What’s Wrong With Being Flat-Chested? Ft. Aiken Chia | TDK Podcast #79

Published 2022-03-17
Are dad-bods and small boobs in trend? Body insecurities, hate comments, and what it takes to be famous.

00:45 How Chrysan Lee handled hate comments
2:00 Are we surprised that she got hate comments?
2:50 How John interprets 'airport' comments
5:20 How Jade Rasif handles sexual/hate comments
6:55 How Aiken handles hate comments online
9:00 Women grow up with mums commenting on their bodies
9:20 Denise's theory on how to get small boobs
10:30 Why do humans have permanent breasts?
12:30 How to rid a clogged nipple
13:20 Are big-breasted woman made for handsome men?
14:00 Does being hungry affect your breast size preference?
15:30 Aiken growing up obese
18:15 When and why did dad bods become a thing?
20:10 Is it wrong to tell your partner they gained weight?
24:50 Jade Rasif's plastic surgery
25:15 Is it toxic positivity, fat-shaming or concern?
27:30 How to tell your partner they gained weight
27:58 How Dan used to be insecure because he was skinny
29"30 JP's moobs and hunching
30:15 Should we have our identity tied to our social media?

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• Johnathan Chua instagram.com/johnathanchua/
• Daniel Lim instagram.com/danlim11/
• Jonathan Paul instagram.com/jonathanpaul.sxw/
• Denise Oh instagram.com/ohthedenise/

Behind the Cam:
• Nashrul Merza
• Julian Chin
• Hisyam Osman
• Daren Khek
• Charlene Goh

Edited by:
Sherlene Lau

All Comments (21)
  • @usernameerrorxx
    But many women have their bodies change after pregnancy which are out of their control (e.g. stretch marks, loose skin, cellulite, slower metabolism)... Would it be right for their husbands to devalue them after so much sacrifice to bring a child into this world? And this is assuming they maintain a healthy diet and exercise after childbirth... On top of that, I think it's undeniable that body standards are way harsher on women as a result of social media. On the comment of how women shouldn't be on platforms if they cannot take the hate, I have to disagree with that. While it is true that women should have realistic expectations of how people can be mean and vile on the internet, I don't think it excuses such behaviour and that people who are victims are such comments should not speak up about it. I think the solution shouldn't be women shying away from showing their bodies to avoid such hate, but rather to call out the ones showing such hate in the first place. Because in a sense, this is a form of victim blaming. All in all, interesting episode but I think we need more women's voices on the podcast when it comes to topics like these.
  • @farland789
    Is Aiken going to be a permanent guest?
  • @hilaryho2362
    The past few episodes have been a campaign to get Ben Kheng on the show. And I am all for it 💯
  • @joyceliong8749
    There is no excuse for any hate comment. It shouldn’t be the responsibility of the victim to avoid the platform just so they won’t be bullied. I don’t agree with the argument of “if you can’t take it, then don’t be there”. It is totally within each individual’s control to be a decent human being and not to throw hate on someone else behind the anonymity of an online profile. No excuse even if they are kids cos we should teach our children better.
  • @ExtremeFlirtly
    Petition to have more female guests and voices in topics that warrant a more rounded perspective rather than imbue it with male gazes and male perspectives because as direct as it may sound, most men have zero idea the beauty and social stigma womxn have to deal with and live with. Rather jarring having to hear the general discourse regarding this topic.
  • @150Maweek
    Aiken is an awesome addition to the crew👍🏼
  • @CL-it3zy
    3:36 "If can't handle hate comments, don't be there" - this is just sweeping the problem under the rug, a form of escapism . Having said that, context is everything. If you sexualize yourself, what do you expect to hear in return? Surely nothing very decent. Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.
  • @Piguloudong
    Honestly enjoying the eps with aiken on the show!!
  • @jasonsimhy
    How to tell a believable bro story, start with "There's a study" ...
  • @nohaziq5447
    This podcast is so refreshing. This conversation really took an unexpected turn bringing up unpopular views that I'm too afraid to speak about in general lolol
  • @hasbisiddiqi791
    Gosh i really love aiken to be part of this group im actually really enjoy discussions with aiken!
  • @monkemouze5388
    Whenever i see the daily ketchup post i will always be early,I just love the positive energy and appreciate the amount of research that goes into every video.Hope you guys get to prosper and grow your channel!!
  • @deonkoh6179
    tbh the only thing i dislike about mosg vids is that they are too short lmao love all your podcast!!
  • @yvonnealexy
    Lol so nice for the guys to harmoniously say noooo laaaaa to Denise when she was calling herself fat.
  • @pohsan2873
    I personally feel that what Jonathan Paul said in 3:37 min is a little ignorant because with that he's basically normalising those comments made upon that video and for him to say "if you can't handle the nature of hate comments on a particular platform then don't put yourself out there" is way too selfish. I personally don't think that's a good piece of advice to be shared because he was indirectly saying that it's okay to leave harsh comments like that and if you can't handle people commenting stuff like that on your page then you shouldn't put it up in the first place. THAT'S A VERY WRONG WAY OF THINKING RIGHT THERE.....
  • @samuelCWM
    not fully done with the video, but would like to add that there's also this perception that guys are more thick skinned and therefore it is okay or more acceptable to shame guys for their appearance/body/looks, and I've seen post where girls in the comments will actually support the act of shaming...kind of a double standard if you ask me.
  • @toxicsnowdropz
    If you’re gonna talk about such topics that affect women maybe you should bring in an actual guest that this affects. So frustrated with some of the opinions stated here
  • @an_xon
    9:53 "Do I wanna love myself or do I wanna love chicken" maam you are i c o n i c