The Lazy Gardener’s July Checklist: Do These 10 Things NOW

Published 2024-06-29
With so much to do in the garden right now, how can we know what to prioritize? Don't worry, Ben has got us covered with his top ten tasks to keep on top of our summer veggie garden so we can keep those harvests coming and still have time to put our feet up. Cup of mint and nettle tea, anyone?

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All Comments (21)
  • I learned from this video that flowers don't have to be open to hand pollinate! Cool!
  • @springcougar1
    Terrible start to the growing season in South Wales this year. Fingers crossed though. Its videos like this that give me hope that all is not lost. Good luck everyone! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
  • @jaytoney3007
    Here in Sylacauga Al, it has been dry and the temperature in the shade has been 39C-40C. It has been miserable! But the garden has to survivce and keep producing. I've had to switch to daily watering, twice daily for some plants. Fortunately, we've been blessed with rain yesterday and today—the first rain showers all month. I am regularly harvesting a lot of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, lemon squash, peppers, and salad onions. I have watermelon and cantaloupe on the vine ripening, aand many of my herbs are flowering, spearmint, peppermint, catnip, cilantro, lemon thyme, basil, comfrey, and oregano. My henhouse is set up, and I am in the process of covering the chicken run with chicken wire. I can't let them free range. We have cats, and a puma that is hunting on our property. It got three of our cats this month! Until it moves on to other lands, it isn't safe to go outside at night without a loaded rifle. It has been seen in the driveway in mid-aftwernoon. In a few days, I will be planting a crop of fall potaoes, and in two weeks, I'll sow seeds for cabbage, carrots, and turnips. I can't wait for the cooler temperature of autum, and fall gardening. It is much easier to manage. Happy Gardening!
  • Sopping wet here in Niagara, Ontario, Canada. Its been hot, humid and frequently raining - feels like the rain forest. We had a strange full week of over 30c and it was hard on the garden. Now the plants are thriving and happy but it is still fairly early in the season here so no big harvests yet. Just baby tomatoes and peppers still sizing up. Lettuce is getting ready to bolt and picking very small green onions.
  • I had a pleasent surprise harvesting Garlic today, I'd had a poke around the stems trying to feel the bulb and not finding them, I forgot I'd added 2" of compost mulch after planting and the bulbs were hiding under the soil layer, they're huge!
  • It’s been a miserable spring and summer in Cornwall , but it’s not been as bad as I feared I’ve harvested two winter mash potato squash , this year I grew them in pots so I could put them in the sunniest part of the garden to catch as much as I could , so that’s a win , likewise my pot grown carrots have germinated really well, but my beans have been slugged in the raised bed however they are growing up , very few leaves but they are flowering now , so we must all take take the wins and not worry about the losses. I love your upbeat videos Ben they help me keep positive.❤️
  • @Kaimcm
    I’m so happy you posted this it really helps me out and love all your vids
  • This is the way to hand pollinate squash, it dosen't need to be more difficult.
  • Thank you for letting me know I can tap my corn, just like I do with tomatoes. Wonderful. By the way, my tomatoes are really doing great! So excited, first time to grow tomatoes from seed!!!
  • @hmgrant97
    Love the camera work, very cinematic
  • @MANNY100123
    Thank you very much! It's such a shame May was 90% rain for me so a lot of my plants are behind on growing! 😢Here's hoping for a decent harvest this year!
  • @ljgerken
    I had been looking for a fall season crop and bok choi is going to be the one! I had planted them out in spring just to deter the flea beetles, but now I can sow them for a fall harvest! Great tip. Thanks Ben!
  • Id like to add that you can also around this time get very cheap seeds and seedlings as most shops make room for other products I went nuts recently getting 30 standard seed bags for about £6.
  • @MyFocusVaries
    Your garden looks fantastic. We've had a cool spring so I'm still waiting for things so get moving, but I remind myself that things will still be growing through September so there's time! Thanks.
  • @TuttleScott
    slugs were bad here also. between them and some bad seeds my garden was very late getting going this year. good old squash never fails me and had a lot of tomato plants come up from compost I transplanted so all wasnt lost.
  • @lew381
    This is gold! Very cool man thankyou
  • @HomerSlated
    Summer still cancelled up here in Scotland - I've actually had my heating on all week, but at least the tatties are growing well. Unfortunately my begonias have been completely ripped to shreds by the endless winds. I think I'll just have to grow them indoors from now on.
  • @Hypnowally
    After a slow start my allotment just got going. A couple of weeks behind but looking forward to some fresh produce. Great video 👍
  • @DanFree7
    Being a man, it's my duty to pollinate the flowers in the garden too 😉