☀ DAYDREAM . DTAE (+ art) ☀

Published 2022-12-31
Hello! I REALLY fell in love with this design, so I wanted to make an entry for this DTA vvv

On a bit of a time crunch as I found this very briefly before it ended, so I only had the time for this meme and this bonus entry drawing I did (it's the end card, but here's an HQ version)
https://imgur.com/a/L5CN5Gg <<<< (check it out!)

I also ended up coming up with some story/personality/bio ideas for him, so I'll add that here, too, since I see others doing so!

Regardless, I hope you all like it, and good luck to everyone! :o)

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Name: Ingvar
Pronouns: He/it
Age: 18
Height: Teeny tiny...
Species: Felinefolk
Region: Helgåstad (fictional country in my story that is inspired by Scandinavia, mostly Norway and Iceland respectively)

Being raised in the midst of a raging civil war, Ingvar was raised with the intention of being a powerful soldier by his parents who had grown much too old to handle the physical labor required in battle. From a young age, his independence and free will had been stripped from him. To blame this wholly on his parents would not be entirely correct, as the environment of living in and being raised in the midst of conflict would mess with the psyche of anyone.

When he was younger, Ingvar took pride in the role his parents had pushed on him. Due to his small stature, he would utilize the skills his parents had taught him to intimidate those who may threaten him. He happened to be very good at archery and developed an impressive sense of precision and focus because of this.

As he grew older, he learned to develop a tough exterior. He learned the hard way that combat was not the place to indulge in playtime or fun. Because of this, he tends to be very emotionally stunted as he wasn't able to learn how to properly grow and come to terms with his emotions in a healthy way. Now, whenever he gets upset, it tends to overwhelm him and he tends to shut down and close himself off from any external help, and feeling positive emotions feels unnatural and uncomfortable for him.

Eventually, after going through boot camp, he formally entered the tides of war as a soldier. Briefly after this, though, he found himself steadily growing increasingly uncomfortable with the environment around him. The noise, the shouting, the violence... He... He hated it. The thing his entire life and identity was built around, the thing he had trained for, the only thing his parents valued him for...

He didn't even like it.

After finding himself to be much more of a pacifist type, he ran away into the woods in a panic. He hid there for days without end, slowly maneuvering deeper into the thicket, the sounds of war finally fading into the distance, replaced by the sweet sounds of the blowing wind, rustling leaves, and plentiful wildlife.

Feeling too ashamed and petrified about his realization, he decided that living out his days in the forest was a better fate than forcing himself to suffer in the midst of the violence he found himself despising.

Though the environment was rough, the exterior he had grown accustomed to assisted him in the cutthroat domain that was the woods of Helgåstad. He became accustomed to the art of hunting - an art that he was quickly able to become skilled at due to his familiarity with the bow and arrow.

Despite the dangers around him, within his new surroundings, he finally was able to develop his own sense of independence and personal identity. He now is trying to grow used to this lifestyle as he learns how to flourish as his own person (or, cat, I guess). Though he still is incredibly grumpy and closed-off on the surface, those that are able to push past his exterior will find an inquisitive and brave cat who now finally is starting to know what he wants from this life of his.

Finally, after so, so very long, Ingvar is free.

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- I imagine he'd get flustered quite easily
- After living in the forest for some time, he ended up stumbling across a colony that holds similar beliefs to his about the war. Though he still decides to live on his own just a ways away, he often comes and visits the townsfolk
- If I win him, I plan on using him as a character in a fantasy-centric story I'm working on :o)