|| It Should've Been Me - Meme + AU ||

Published 2022-02-02

+ || recover and face him again. He hit her with a jab kick to the back, which sent her stumbling across the stage. She lost her footing, but recovered, clearly determined to win this. He was on top of her again almost instantly, fire blowing out of his hands. She blocked that with her water, and then made a whip out of ice. Viko hit him with a kick of her own, sending him stumbling back a bit. Before he had had time to recover, she struck him with the whip. The end of the whip was like a knife, and the tip started it's journey at the middle of his neck on the left side, managing to cut through his coat and shirt to finally be ripped out when it had cut across his whole shoulder. There was a solid line of blood on his arm, dripping onto the floor. Viko seemed to recoil, a guilty look flashed across her face. In this state, emotions didn't affect him, but pain did. He struck again, harder this time. He was able to grab her again and shove her onto her knees with just brute force. She fought the whole way, but no matter where she struck him, he didn't care. He was sure that he was bleeding all over now, but he was so close to his prize.. He reached back, a fire lighting in his hand, aiming for Viko's face. He had started to punch when something clicked in his mind. His eyes had turned from a glowing green to back into their original beautiful silver, as Viko would have called them. The first thing he felt was pain, then he saw Viko in front of him. Time seemed to slow. His left hand was raised in a hook, with possibly almost all the force he could muster packed into it. He saw her looking up at him, terrified and hurt. There were burns all over her body, almost so bad on her face that it looked like the other side of it was scarred up as well. Before he could do anything, he followed through, and Viko fell to the ground. The force from it had sent her blood flying up at him. It splattered on his face, and on his newly cut hands. He looked down at her in horror, his heart racing. He looked back at the crowd, who was cheering. / W-What have I done?! / he thought, looking back at Viko's body. He was sure she was de@d, and he, of all the people, had k!lled her. He struggled not to burst into tears, but a voice behind him made him snap back into his brainwashed sense. "Well done," Trojan says, looking at his wounded son, who he didn't even consider a son anymore. Just a weapon. Hunter stared back at him blankly. He was now trapped in his own body, a weapon to be thrown about and worn down. Later that night, he had been returned to a cell. He had snapped back out of it, immediately falling into a state of grief. "It should've been me.." he had whispered to himself. The last things he had thought of before slipping back into his brainwashed state were two words. Trapped.. forever. ♠

↳ How'd you like that? Did you cry? Y'know, I'm not even going to get into the topic about their kids, if this had happened-

↠ Credits :

↳ Art : Me! ( @-Boo_Berrixs- )

↳ Character(s) : Hunter (Mine), Trojan (Mine), and Viko (Mentioned in the story, belongs to @Mxd_Lxd)

↳ Code : @oreopupii

↳ Song : It Should've Been Me by R.I.P (This song s l a p s)

↠ Thanks for reading!

↬ Boo