*Comes Back to Throw More AU at You and Runs Again*

Published 2022-01-20
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+ When he held his son for the first time, one of the things he noticed right away was his eyes. Just like his mother when he had first met her, he had observed with a smile. One was blue, and the other a noticably darker shade of blue. Abuela had put in her thoughts about that. She had said he might have two different colored eyes. Bruno thought that was fascinating. After a bit of discussion, they decided to name the little boy Tori. The next day they showed him to Elana, who had called him cute, but had also observed him as a bit boring because he was too young to play. Life was happy for the next two months. Tori got bigger until he eventually was as big as a normal baby his age, maybe just a little bit smaller still. Elana had turned nine, and had started to learn to play with her brother more gently. That peace was soon interrupted, though. One night as he was ushering Elana up to bed, Andriana ran up to him, her eyes fearful. "What is it?" he had asked. "The police from my hometown. They've come here. They're looking for me," she had explained in a rush, Tori clutched protectively against her chest. "What are we going to do?" he asked as Elana looked up at them curiously. "I'm afriad it's not 'we', Bruno," Andriana had choked out. "I have to leave." He had, of course, protested. She had denied everything he had said, especially his suggestion about them coming with her. "I have to leave /now/," she had said. He looked at her wide-eyed as she gave him Tori and wrapped Elana in a fierce hug. "It'll be alright, Mija. I'll come back, I promise." Bruno pitied his daughter, knowing she didn't understand. Tori reached out for his mother, starting to fuss. Andriana turned to her son with more tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I won't be here for your Gift ceremony. I'm sure it'll be wonderful," she whispers, k[]ssing the top of the baby's head. "Andriana.." Bruno says, a pleading note in his voice. "I'll be back. I promise," she says, k[]ssing him. "Take care of the kids." And with that she was gone. Bruno felt tears in his own eyes, which only multiplied as Elana looked up at him. "Where did Mom go?" He shook his head. "She'll be back." As he was putting Elana to bed he realized something else. He was the only one who knew the reason why Andriana had ended up here. Of why she had to leave. If he had to explain that to everyone else he risked no one trusting her when she came back. He couldn't have that. The next day he pulled Julieta aside. He knew he could trust her. He told her everything, also telling her to keep it a secret. She agreed to that. She also had agreed to accept Tori as her own son. To raise him as an equal alongside her daughters. Bruno went into hiding, waiting for a safe chance to come out. Waiting for his love to fulfil her promise. He had stayed in the walls for an unbearable amount of time, and no one knew he was there. He had even watched Tori's Gift ceremony from there. He had watched his son be granted his own door, and some.. physical abilities. He had been given large blueish-gray wings that were so big, they drug on the floor. The other feature was quite odd, Bruno had thought. Tori's ears had been turned into little wings as well. It had also turned out that he could converse with birds, not only being able to understand them, but also being able to speak to them. In their own chirps and caws. Not actually being there for the ceremony made Bruno feel terribly guilty, remembering Andriana's words to Tori five years earlier. Bruno longed for the abilty to be able to tell her that the ceremony was more wonderful than she ever would've thought. He had continued waiting in the walls. Waiting. And, finally, one day, that was all about to come true about ten years after Andriana had left, when he heard someone come into his hideout in the walls. There were two sets of footsteps that he could hear. Someone pushed open the door. It was Elana, accompanied with Tori. "Dad?" she whispered, shocked. Bruno jumped up, eyeing the both of them. "Elana?" he murmured, hardly able to recognize his grown daughter. "And you brought your brother.." ♠ | End. Long story short they end up making up, Andriana comes back, and they become the best wholesome family again >:) |

↠ Credits :

↳ Story : Me (@-Boo_Berrixs-) and @Mxd_Lxd

↳ Characters : Andriana and Tori : Me | Elana : @Mxd_Lxd | Bruno : From Encanto |

↳ Song(s) : Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's and the Childhood Meme Sound ( I SWEAR I'LL ADD MY MOTIVATION SONG LATER-)

↠ Thanks for Reading!

↬ Boo