20 Pranks To REALLY Piss Someone Off

Published 2017-01-11
Need some ideas for pranks to spice up your work space or love life? Here are 20 Pranks that will REALLY piss someone off.

#10 - An Incorrect Spelling
If you can get a hold of a friend’s phone and you know the password, you can do this fun prank that is sure to drive them bonkers. Unlock their phone and go into the phone’s keyboard settings, change words like “are” to “our” and “they’re” to “there.” This prank is subtle, but if they are aware of the English language, they’ll catch on eventually.

#9 - The Terrifying Tile
If you can reach the ceiling tiles at your work, you should give this prank a try. Replace one of the tiles with a blown up realistic looking photo of the girl from the movie the Grudge or the Ring. Have an ambulance on standby too, for when the photo causes someone to have a heart attack from fright.

#8 - The Saran Van
You can use this prank on any type of car, just make sure you brought enough saran wrap to go around. This trick is easy, but it does take some time. It is easiest to use a piece of tape to initially hold the end of the saran wrap as you wind around the car. Keep wrapping the car until you have a cover about 6 to 7 layers deep. Make sure you are close by when they reach their car so you can have the best view as the try to tear off all that saran wrap.

#7 - The Zip Tie Fanatic
Ever get tired of your boyfriend playing the same video game over and over? Here’s how to buy yourself some time free from that new release, zip tie the crap out of it. Make sure the disc is in the case and use at least 50-60 zip ties and zip them tight. The harder it is for him to cut them off, the more quality time you’ll have. That is if he’s speaking to you still.

#6 - The New Scent of Deodorant
Use this prank to the extreme and only do it to a friend that plays sports and is about to go to a big game, it’ll be classic. This prank consists of taking a friend, or whoever’s deodorant and replacing the scent bar with cream cheese. Not only is it hilarious, but if the pranked successfully uses it before a big game or match, they’ll start smelling like BO and cheese, which is not a pleasant combination.

#5 - The Mayo Donut
This is a perfect representation of two things that are great separate and just awful together. Want to seem like a nice friend? Buy some donuts, the kind without holes of course, and fill a ziplock with mayonnaise and cut the tip off the bag. Then fill up each of those beauties with the tang of mayo and line them up in the donut box. Watch and wait; soon you’ll see your friend’s face contort when they taste what they thought was a delicious cream filled donut.

#4 - A Different Kind of Green Thumb
This prank is one you’ll have to start ahead of time to begin seeing results. Once you’ve gotten ahold of someone’s keyboard, carefully remove all of the keys and start stuffing pieces of wet tissue between each of the buttons. Next, you add small seeds and reassemble the keyboard. After a few days, you should start to see little seedlings popping up around the keys. Since the results can’t be seen for a few days, you can keep it completely anonymous.

#3 - The Apple Prank
A lot of people have heard of this apple trick, but it still works because people are so gullible. The prank consists of taking onions, peeling off the skin, dipping them in caramel sauce and sticking them with popsicle sticks, so they look like candied apples. When a person takes a bite, they’ll be overwhelmed with the disgusting taste of raw onion rather the sweet of a caramel apple.

#2 - The Saran Wrap Toilet Cover
Not only is this prank gross, but it can be kind of cruel as well. It is simple enough to prepare; grab a roll of saran wrap, attach the end of the wrap to the edge of the toilet and pull it across and make sure it remains tight. You can add as many layers as you want, just make sure the toilet bowl is completely covered. Then the unsuspecting person goes in and does their business, and there is a complete mess all over the floor.

#1 - Something’s Fishy
This is one of the best office pranks I’ve seen in a long time. While a coworker is out to lunch or on vacation, empty the contents of one of their desk drawers. Then, after stopping by the petshop, line the inside of their desk drawer with a leak proof trash bag, fill halfway with water, add some rocks and little plants and a few live fish. When your coworker comes back, they’ll either be happy with a new pet or displeased with the mess they now have to dispose of. Either way, it’s funny.

All Comments (21)
  • Someone breaks into your home with a gun... You run to the phone but its covered with rubber bands. You run out into your car but its covered in saran wrap. You hear the man running toward you, you run back into the house and get very thirsty from your anxiaty and open the fridge with the only liquid being "Orange Juice". You drink it and throw up. You run back upstairs. You hear the man break through the door to the house. You decide to run into the bathroom but there is a fake turd on the ground. You slowly walk away out of the bathroom. You find your smart phone but for some reason 911 wont connect. You try texting your freind but when it goes out it reads... "HELP! A DOG WITH A CUPCAKE IS GONNA MAKE ME JOIN THE KKK!". You relize that you have a pocket knife in your bathroom drawer. You open it but there is a bad with water and live fish. You hear the man break through the next door room. You break for it and the man chases you down stairs. The back door is open and you run for freedom. But then you slip on your vomit from earlier and you die. #WorstCaseScenario
  • @hynder
    For the colored teeth one, I would use red to see if they would think its blood for a second xD
  • @Leoz_poptart
    I think the tooth brush one should be red so it looks like blood 😂
  • @Crip52Crazy
    Lmaooo The way you say Number got me dying!!!
  • Noah Wade, if you're here anywhere, this is Jorja, you and your little brothers are devious and funny. Respect.
  • @marnie.tsunami
    I was watching this video while in the Living Room with my parents, and then the video started and the man shouted "piss someone off", and my parents just turned and glared at me😁
  • @Temazine
    "now lay your log in unusual places" I can't breathe
  • @bannedyaku3494
    You Know Who Is The Best Person Read the first word again
  • @krrishsapra4202
    Instead of putting ketchup in the strawberry shake we can put hot sauce
  • @alexapark5313
    The toothbrush one doesn't get me because I wash my toothbrush before I put the paste lmao
  • @dunitzgraceb826
    Red food coloring works best they will think there mouth is bleeding
  • @RekzysTheTitan
    alright what you do, if you work in an office, and you have a coworker who is never on time, take their telephone, open up the handset, put something in it to make it heavier, but only slightly more heavier, do this for a few months, and one day take the objects out, and watch them smack themselves in the face, because they expect it to be heavier and they put more force than whats needed to pick it up. i did this when i was in school but someone snitched on me after they saw the teacher smack themselves with the phone
  • @originalbrat
    I did the elastics and phone prank, yet I substituted the phone with my buddy’s jacket. And got a really good laugh.