Gamma Engine BETA 1.0

Published 2022-03-18
Thank you for all the positive comments! I probably won't be able to respond to most of them right now because I'm a bit busy :(

GG is now in Beta development! This is the first Beta!

Ahhhhh this was a bit rushed... I haven't even done animation keyframing support yet. Object deletion is probably difficult too... This demo doesn't show the capabilities that well either...

Things that I haven't added yet are:
Keyframe animation(not too hard)
More portal stuff(not way too hard but can be quite laggy)
Realtime Shadows(both difficult and very slow)

BUGS: Distance sort does not work oops, you can also fall through the world if you lag hard enough.

The improved BSP uses a triangle cutting method by @Vadik1. The code itself is slightly based off of their code, except it is pretty much original. You can find and compare their code here:

The Bezier code for them is (almost) directly taken from @gtoal's project:

Quaternion look-at code from Unity forums. Compare with @ggenije's code:

Much of the collision detection-response code comes from:

Song is "Wait" by C418