Uncontrolled flow | FCF talk

Published 2024-06-28
Join me on a journey through my unique relationship with the piano, a story of embracing free creative flow in both music and life. Despite never learning to read notes or knowing the keys, I play guided solely by sound, with my eyes closed. I begin with silence, followed by the wave of a single key, which holds infinite potential.

This video was created in response to a comment questioning why it is difficult to lose control in the flow. Witness how organic patterns emerge, resembling natural fractals like clouds, trees, and ocean waves. Discover the beauty of mistakes and how allowing them to guide your direction leads to unexpected serendipity.

Celebrate the refusal to be anything but exactly as you are, and experience the beauty that unfolds from within you, as you surrender to the flow.

Embrace the meditative art of Free Creative Flow, where conscious intention steps aside to let the heart speak.


The talk of Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm mentioned in 08:10 can be found in -    • Meditation is uninvited | Krishnamurti  

All Comments (3)
  • And from what I’ve observed is that your free flow of creativity of your paino, immediately attracts free creative flow in my mind and immediately tunes itself as a machine of randomness and wisdom that arises from itself. ❤
  • @Learner980
    Mind wants to seek pattern in the music but it can't as there are no set patterns. So the mind stays in unknown state