and say "me too". And yes! The nether region sweat in the underwear is HORRIBLE. In the summer, I'm just a fountain down my face and back... but if anyone knew what was going on where they CAN'T see!
  • I can relate to all of these. It was really, really hard to admit how much struggle and embarrassment I put myself through.
  • I'm living most of these things. My sweat is all over my face and head which is mortifying. Then the "lean and clean" and you snap a toilet seat. I've done that at friends houses too. I met with a bariatric surgeon yesterday. I was going to get the sleeve but have to have bypass due to a large hiatal hernia. I'm almost 52 and second guessing if I want to do it but I can't live like this.
  • just started watching your videos and im almost in tears now. im going through some of those issues now especially in the shower and restroom. doesnt help that i have shorter arms and being 5-9 and 340 with sciatic nerve issues, it makes my life depressing and a struggle. in 3 weeks we have open enrollment at work for our medical and they are switching insurances (supposed to be better they say) and if weight loss surgery is covered, im getting it done since last policy it wasnt. if not, im going to mexico bariatric center as i already contacted them and have already applied for my passport. i cant live like this much longer. its very frustrating. im so glad that it worked out for you so well. it gives me hope. thank you for your videoa.
  • @heyitsme87
    Dude I feel like this now. I've been contemplating the surgery. Watching u makes me confident I'm making the right decision
  • @1PollyK
    Yes! Almost all of these and more! That is one of the reasons I had surgery, wiping!! Ugh, I was having a hard time wiping and washing! I could do it but was so difficult and out of breath when I was done!! It has only been 2 months, so I have a Long way to go but I was I have lost 55lbs total. And I can wipe and wash no problem now! And shave lol! I am looking forward to not worrying about the rest of these!! I did go on a plane for surgery, mexico but a different hospital. And had lost enough pre surgery that I didn't need an extender!! That was my first Wow moment! Live your channel!!
  • @themaggattack
    Those internal dialogs of "everyone is judging me and laughing at me" ... we don't just get those thoughts from nowhere. I remember people (including doctors) saying the MEANEST things about my fat grandma and my fat mother. Both to their faces and behind their backs. I was a kid in the 80's when fat jokes were everywhere. All over TV, movies, magazines, at school... just everywhere. Even people who weren't fat would get fat shamed. Fat shaming was MERCILESS. My mom grew up with a lot of fat shaming in the 60's and 70's, too. And my poor grandma. When you grow up with that, it really forms your core memories and gets deep down into your soul. The butt sweat thing could happen to anyone in the summertime. But if it's happening in the wintertime too then yeah, that might be a problem.
  • Sister, preach! I’m down 140 via OA…but same experiences…what a blessing to gain freedom one day at a time. Mobility is new-I walked downstairs without worrying about falling today…a revelation!
  • 100% relate to everything. I’m just starting my journey, waiting to be approved for surgery in hopefully a couple of months. I travel for work and airplane toilets are NO joke. The butt sweats are humiliating, here’s a few more - you can’t wear skirts/dresses because of thigh rubs. So many skin rashes in any crease during summer. Not being able to paint my own toenails. Feeling like you smell (even if you don’t). Watching people wince when get in an elevator because you make it dip when you enter. Feeling so noticeable but completely invisible at the same time. Hiding in your car to eat so no one can see you. Hearing people snigger when you order diet soda or a salad. The list is endless, but you give me hope 😊
  • @bigb63fsu
    I’m listening to this, and it’s making me realize how much I can relate to all of this when I was 432lbs. I’m 2 months post op gastric sleeve currently at 327. Got down to 380 prior to my surgery. Love your videos!!!
  • You look great! I've been following you since the start. I'm in Florida and had my surgery 8/10/22. I'm down from 325 to 185 pounds so far, and I have a LOT of loose skin. I'm so proud of you for always being truthful
  • I love a bath, and have a hard time getting out. I am about to start the journey.