- Northhowl || TFCRP -

Published 2022-04-02

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Allegiance Description ➳ Northhowl is a large, well-muscled tom with large ears, yellow eyes, a maroon pelt, and a complicated pelt pattern.

Detailed Description ➳
Northhowl is a large, burly tom-cat with thick maroon fur. He has large, narrowed yellow-amber eyes and slightly larger-than-average ears. He has large paws and a thick muzzle, with one upper fang always sticking out on left side, and a lower one sticking out on the right. He has a light cream underbelly, paws, and dot on his chin. He's fairly tall, around 11 inches when standing up straight, and weighs about 15 pounds. He has a dark pattern of complicated spots and stripes all over his body, from head to toe. He has the same cream color in a stripe on his nose that goes all the way up his forehead and down his back. He has a long, curled tail that gives him a graceful demeanor. He has black tufts on the ends of his ears and black tufts of fur on his elbows and knees as well. Even with his strong build, he is lean and a natural runner.

Height ➳ 11 Inches

Weight ➳ 15 Pounds

Voice Claim ➳ Adam Driver

Scars ➳ N / A

Genetic Code ➳

Disabilities/Genetic abnormalities ➳

He has a tooth sticking out on either side of his muzzle, one pointing down ( left side ) and the other pointing up ( right side ). This sometimes interferes with his ability to speak and move his jaw. It often leaves his tongue sticking out a bit, leading to a dry mouth.

Mental health disorders ➳


Designer(s) ➳

- @-BooBerrixs- ( Original Design )

- N/A ( Altered Design )

- N/A ( Redesign )

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Biological Family members ➳ Traveler ( Mother, NPC, Deceased ), Asher ( Father, NPC, Deceased ), Timberwolf ( Sibling, NPC, Whereabouts are Unknown ) | If anyone wishes to be Timberwolf, please let me know! |

Adoptive Family members ➳ N/A

Friends ➳ N/A

Frenemies ➳ N/A

Enemies ➳ N/A

Crush(es) ➳ N/A

Former Crush(es) ➳ N/A

Partner ➳ N/A

Former Partner(s) ➳ N/A

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Likes ➳

- Sparring, hunting

- A peaceful environment

Dislikes ➳

- Fighting

- Too much excitement

Hobbies ➳

- Hunting, sparring

- Helping out around camp

Goals ➳

- Wants to prove himself to WindClan and be the best warrior he can be

- Eventually wants to raise a family

Habits ➳

- Northhowl tends to stay up late and sleep in

- He likes to chew and eat some of the bones in his prey

Theme Songs ➳

- RISE by League of Legends

- Toxic by BoyWithUke

- Sailing Colors by Unlike Pluto

- Brother by Kodaline

Facts ➳ TBA

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- Layout was created by @-_-Midnight-_-, filled by @-Boo_Berrixs-.

- Character belongs to @-Boo_Berrixs-.

- Music featured in the project : RISE by League of Legends, ( a short loop of ) Toxic by BoyWithUke, ( a clean version of ) Sailing Colors by Unlike Pluto, and Brother by Kodaline

- Art featured in the project created by @-Boo_Berrixs-.