[x] "Elio" || Elio's Gamemaker Session || [×]

Published 2024-02-23
He trails off. The hallway was finally opening up. And on the other side, it was a room. Far bigger than any of the other rooms
It was circular and the smooth floor was broken up by a stream and some moss.
The lights pulsed above.
And an arrow whizzed by his ear.

Elio headed towards the edge of the river and quickly noted his surroundings.
Five holograms.
A few trees.
One archer.
The rest of the holograms seemed to have short ranged weapons.

“Ah, finally something interesting.” Elio grinned. He ducked and weaved around a series of arrows and was vaguely aware of the two hologram cats on his heels.
He focused on the archer. With the distance closed, the hologram with the bow had no choice but to run. It must not be calibrated for hand to hand combat.
Elio contemplated using his own bow, but where was the fun in that?
Nimble and determined, he pursued his target across the room and cornered it against the river. Without hesitation, he threw his body at the hologram, tossing it, and himself, into the frigid waters.
It was a struggle, but eventually, the hologram went limp.
Elio broke the surface with a gasp as was almost immediately hit by a throwing knife.
“Oh come on.”
He said, panting as he paddled to the other side,
“Not a little break? Not even a water-” he pulled himself into shire and darted away, taking shelter behind a rocky outcropping to catch his breath, “Not even a water cat. Though, obviously your buddy over there wasn't either.”
The second hologram, the one with the throwing knives, peeked around the corner, and he swiftly ended it. He didn't take the time to tease out it's death.
The third hologram was not far behind. It charged at him, sword swinging.
Elio ducked and pulled out his small blade, catching the edge of the hologram's sword.
He spun it off the side and advanced.
From somewhere behind him, some sort of weapon had caught his back and he felt the sharp sting of what felt like a knife wound.
Ignoring it, he danced with the third hologram and ended it by pinning it against a tree and turning its own blade into its chest.
The fourth hologram also has a sword. Eager to get the fight done, he shot an arrow directly into its throat.

It was quiet.

“I know you're there.” He called stalking across the ground. He paused under the largest of the trees. Where was the fifth hologram?
The answer came from above.
A heavy weight suddenly crashing on his shoulders.
He let his legs collapse and rolled around with the biggest of all the holograms. His own strength was no use.
Its paws slammed on his shoulders, pressing him into the ground.
And for all of his quips and hubris, Elio froze.
He froze for the slightest moment, looking up into those ruthless neon eyes.
The hologram pressed harder down, claws sinking into his flesh.
He kicked up with his back legs and hit his opponent’s inner leg, causing it to buckle.
The moment of reprieve was all he needed. Elio savagely fought back. He didn't use weapons. He maimed the hologram's face and traded punches.
He bit at the hologram's throat. And attacked its legs.
It ended with the hologram stumbling to the ground and collapsing. Dying.
Elio growled viciously,

“Get up.”
He wasn't fighting a hologram anymore. Suddenly, he was nine years old, back in district twelve, killing his first victim. His abuser.
“Get up!” He snarled, attacking the already down hologram.
“You're weak!” He hissed, grabbing it by its scruff.
The hologram was heavy, but adrenaline made it possible.
He hauled the hologram up the tree branches, dragging its body up to the very top branch. He took a moment, panting,
“You. Can't. Hurt. Me.” He hissed, close to its face. And with a shove, he pushed it off the top branch, watching it fall with a detached sort of calmness. It was moments later that he would come back to his senses.
Elio took a moment to assess his wounds. A few bruises. More than enough cuts.
The only pressing thing was a gash on his right forearm. Where had that come from? He made his way down the tree and dropped his weapons to the ground. He used his utility belt as a makeshift tourniquet, tightening it with his teeth and good paw.
From there, it was cake.
He backtracked seamlessly, never once making a wrong turn.
When he finally got to the exit, he turned around, facing the long hall in which it had all started.
With an elaborate bow, he smirked,

“And the canary escapes once again.”
He finally spotted it. A scuttling bug sort of thing. That must be one of the cameras. He made eye contact with it and smiled,
“Send Imperium my love, yeah?” Ciao

TLDR in comments.
Also, new Dakoda Bloodline pride flag just dropped lmao.