Skelly Study

Published 2021-12-09
Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting in a long time. It's been real busy. I don't even know why I've been making this scratch project I'm supposed to be working on my final projects in school right now.

I guess I just wanted to do something for Christmas! There's been lots of ups and downs in my life lately, but I've been getting really excited for Christmas! I even set up some lights in my room around my desk :D

This room in the project is based off of my real room, but some stuff is moved around so that the project works out. Click around and gain motivation for me! xD
You can CLICK ON THE INFO BUTTON in the bottom corner to learn about some of my prized possessions, and see how much GLOBAL MOTIVATION has been gained. Have fun!

Alright so how about an update on what I've been doing all year? Well, I filled these semesters and the rest of my high school schedules with almost the max amount of credits cause I wanted to fit in all these animation classes that I want to take before college. They're college level classes since I'm doing an early college program to see if I can get a certificate or possibly even an associates in 3D animation. I've been having lots of fun with learning 3D software and professional cinematography, story creating, art, and animation. But yeah, I've simply been busy.
After I finished Unfamous, I had all these personal projects I wanted to do that I had put aside so I could animate all day every day to finish Unfamous. I got pretty burnt out from that, and so I was taking a break from scratch to do all these things I had been wanting to do. Then school got busy, and I pushed some of them aside till summer. Summer came and I finally could relax and do all the art and other things I had been wanting to do. With all my own projects, along with vacation and a few campouts, summer flew by in an instant. School started back up, and I've been desperately trying to do some other things but school is taking up all my time, along with sleeping. Why do we need 7 hours of sleep? It's so annoying. I've tried getting less but that just results in me being unable to work efficiently and I end up getting even less done. Scratch has been just about the last thing on my mind all year, and I've been lacking motivation for it.

For more on updates of life, here's some interesting things that happened to me this year:

-I got my Driver's license and past that darn driving test! Funny story, at the end of the test after I parked, my instructor turned to me and started his sentence with "Unfortunately..." and that scared me to death before he said "you're gonna have to take this to secretary of state because you passed." Apparently he likes messing with people and does that to everyone, lol

-Also I became an uncle! My oldest brother (not Storm) got married in the summer last year, and they just had their first child. She's my niece, and I'm gonna get to see her for the first time when they come to visit for Christmas!

So yeah, life's been crazy.
I am very torn between taking a well deserved break over the holidays, or using that time to work since I could finally get other things down since I'll have school off for a few weeks. I can't decide. I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I've most certainly been over worked, and haven't had almost any time for scratch. Most of the time I worked on this project was actually during math class for the past week or so. I've been trying to multitask a lot, but that doesn't turn out very well. So yeah, I'll figure something out. I may be spending some time on scratch for Christmas break, but after that who knows.

If you read all that, I'm not sure why you did, but thanks. Your support means a lot to me. I hope you and I can both have a merry Christmas!
Till next time