art dump! ☆

Published 2022-02-06
little art dump of some things i’ve been making recently!

1) redraw of a screenshot from stranger things
2) for a dtiys on another site (mothingghost)
3) MLP fanart.. sorry
4) new year’s art!
5) me and @embark- :)!
6) more my little pony fanart. slay i guess
7) Tennis thingy with my OC lyra
8) redrawing the cover for conan gray’s song crush culture!
9) redraw of an old character
10) me!

haven’t been too active here because i’ve been busy with school, friends, improving my art and learning electric guitar! just like to keep everyone updated though in case anyone’s still interested in what i’m making!

song: stargazing by the neighbourhood
all art by me! please do not steal or heavily reference anything, but i’m available if you want art help :)